* * @author Double Bastion LLC * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with this program. If not, see . * */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace OCA\SMSRelentless\Controller; use OCP\IRequest; use OCP\AppFramework\Controller; use OCA\SMSRelentless\Service\SmsrelentlessService; use OCP\AppFramework\App; use OC\Http\Client\Client; use OCP\Files\SimpleFS\ISimpleFile; use OCP\Files\SimpleFS\ISimpleFolder; use OCP\IL10N; use OCP\Files\Folder; use OCP\IConfig; use OC\Files\Filesystem; use OC\Files\View; use \ReflectionClass; use \FilesystemIterator; use \DateTime; use \DateInterval; use OCP\AppFramework\Http\DataResponse; use OCP\Files\NotFoundException; use OCP\Files\NotPermittedException; use Plivo\RestClient; use OCP\IURLGenerator; use OCP\Share\IManager; use OCP\Constants; use OCP\IGroupManager; use OCP\IDBConnection; use OCP\IUserManager; class SmsrelentlessController extends Controller { private $service; private $config; private $userId; private $folder; private $filesystem; private $view; private $urlGenerator; private $shareManager; private $groupManager; private $connection; private $userManager; public function __construct($appName, IRequest $request, SmsrelentlessService $service, IConfig $config, $userId, Folder $folder, Filesystem $filesystem, View $view, IURLGenerator $urlGenerator, IManager $shareManager, IGroupManager $groupManager, IDBConnection $connection, IUserManager $userManager) { parent::__construct($appName, $request); $this->service = $service; $this->config = $config; $this->userId = $userId; $this->folder = $folder; $this->filesystem = $filesystem; $this->view = $view; $this->urlGenerator = $urlGenerator; $this->shareManager = $shareManager; $this->groupManager = $groupManager; $this->connection = $connection; $this->userManager = $userManager; } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function object_to_array($obj) { if (is_object($obj)) $obj = (array)$this->dismount($obj); if (is_array($obj)) { $new = array(); foreach($obj as $key => $val) { $new[$key] = $this->object_to_array($val); } } else $new = $obj; return $new; } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function dismount($object) { $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass(get_class($object)); $array = array(); foreach ($reflectionClass->getProperties() as $property) { $property->setAccessible(true); $array[$property->getName()] = $property->getValue($object); $property->setAccessible(false); } return $array; } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function getbalancetel($userId) { $telsmsapicred = $this->service->getapicredentials($this->userId); $telapikey = $telsmsapicred[0]; $ch = curl_init(); $headerstel = array("Content-Type: application/json", "Accept: application/json", "Authorization: Bearer ".$telapikey); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://api.telnyx.com/v2/balance"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headerstel); $responsetel = curl_exec($ch); $recdatatel = json_decode($responsetel, TRUE); $telbalresponse = $recdatatel['data']['balance']; $currentbalancetel = round(floatval($telbalresponse), 3); curl_close($ch); return $currentbalancetel; } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function getbalancenex($userId) { $smsapicred = $this->service->getapicredentials($this->userId); $smsapikey = $smsapicred[5]; $smsapisecret = $smsapicred[6]; if ($smsapikey == '' || $smsapisecret == '') { $currentbalancenex = "N/A"; } else { $getmesdata = "https://".$smsapikey.":".$smsapisecret."@api.plivo.com/v1/Account/".$smsapikey."/"; $mesdata = file_get_contents($getmesdata); $datainit = json_decode($mesdata); $balancenex = $datainit->cash_credits; $currentbalancenex = round(floatval($balancenex), 3); } return $currentbalancenex; } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function getbalancetwil($userId) { $smsapicred = $this->service->getapicredentials($this->userId); $smsapisid = $smsapicred[15]; $smsapitoken = $smsapicred[16]; if ($smsapisid == '' || $smsapitoken == '') { $currentbalancetwil = "N/A"; } else { $twilbalance = json_decode(file_get_contents("https://".$smsapisid.":".$smsapitoken."@api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/".$smsapisid."