/** * @copyright 2021 Double Bastion LLC * * @author Double Bastion LLC * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with this program. If not, see . * */ $(document).ready(function() { var userid = ""; // Delete from the database all the received messages older than the specified period $("#delOldrecSMS").on("click", function() { var oldrecInterval = $("#oldrecSmsInterval").val(); var procoldrecint = oldrecInterval.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ""); var finaloldrecint = parseInt(procoldrecint); if (finaloldrecint == "" || !$.isNumeric(finaloldrecint)) { showAlert("Please enter the number of days in the box from above !"); } else { var getRecUrl = OC.generateUrl("/apps/sms_relentless/user/getreceivedtablefordel"); $('#smstables').addClass('icon-loading'); $.ajax({ url: getRecUrl + '/' + userid, method: "GET", dataType:'text', success: function(recinfoFromDB) { var parsedinfo = $.parseJSON(recinfoFromDB); if (parsedinfo == "not permitted") { showAlert("Only admins can remove old messages using this option!"); $('#smstables').removeClass('icon-loading'); return; } else { var recmessagedbIDs = []; var oldrecRows = []; oldrecRows.push("id,user_id,message_id,date,from,to,message,author_displayname,internal_sender\r\n"); var targetdate = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - finaloldrecint)); for (var j = 0; j < parsedinfo.length; j++) { var firstdate = parsedinfo[j].date; var secdate = firstdate.split(" "); var thirddate = secdate[0].split("-"); var fourthdate = secdate[1].split(":"); var pastdate = new Date(thirddate[0],(thirddate[1]-1),thirddate[2],fourthdate[0],fourthdate[1],fourthdate[2]); if (pastdate < targetdate) { recmessagedbIDs.push(parsedinfo[j].id); // Check if the message contains characters that must be escaped in the final CSV file if ((parsedinfo[j].message.indexOf(',') > -1 || /\r|\n|\r\n/.exec(parsedinfo[j].message)) && parsedinfo[j].message.indexOf('"') === -1) { var messageproc = '"'+ parsedinfo[j].message + '"'; } else if (parsedinfo[j].message.indexOf('"') > -1) { var messageproc = '"'+ parsedinfo[j].message.replace(/"/g,'""') + '"'; } oldrecRows.push(parsedinfo[j].id + ',' + parsedinfo[j].user_id + ',' + parsedinfo[j].message_id + ',' + parsedinfo[j].date + ',' + parsedinfo[j].from + ',' + parsedinfo[j].to + ',' + messageproc + ',' + parsedinfo[j].author_displayname + ',' + parsedinfo[j].internal_sender + '\r\n'); } } if (oldrecRows.length == 1) { showAlert("No messages will be deleted since there are no messages older than " + finaloldrecint + " days."); // Save in a '.csv' file all the received messages that will be deleted from the database, then delete them } else { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete all the received messages older than " + finaloldrecint + " days ?")) { var deloldrecRowsUrl = OC.generateUrl("/apps/sms_relentless/user/saveoldrecrows"); $.ajax({ url: deloldrecRowsUrl + '/' + userid, method: "POST", dataType:'text', data: { oldrecRows: oldrecRows }, success: function(savecheck) { // Delete received messages from the database var delrecDbSmsUrl = OC.generateUrl("/apps/sms_relentless/user/removerecrows"); if (savecheck == 1) { $.ajax({ url: delrecDbSmsUrl + '/' + userid, method: "POST", dataType:'text', data: { recmessagedbIDs: recmessagedbIDs }, success: function() { showAlert((oldrecRows.length - 1)+" rows have been successfully saved in the 'SMS_relentless/removed_received_messages' directory and then deleted from the database !"); $('#smstables').removeClass('icon-loading'); }, error: function() { showAlert("There was an error while deleting the messages older than the specified period!"); $('#smstables').removeClass('icon-loading'); } }); } else { showAlert("There was an error while saving the messages older than the specified period!"); } $('#smstables').removeClass('icon-loading'); }, error: function() { showAlert("There was an error while saving and/or deleting the messages older than the specified period!"); $('#smstables').removeClass('icon-loading'); } }); } } } }, error: function() { showAlert("An error occurred while getting data from the database!"); $('#smstables').removeClass('icon-loading'); } }); } }); // Delete from the database all the sent messages older than the specified period $("#delOldsentSMS").on("click", function() { var oldsentInterval = $("#oldsentSmsInterval").val(); var procoldsentint = oldsentInterval.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ""); var finaloldsentint = parseInt(procoldsentint); if (finaloldsentint == "" || !