Roundpin has been successfully installed !
You can use the administrator username and password that you have just set up to login to Roundpin here:


If you want to run the installation process again, edit the install-signup-check.php file and change

$installcheck = false;
$installcheck = true;

'; // Change $installcheck from 'true' to 'false' $setupflcontent = file('install-signup-check.php'); foreach ($setupflcontent as $flkey => $flvalue) { if (strpos($flvalue, "\$installcheck") !== false) { $replacestr = str_replace("true", "false", $flvalue); $setupflcontent[$flkey] = $replacestr; break; } } $finalfilecontent = implode("", $setupflcontent); file_put_contents('install-signup-check.php', $finalfilecontent); $_SESSION['instcompleteaccess'] = "denyinstaccess"; ?> Roundpin Setup

Roundpin Setup