/Balance.json")); $balancetwil = $twilbalance->balance; $currentbalancetwil = round(floatval($balancetwil), 3); } return $currentbalancetwil; } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function getbalanceflow($userId) { $currentbalanceflow = 'n/a'; return $currentbalanceflow; } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function getsmsnumbers($userId) { $smsapicred = $this->service->getapicredentials($this->userId); $telnyxkey = $smsapicred[0]; $nexapikey = $smsapicred[5]; $nexapisecret = $smsapicred[6]; $twilapikey = $smsapicred[15]; $twilapisecret = $smsapicred[16]; $flowapikey = $smsapicred[20]; $flowapisecret = $smsapicred[21]; $telsendernameinit = $smsapicred[9]; $nexsendernameinit = $smsapicred[10]; $twilsendernameinit = $smsapicred[19]; if ($telsendernameinit) { $telsendername = "Tx: " . $telsendernameinit; $telsenderarr = [0 => $telsendername]; } else { $telsenderarr = []; } if ($nexsendernameinit) { $nexsendername = "Pl: " . $nexsendernameinit; $nexsenderarr = [0 => $nexsendername]; } else { $nexsenderarr = []; } if ($twilsendernameinit) { $twilsendername = "Tw: " . $twilsendernameinit; $twilsenderarr = [0 => $twilsendername]; } else { $twilsenderarr = []; } // Get Telnyx phone numbers if ($telnyxkey != '') { \Telnyx\Telnyx::setApiKey($telnyxkey); $telnumbers = \Telnyx\MessagingPhoneNumber::All(); $telnumbersarr = $this->object_to_array($telnumbers); $telnmbrs = []; foreach ($telnumbersarr['_originalValues'] as $nmbkey => $nmbvalue) { if (is_int($nmbkey)) { foreach ($nmbvalue as $nkey => $nvalue) { if ($nkey == 'phone_number' && $nvalue) { $telnmbrs[] = "Tx: " . $nvalue; } } } } } else { $telnmbrs = []; } // Get Plivo phone numbers if ($nexapikey != '' && $nexapisecret != '') { $getacdata = "https://".$nexapikey.":".$nexapisecret."@api.plivo.com/v1/Account/".$nexapikey."/Number/"; $acdata = file_get_contents($getacdata); $datainit = json_decode($acdata, true); $findata = $this->object_to_array($datainit); $nexcurrentnmbrs = []; foreach ($findata['objects'] as $smskey => $smsvalue) { if (is_array($smsvalue)) { foreach ($smsvalue as $smskey2 => $smsvalue2) { if ($smskey2 == 'number' && $smsvalue2) { $nexcurrentnmbrs[] = "Pl: +" . $smsvalue2; } } } } } else { $nexcurrentnmbrs = []; } // Get Twilio phone numbers if ($twilapikey != '' && $twilapisecret != '') { $twilnumbers = json_decode(file_get_contents("https://".$twilapikey.":".$twilapisecret."@api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/".$twilapikey."/IncomingPhoneNumbers.json"), true); $twilactivenmbrs = $twilnumbers['incoming_phone_numbers']; $twilcurrentnmbrs = []; foreach ($twilactivenmbrs as $twnbkey => $twnbvalue) { if (is_array($twnbvalue)) { foreach ($twnbvalue as $twfkey => $twfvalue) { if ($twfkey == 'phone_number' && $twfvalue) { $twilcurrentnmbrs[] = "Tw: " . $twfvalue; } } } } } else { $twilcurrentnmbrs = []; } // Get Flowroute phone numbers if ($flowapikey != '' && $flowapisecret != '') { $flnbrsresult = json_decode(file_get_contents("https://".$flowapikey.":".$flowapisecret."@api.flowroute.com/v2/numbers")); $flnbrsarr = $flnbrsresult->data; $flowcurrentnmbrs = []; foreach ($flnbrsarr as $flkey => $flitem) { if ($flitem->id) { $flowcurrentnmbrs[] = "Fl: +" . $flitem->id; } } } else { $flowcurrentnmbrs = []; } $currentnmbrs = array_merge($telnmbrs, $nexcurrentnmbrs, $twilcurrentnmbrs, $flowcurrentnmbrs, $telsenderarr, $nexsenderarr, $twilsenderarr); if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($this->userId)) { return $currentnmbrs; } else { // Get the restrictions from the 'sms_relent_restrict' table $getrestr = $this->connection->prepare(' SELECT `phone_number`, `groups`, `users` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_restrict`'); $getrestrres = $getrestr->execute(); $restrdata = []; while ($restrfetched = $getrestrres->fetch()) { $restrdata[] = $restrfetched; } $getrestrres->closeCursor(); if ($restrdata) { // Get the groups to which the current user belongs $usrId = $this->userId; $getusrgrp = $this->connection->prepare(' SELECT `gid`, `uid` FROM `*PREFIX*group_user` WHERE `uid` = ?'); $getusrgrpres = $getusrgrp->execute([$usrId]); $usergrps = []; while ($fetchedgrps = $getusrgrpres->fetch()) { $usergrps[] = $fetchedgrps['gid']; } $getusrgrpres->closeCursor(); $ctusergroups = implode("|", $usergrps); // Get the Display Name of the current user $getacdatadn = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `name` = ?'); $getacdatadnres = $getacdatadn->execute([$usrId, 'displayname']); $acdatausrdnadm = $getacdatadnres->fetch(); $cruserdname = $acdatausrdnadm['value']; $getacdatadnres->closeCursor(); // Get the phone numbers that are not allowed for the current user $restrPhoneNb = []; foreach ($restrdata as $rskey => $rsvalue) { $chck = 0; if ($rsvalue['groups']) { $restrgrparr = explode("|", $rsvalue['groups']); foreach ($restrgrparr as $grkey => $grvalue) { if (str_contains($ctusergroups, $grvalue)) { $chck++; } } } if ($rsvalue['users']) { $usrnmstr = $rsvalue['users']; if (str_contains($usrnmstr, $cruserdname)) { $chck++; } } if ($chck == 0) { $restrPhoneNb[] = $rsvalue['phone_number']; } } $restrPhoneNmbrs = array_unique($restrPhoneNb); // Assemble the array of phone numbers that the current user is allowed to use for ($k = 0; $k < count($currentnmbrs); $k++) { if (in_array($currentnmbrs[$k], $restrPhoneNmbrs)) { unset($currentnmbrs[$k]); } } $currentnmbrsrstr = array_values($currentnmbrs); return $currentnmbrsrstr; } else { return $currentnmbrs; } } } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function cleantempdir($userId) { // Create the temporary folder if it doesn't exist if ($this->folder->nodeExists('SMS_Relentless/temp_files') == false) { $this->folder->newFolder('SMS_Relentless/temp_files'); } $datadir = $this->config->getSystemValue('datadirectory', \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/data') . '/'; $targetdir = $datadir . $this->userId . "/files/SMS_Relentless/temp_files"; $fileSystemIterator = new FilesystemIterator($targetdir); $dirfiles = []; foreach ($fileSystemIterator as $fileInfo){ $dirfiles[] = $fileInfo->getFilename(); } foreach ($dirfiles as $key => $indfile) { $thisuserroot = $this->view->getRoot(); $tempfile = $thisuserroot . "/SMS_Relentless/temp_files/" . $indfile; $removetmpfile = $this->filesystem->unlink($tempfile); } } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function uploadNumbersFile($userId, $uploadfileforsms) { // Create the temporary folder if it doesn't exist if ($this->folder->nodeExists('SMS_Relentless/temp_files') == false) { $this->folder->newFolder('SMS_Relentless/temp_files'); } // First delete any file that has been previously uploaded $datadir = $this->config->getSystemValue('datadirectory', \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/data') . '/'; $targetdir = $datadir . $this->userId . "/files/SMS_Relentless/temp_files"; $fileSystemIterator = new FilesystemIterator($targetdir); $dirfiles = []; foreach ($fileSystemIterator as $fileInfo){ $dirfiles[] = $fileInfo->getFilename(); } foreach ($dirfiles as $key => $indfile) { $thisuserroot = $this->view->getRoot(); $tempfile = $thisuserroot . "/SMS_Relentless/temp_files/" . $indfile; $removetmpfile = $this->filesystem->unlink($tempfile); } // Upload the new file $fileContent = file_get_contents($_FILES['uploadfileforsms']['tmp_name']); $fileName = $_FILES['uploadfileforsms']['name']; $userroot = $this->view->getRoot(); $targetfile = $userroot . "/SMS_Relentless/temp_files/" . $fileName; $target = $this->folder->newFile($targetfile); $target->putContent($fileContent); // Extract the phone numbers from the file $numberarraysec = str_replace(array(";", "|", "\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t"), ",", $fileContent); $numberarraytert = preg_replace("/[^0-9,]/", "", $numberarraysec); $numberarrayfourth = explode(",", $numberarraytert); $numberarrayfifth = array_filter(array_map('trim', $numberarrayfourth)); $numberarray = array_unique($numberarrayfifth); return $numberarray; } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function uploadfile($uploadfileformms) { $fileContent = file_get_contents($_FILES['uploadfileformms']['tmp_name']); $fileName = $_FILES['uploadfileformms']['name']; $fileSizeinit = $_FILES['uploadfileformms']['size']; $fileSize = $fileSizeinit / 1024; if ($this->folder->nodeExists('SMS_Relentless/temp_files') == false) { $this->folder->newFolder('SMS_Relentless/temp_files'); } $userroot = $this->view->getRoot(); $targetfile = $userroot . "/SMS_Relentless/temp_files/" . $fileName; $target = $this->folder->newFile($targetfile); $target->putContent($fileContent); // Get the cumulative files size of the uploaded files $datadir = $this->config->getSystemValue('datadirectory', \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/data') . '/'; $targetdir = $datadir . $this->userId . "/files/SMS_Relentless/temp_files"; $fileSystemIterator = new FilesystemIterator($targetdir); $dirfiles = []; foreach ($fileSystemIterator as $fileInfo){ $dirfiles[] = $fileInfo->getFilename(); } $totalflsizeinit = 0; foreach ($dirfiles as $key => $indfile) { $fileSizeinit = $this->filesystem->filesize($userroot . "/SMS_Relentless/temp_files/" . $indfile); $mbSize = round($fileSizeinit / 1024, 4); $totalflsizeinit += $mbSize; } $totalflsize = round($totalflsizeinit, 4); return $totalflsize; } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function pickfile($path) { if ($this->folder->nodeExists('SMS_Relentless/temp_files') == false) { $this->folder->newFolder('SMS_Relentless/temp_files'); } $datadir = $this->config->getSystemValue('datadirectory', \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/data') . '/'; $fltgt = $datadir . $this->userId . "/files" . $path; $fileContent = file_get_contents($fltgt); $pkfilesize = round(filesize($fltgt) / 1024, 4); $patharr = explode("/", $path); $revarr = array_reverse($patharr); $relflpath = "/SMS_Relentless/temp_files/" . $revarr[0]; $target = $this->folder->newFile($relflpath); $target->putContent($fileContent); // Get the cumulative files size of the uploaded files $targetdir = $datadir . $this->userId . "/files/SMS_Relentless/temp_files"; $fileSystemIterator = new FilesystemIterator($targetdir); $dirfiles = []; foreach ($fileSystemIterator as $fileInfo) { $dirfiles[] = $fileInfo->getFilename(); } $totalflsizeinit = 0; foreach ($dirfiles as $key => $indfile) { $fileSizeinit = $this->filesystem->filesize("/SMS_Relentless/temp_files/" . $indfile); $mbSize = round($fileSizeinit / 1024, 4); $totalflsizeinit += $mbSize; } $totalflsize = round($totalflsizeinit, 4); $pickresult = [$totalflsize, $pkfilesize]; return $pickresult; } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function removeupfile($removedfilename) { $tmpfl = "/" . $this->userId . "/files/SMS_Relentless/temp_files/" . $removedfilename; $removefile = $this->view->unlink($tmpfl); // Get the cumulative files size of the uploaded files $datadir = $this->config->getSystemValue('datadirectory', \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/data') . '/'; $targetdir = $datadir . $this->userId . "/files/SMS_Relentless/temp_files"; $fileSystemIterator = new FilesystemIterator($targetdir); $dirfiles = []; foreach ($fileSystemIterator as $fileInfo){ $dirfiles[] = $fileInfo->getFilename(); } $totalflsizeinit = 0; foreach ($dirfiles as $key => $indfile) { $fileSizeinit = $this->filesystem->filesize("/SMS_Relentless/temp_files/" . $indfile); $mbSize = round($fileSizeinit / 1024, 4); $totalflsizeinit += $mbSize; } $totalflsize = round($totalflsizeinit, 4); return $totalflsize; } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function sendsmstel($userId, $receiversPhoneNbs, $fromsender, $waitinterval, $sentsmstext, $ismms, $mmsfiles) { $telsmsapicred = $this->service->getapicredentials($this->userId); $telnyxkey = $telsmsapicred[0]; $teldelrecurl = $telsmsapicred[3]; $messagingprofid = $telsmsapicred[4]; \Telnyx\Telnyx::setApiKey($telnyxkey); $microinterval = $waitinterval * 1000; foreach ($receiversPhoneNbs as $keytel => $tonumber) { usleep($microinterval); $messagedate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if ($ismms == 0) { if (preg_match('/[A-Za-z]+/', $fromsender)) { $message = \Telnyx\Message::Create(["from" => $fromsender, "to" => $tonumber, "text" => $sentsmstext, "webhook_url" => $teldelrecurl, "messaging_profile_id" => $messagingprofid]); } else { $message = \Telnyx\Message::Create(["from" => $fromsender, "to" => $tonumber, "text" => $sentsmstext, "webhook_url" => $teldelrecurl]); } $messagetexttel = $sentsmstext; } else { $mediaURLarr = []; $includedMediaFiles = ''; for ($p = 0; $p < count($mmsfiles); $p++ ) { $userroot = $this->view->getRoot(); $filetoshare = $userroot . "/SMS_Relentless/temp_files/".$mmsfiles[$p].""; $flsharetarget = $this->folder->newFile($filetoshare); $share = $this->shareManager->newShare(); $share->setNode($flsharetarget); $share->setPermissions(Constants::PERMISSION_READ); $share->setShareType(\OC\Share\Constants::SHARE_TYPE_LINK); $share->setSharedBy($this->userId); $expirydate = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $messagedate); $expirydate->add(new \DateInterval('P1D')); $share->setExpirationDate($expirydate); $shared = $this->shareManager->createShare($share); $shareToken = $shared->getToken(); $hostnm = $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $mediaURLarr[] = $hostnm . "/s/" . $shareToken . "/download/" . $mmsfiles[$p] . ""; $base64imagetx = base64_encode(file_get_contents($hostnm . "/s/" . $shareToken . "/download/" . $mmsfiles[$p])); $includedMediaFiles .= "
" . $hostnm . "/s/" . $shareToken . "/download/" . $mmsfiles[$p] . "

"; } if (preg_match('/[A-Za-z]+/', $fromsender)) { $message = \Telnyx\Message::Create(["from" => $fromsender, "to" => $tonumber, "text" => $sentsmstext, "webhook_url" => $teldelrecurl, "messaging_profile_id" => $messagingprofid, "subject" => "MMS", "media_urls" => $mediaURLarr]); } else { $message = \Telnyx\Message::Create(["from" => $fromsender, "to" => $tonumber, "text" => $sentsmstext, "webhook_url" => $teldelrecurl, "subject" => "MMS", "media_urls" => $mediaURLarr]); } $messagetexttel = $sentsmstext . "

--- File(s) included in MMS ---