$.isNumeric(finaloldsentint)) { showAlert("Please enter the number of days in the box above !"); } else { var getSentUrl = OC.generateUrl("/apps/sms_relentless/user/getsenttablefordel"); $('#smstables').addClass('icon-loading'); $.ajax({ url: getSentUrl + '/' + userid, method: "GET", dataType:'text', success: function(sentinfoFromDB) { var parsedsentinfo = $.parseJSON(sentinfoFromDB); if (parsedsentinfo == "not permitted") { showAlert("Only admins can remove old messages using this option!"); $('#smstables').removeClass('icon-loading'); return; } else { var sentmessagedbIDs = []; var oldsentRows = []; oldsentRows.push("id,user_id,message_id,date,from,to,network,price,status,deliveryreceipt,message,author_displayname\r\n"); var senttargetdate = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - finaloldsentint)); for (var j = 0; j < parsedsentinfo.length; j++) { var firstdate = parsedsentinfo[j].date; var secdate = firstdate.split(" "); var thirddate = secdate[0].split("-"); var fourthdate = secdate[1].split(":"); var sentpastdate = new Date(thirddate[0],(thirddate[1]-1),thirddate[2],fourthdate[0],fourthdate[1],fourthdate[2]); if (sentpastdate < senttargetdate) { sentmessagedbIDs.push(parsedsentinfo[j].id); // Check if the message contains characters that must be escaped in the final CSV file if ((parsedsentinfo[j].message.indexOf(',') > -1 || /\r|\n|\r\n/.exec(parsedsentinfo[j].message)) && parsedsentinfo[j].message.indexOf('"') === -1) { var messageproc = '"'+ parsedsentinfo[j].message + '"'; } else if (parsedsentinfo[j].message.indexOf('"') > -1) { var messageproc = '"'+ parsedsentinfo[j].message.replace(/"/g,'""') + '"'; } if ((parsedsentinfo[j].network.indexOf(',') > -1 || /\r|\n|\r\n/.exec(parsedsentinfo[j].network)) && parsedsentinfo[j].network.indexOf('"') === -1) { var networkproc = '"'+ parsedsentinfo[j].network + '"'; } else if (parsedsentinfo[j].network.indexOf('"') > -1) { var networkproc = '"'+ parsedsentinfo[j].network.replace(/"/g,'""') + '"'; } if ((parsedsentinfo[j].status.indexOf(',') > -1 || /\r|\n|\r\n/.exec(parsedsentinfo[j].status)) && parsedsentinfo[j].status.indexOf('"') === -1) { var statusproc = '"'+ parsedsentinfo[j].status + '"'; } else if (parsedsentinfo[j].status.indexOf('"') > -1) { var statusproc = '"'+ parsedsentinfo[j].status.replace(/"/g,'""') + '"'; } oldsentRows.push(parsedsentinfo[j].id + ',' + parsedsentinfo[j].user_id + ',' + parsedsentinfo[j].message_id + ',' + parsedsentinfo[j].date + ',' + parsedsentinfo[j].from + ',' + parsedsentinfo[j].to + ',' + networkproc + ',' + parsedsentinfo[j].price + ',' + statusproc + ',' + parsedsentinfo[j].deliveryreceipt + ',' + messageproc + ',' + parsedsentinfo[j].author_displayname + '\r\n'); } } if (oldsentRows.length == 1) { showAlert("No messages will be deleted since there are no messages older than " + finaloldsentint + " days."); // Save in a '.csv' file all the sent messages that will be deleted from the database, then delete them } else { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete all the sent messages older than " + finaloldsentint + " days ?")) { var deloldsentRowsUrl = OC.generateUrl("/apps/sms_relentless/user/saveoldsentrows"); $.ajax({ url: deloldsentRowsUrl + '/' + userid, method: "POST", dataType:'text', data: { oldsentRows: oldsentRows }, success: function(savesentcheck) { // Delete sent messages from the database var delsentDbSmsUrl = OC.generateUrl("/apps/sms_relentless/user/removesentrows"); if (savesentcheck == 1) { $.ajax({ url: delsentDbSmsUrl + '/' + userid, method: "POST", dataType:'text', data: { sentmessagedbIDs: sentmessagedbIDs }, success: function() { showAlert((oldsentRows.length - 1) + " rows have been successfully saved in the 'SMS_relentless/removed_sent_messages' directory and then deleted from the database !"); $('#smstables').removeClass('icon-loading'); }, error: function() { showAlert("There was an error while deleting the messages older than the specified period!"); $('#smstables').removeClass('icon-loading'); } }); } else { showAlert("There was an error while saving the messages older than the specified period!"); } $('#smstables').removeClass('icon-loading'); }, error: function() { showAlert("There was an error while saving and/or deleting the messages older than the specified period!"); $('#smstables').removeClass('icon-loading'); } }); } } } }, error: function() { showAlert("An error occurred while getting data from the database!"); $('#smstables').removeClass('icon-loading'); } }); } }); function showAlert(alertText) { let alertwnd = "
"; alertwnd += ""; alertwnd += "
"+ alertText +"
"; alertwnd += ""; alertwnd += "
"; $("#content").append("
"); $("#content").append(alertwnd); let topDist = parseInt((window.innerHeight / 2).toFixed(2) - 152) +"px"; let leftDist = parseInt((window.innerWidth / 2).toFixed(2) - 150) +"px"; $("#alertMessage").css({ "top" : topDist, "left" : leftDist }); $("#closeAlertWnd").click(function() { $("#alertMsgOverlay").remove(); $("#alertMessage").remove(); }); $("#alertMsgOverlay").click(function() { $("#alertMsgOverlay").remove(); $("#alertMessage").remove(); }); $("#alertOk").click(function() { $("#alertMsgOverlay").remove(); $("#alertMessage").remove(); }); } });