" . $includedMediaFiles; } $messageid = $message['id']; $messagefrom = "Telnyx: " . $fromsender; $messageto = $tonumber; $messagenetwork = null; $messageprice = null; $messagestatus = $message['to'][0]['status']; $messagedelivery = null; $sentmessagearr = [$messageid, $messagedate, $messagefrom, $messageto, $messagenetwork, $messageprice, $messagestatus, $messagedelivery, $messagetexttel]; $this->service->insertsentsms($this->userId, $sentmessagearr); } $crtuser = $this->userManager->get($this->userId); $displayname = $crtuser->getDisplayName(); return $displayname; } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function sendsmsnex($userId, $receiversPhoneNbs, $fromsender, $waitinterval, $sentsmstext, $ismms, $mmsfiles) { $smsapicred = $this->service->getapicredentials($this->userId); $smsapikey = $smsapicred[5]; $smsapisecret = $smsapicred[6]; $smsapideliveryrecurl = $smsapicred[8]; $microinterval = $waitinterval * 1000; foreach ($receiversPhoneNbs as $keynex => $tonumber) { usleep($microinterval); $messagedatepl = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if ($ismms == 0) { $client = new RestClient($smsapikey, $smsapisecret); $response = $client->messages->create($fromsender,[$tonumber],$sentsmstext,["url" => $smsapideliveryrecurl]); $messagetextpl = $sentsmstext; $messageidinit = $response->getmessageUuid(0); $messageid = $messageidinit[0]; if (property_exists($response, 'error')) { $messagestatus = "Error: " . $response->error; } else { $messagestatus = 'The message has been accepted for delivery.'; } } else { $mediaURLarr = []; $includedMediaFiles = ''; for ($p = 0; $p < count($mmsfiles); $p++ ) { $userroot = $this->view->getRoot(); $filetoshare = $userroot . "/SMS_Relentless/temp_files/".$mmsfiles[$p].""; $flsharetarget = $this->folder->newFile($filetoshare); $share = $this->shareManager->newShare(); $share->setNode($flsharetarget); $share->setPermissions(Constants::PERMISSION_READ); $share->setShareType(\OC\Share\Constants::SHARE_TYPE_LINK); $share->setSharedBy($this->userId); $expirydate = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $messagedatepl); $expirydate->add(new \DateInterval('P1D')); $share->setExpirationDate($expirydate); $shared = $this->shareManager->createShare($share); $shareToken = $shared->getToken(); $hostnm = $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $mediaURLarr[] = $hostnm . "/s/" . $shareToken . "/download/" . $mmsfiles[$p] . ""; $base64imagepl = base64_encode(file_get_contents($hostnm . "/s/" . $shareToken . "/download/" . $mmsfiles[$p])); $includedMediaFiles .= "
" . $hostnm . "/s/" . $shareToken . "/download/" . $mmsfiles[$p] . "

"; } $datatosendpl = ["src" => $fromsender, "dst" => $tonumber, "text" => $sentsmstext, "url" => $smsapideliveryrecurl, "type" => "mms", "media_urls" => $mediaURLarr]; $postedparamspl = json_encode($datatosendpl); $chpl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($chpl, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://'.$smsapikey.':'.$smsapisecret.'@api.plivo.com/v1/Account/'.$smsapikey.'/Message/'); curl_setopt($chpl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json")); curl_setopt($chpl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 300); curl_setopt($chpl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($chpl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC); curl_setopt($chpl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($chpl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postedparamspl); $resultpl = curl_exec ($chpl); $statusCodepl = curl_getinfo($chpl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close ($chpl); $decresultpl = json_decode($resultpl); if (property_exists($decresultpl, 'message_uuid')) { $messageidinit = $decresultpl->message_uuid; $messageid = $messageidinit[0]; } if (in_array($statusCodepl, [200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206])) { if (property_exists($decresultpl, 'error')) { $messagestatus = "Error: " . $decresultpl->error; } else { $messagestatus = 'The message has been accepted for delivery.'; } } else { $messagestatus = 'An error occurred while trying to send the message.'; } $messagetextpl = $sentsmstext . "

--- File(s) included in MMS ---

" . $includedMediaFiles; } if (preg_match('/[A-Za-z]+/', $fromsender)) { $messagefrom = "Plivo: " . $fromsender; } else { $messagefrom = "Plivo: +" . $fromsender; } $messageto = $tonumber; $messagenetwork = ''; $messageprice = ''; $messagedelivery = ''; $sentmessagearr = [$messageid, $messagedatepl, $messagefrom, $messageto, $messagenetwork, $messageprice, $messagestatus, $messagedelivery, $messagetextpl]; $this->service->insertsentsms($this->userId, $sentmessagearr); } $crtuser = $this->userManager->get($this->userId); $displayname = $crtuser->getDisplayName(); return $displayname; } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function sendsmstwil($userId, $receiversPhoneNbs, $fromsender, $waitinterval, $sentsmstext, $ismms, $mmsfiles) { $smsapicred = $this->service->getapicredentials($this->userId); $sid = $smsapicred[15]; $token = $smsapicred[16]; $smsapirecurltw = $smsapicred[18]; $microinterval = $waitinterval * 1000; foreach ($receiversPhoneNbs as $keytwil => $tonumbertw) { usleep($microinterval); $messagedatetw = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if ($ismms == 0) { $datatoposttw = [["To" => $tonumbertw, "From" => $fromsender, "Body" => $sentsmstext, "StatusCallback" => $smsapirecurltw]]; $sentsmstextfintw = $sentsmstext; } else { $mediaURLs = []; for ($p = 0; $p < count($mmsfiles); $p++ ) { $userroot = $this->view->getRoot(); $filetoshare = $userroot . "/SMS_Relentless/temp_files/".$mmsfiles[$p].""; $flsharetarget = $this->folder->newFile($filetoshare); $share = $this->shareManager->newShare(); $share->setNode($flsharetarget); $share->setPermissions(Constants::PERMISSION_READ); $share->setShareType(\OC\Share\Constants::SHARE_TYPE_LINK); $share->setSharedBy($this->userId); $expirydate = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $messagedatetw); $expirydate->add(new \DateInterval('P1D')); $share->setExpirationDate($expirydate); $shared = $this->shareManager->createShare($share); $shareToken = $shared->getToken(); $hostnm = $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $mediaURLs[] = $hostnm . "/s/".$shareToken."/download/".$mmsfiles[$p].""; } $datatoposttw = [["To" => $tonumbertw, "From" => $fromsender, "Body" => $sentsmstext, "StatusCallback" => $smsapirecurltw]]; $includedMediaFiles = ''; for ($m = 0; $m < count($mediaURLs); $m++) { array_push($datatoposttw, ["MediaUrl" => $mediaURLs[$m]]); $base64imagetw = base64_encode(file_get_contents($mediaURLs[$m])); $includedMediaFiles .= "
" . $mediaURLs[$m] . "

"; } $sentsmstextfintw = $sentsmstext . "

--- File(s) included in MMS ---

" . $includedMediaFiles; } $postedsendingfl = implode('&', array_map('http_build_query', $datatoposttw)); $chtw = curl_init(); curl_setopt($chtw, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/'.$sid.'/Messages.json'); curl_setopt($chtw, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 300); curl_setopt($chtw, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($chtw, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC); curl_setopt($chtw, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$sid:$token"); curl_setopt($chtw, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($chtw, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postedsendingfl); $resulttw = curl_exec ($chtw); $statusCodetw = curl_getinfo($chtw, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close ($chtw); $decresulttw = json_decode($resulttw); if ($resulttw) { $messageidtw = $decresulttw->sid; } else { $messageidtw = ''; } if (in_array($statusCodetw, [200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206])) { $messagestatustw = 'The message has been accepted for delivery.'; } else { $messagestatustw = 'An error occurred while trying to send the message.'; } if (preg_match('/[A-Za-z]+/', $fromsender)) { $messagefromtw = "Twilio: " . $fromsender; } else { $messagefromtw = "Twilio: " . $fromsender; } $messagenetworktw = ''; $messagepricetw = ''; $messagedeliverytw = ''; $sentmessagearr = [$messageidtw, $messagedatetw, $messagefromtw, $tonumbertw, $messagenetworktw, $messagepricetw, $messagestatustw, $messagedeliverytw, $sentsmstextfintw]; $this->service->insertsentsms($this->userId, $sentmessagearr); } $crtuser = $this->userManager->get($this->userId); $displayname = $crtuser->getDisplayName(); return $displayname; } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function sendsmsflow($userId, $receiversPhoneNbs, $fromsender, $waitinterval, $sentsmstext, $ismms, $mmsfiles) { $smsapicredfl = $this->service->getapicredentials($this->userId); $flowapikey = $smsapicredfl[20]; $flowapisecret = $smsapicredfl[21]; $flowdelrecurl = $smsapicredfl[23]; $sentsmstextproc = str_replace('"','\\"', $sentsmstext); $microinterval = $waitinterval * 1000; foreach ($receiversPhoneNbs as $keyflow => $tonumberfl) { usleep($microinterval); $messagedatefl = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if ($ismms == 0) { $messagetextfinfl = $sentsmstext; $postedparamsfl = json_encode(["to" => $tonumberfl, "from" => $fromsender, "body" => $sentsmstextproc, "dlr_callback" => $flowdelrecurl]); } else { $mediaurlsarr = []; for ($p = 0; $p < count($mmsfiles); $p++ ) { $userroot = $this->view->getRoot(); $filetoshare = $userroot . "/SMS_Relentless/temp_files/".$mmsfiles[$p].""; $flsharetarget = $this->folder->newFile($filetoshare); $share = $this->shareManager->newShare(); $share->setNode($flsharetarget); $share->setPermissions(Constants::PERMISSION_READ); $share->setShareType(\OC\Share\Constants::SHARE_TYPE_LINK); $share->setSharedBy($this->userId); $expirydate = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $messagedatefl); $expirydate->add(new \DateInterval('P1D')); $share->setExpirationDate($expirydate); $shared = $this->shareManager->createShare($share); $shareToken = $shared->getToken(); $hostnm = $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $mediaurlsarr[] = $hostnm . "/s/".$shareToken."/download/".$mmsfiles[$p].""; } $includedMediaFiles = ''; for ($m = 0; $m < count($mediaurlsarr); $m++) { $base64imagefl = base64_encode(file_get_contents($mediaurlsarr[$m])); $includedMediaFiles .= "
" . $mediaurlsarr[$m] . "

"; } $messagetextfinfl = $sentsmstext . "

--- File(s) included in MMS ---

" . $includedMediaFiles; $postedparamsfl = json_encode(["to" => $tonumberfl, "from" => $fromsender, "body" => $sentsmstextproc, "dlr_callback" => $flowdelrecurl, "media_urls" => $mediaurlsarr]); } $chfl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($chfl, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://'.$flowapikey.':'.$flowapisecret.'@api.flowroute.com/v2.1/messages'); curl_setopt($chfl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json")); curl_setopt($chfl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 300); curl_setopt($chfl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($chfl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC); curl_setopt($chfl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($chfl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postedparamsfl); $resultfl = curl_exec ($chfl); $statusCode = curl_getinfo($chfl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close ($chfl); $decresultfl = json_decode($resultfl); if ($resultfl) { $messageidfl = $decresultfl->data->id; } else { $messageidfl = ''; } if (in_array($statusCode, [200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206])) { $messagestatusfl = 'The message has been accepted for delivery.'; } else { $messagestatusfl = 'An error occurred while trying to send the message.'; } if (preg_match('/[A-Za-z]+/', $fromsender)) { $messagefromfl = "Flowroute: " . $fromsender; } else { $messagefromfl = "Flowroute: " . $fromsender; } $messagetofl = $tonumberfl; $messagenetworkfl = ''; $messagepricefl = ''; $messagedeliveryfl = ''; $sentmessagearr = [$messageidfl, $messagedatefl, $messagefromfl, $messagetofl, $messagenetworkfl, $messagepricefl, $messagestatusfl, $messagedeliveryfl, $messagetextfinfl]; $this->service->insertsentsms($this->userId, $sentmessagearr); } $crtuser = $this->userManager->get($this->userId); $displayname = $crtuser->getDisplayName(); return $displayname; } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function saveoldrecrows($userId, $oldrecRows) { // Create the folder for removed messages if it doesn't exist if ($this->folder->nodeExists('SMS_Relentless/removed_received_messages') == false) { $this->folder->newFolder('SMS_Relentless/removed_received_messages'); } $savecheck = 0; if (count($oldrecRows) > 1) { $msfileContent = implode("", $oldrecRows); $delrowsdate = date("Y-m-d_H-i-s"); $msfileName = "Received_Messages_Deleted_On_" . $delrowsdate . ".csv"; $userroot = $this->view->getRoot(); $targetfile = $userroot . "/SMS_Relentless/removed_received_messages/" . $msfileName; $target = $this->folder->newFile($targetfile); $target->putContent($msfileContent); if ($this->filesystem->file_get_contents($targetfile) != '') { $savecheck = 1; } } return $savecheck; } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function saveoldsentrows($userId, $oldsentRows) { // Create the folder for removed messages if it doesn't exist if ($this->folder->nodeExists('SMS_Relentless/removed_sent_messages') == false) { $this->folder->newFolder('SMS_Relentless/removed_sent_messages'); } $savesentcheck = 0; if (count($oldsentRows) > 1) { $sntfileContent = implode("", $oldsentRows); $delsentrowsdate = date("Y-m-d_H-i-s"); $sntfileName = "Sent_Messages_Deleted_On_" . $delsentrowsdate . ".csv"; $userroot = $this->view->getRoot(); $snttargetfile = $userroot . "/SMS_Relentless/removed_sent_messages/" . $sntfileName; $snttarget = $this->folder->newFile($snttargetfile); $snttarget->putContent($sntfileContent); if ($this->filesystem->file_get_contents($snttargetfile) != '') { $savesentcheck = 1; } } return $savesentcheck; } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function getreceivedtable($userId) { return $this->service->getreceivedtable($this->userId); } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function getreceivedtablefordel($userId) { return $this->service->getreceivedtablefordel($this->userId); } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function removerecrows($userId, $recmessagedbIDs) { return $this->service->removerecrows($this->userId, $recmessagedbIDs); } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function getsenttable($userId) { return $this->service->getsenttable($this->userId); } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function getsenttablefordel($userId) { return $this->service->getsenttablefordel($this->userId); } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function removesentrows($userId, $sentmessagedbIDs) { return $this->service->removesentrows($this->userId, $sentmessagedbIDs); } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function getgroupedtable($userId) { return $this->service->getgroupedtable($this->userId); } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function savedisplayname($userId, $authorDisplayname, $from) { return $this->service->savedisplayname($this->userId, $authorDisplayname, $from); } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function getmessagesperpage($userId) { return $this->service->getmessagesperpage($this->userId); } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function getdelrecsettings($userId) { return $this->service->getdelrecsettings($this->userId); } public function updatenumberrestrictions($userId, $savedByDsplname, $phoneNumber, $groups, $users) { return $this->service->updatenumberrestrictions($this->userId, $savedByDsplname, $phoneNumber, $groups, $users); } public function updatekeysallowedusers($userId, $groups, $users, $provider) { return $this->service->updatekeysallowedusers($this->userId, $groups, $users, $provider); } public function removenumberrestrictions($userId, $phoneNumber) { return $this->service->removenumberrestrictions($this->userId, $phoneNumber); } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function updateautoreplies($userId, $savedByDsplname, $phoneNumber, $daysOfWeek, $dailyStart, $dailyEnd, $vacationStart, $vacationEnd, $messageText) { return $this->service->updateautoreplies($this->userId, $savedByDsplname, $phoneNumber, $daysOfWeek, $dailyStart, $dailyEnd, $vacationStart, $vacationEnd, $messageText); } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function removeautoreplies($userId, $phoneNumber) { return $this->service->removeautoreplies($this->userId, $phoneNumber); } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function getsettings($userId) { return $this->service->getsettings($this->userId); } public function getadminsettings($userId) { return $this->service->getadminsettings($this->userId); } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function getautoreplyconf($userId) { // Get the available phone numbers for the current user (the restricted phone numbers are excluded) $availphonenmbrs = $this->getsmsnumbers($this->userId); // Get the display name of the current user $usrid = $this->userId; $getusrdnm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `name` = ?'); $getusrdnmres = $getusrdnm->execute([$usrid, 'displayname']); $getusrdnmdata = $getusrdnmres->fetch(); $userDisplayNm = $getusrdnmdata['value']; $getusrdnmres->closeCursor(); // Get the auto-replies for the available phone numbers $getautorpl = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `saved_by_dsplname`, `phone_number`, `days_of_week`, `daily_start`, `daily_end`, `vacation_start`, `vacation_end`, `message_text` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_autorply`'); $getautorplres = $getautorpl->execute(); $autorplconf = []; while ($acdatausrdnadm = $getautorplres->fetch()) { $autorplconf[] = $acdatausrdnadm; } $getautorplres->closeCursor(); if ($autorplconf) { $autoreplyconf = []; foreach ($autorplconf as $arkey => $arvalue) { if (in_array($arvalue['phone_number'], $availphonenmbrs)) { $autoreplyconf[] = $arvalue; } } } else { $autoreplyconf = ''; } $autoreplyfdb = ['userdisplayname' => $userDisplayNm, 'phonenumbers' => $availphonenmbrs, 'autoreplies' => $autoreplyconf]; return $autoreplyfdb; } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function getgroupedpernumber($userId, $phoneNumber) { return $this->service->getgroupedpernumber($this->userId, $phoneNumber); } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function getgroupedforreply($userId, $phoneNmbrFrom, $phoneNmbrTo) { return $this->service->getgroupedforreply($this->userId, $phoneNmbrFrom, $phoneNmbrTo); } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function updatesettings($userId, $telapiUrlRec, $telapiUrl, $nexapiUrlRec, $nexapiUrl, $twilapiUrlRec, $twilapiUrl, $flowapiUrlRec, $flowapiUrl, $messagesperpage, $getNotify, $notificationEmail, $getsmsinemail, $showDisplayNames) { return $this->service->updatesettings($this->userId, $telapiUrlRec, $telapiUrl, $nexapiUrlRec, $nexapiUrl, $twilapiUrlRec, $twilapiUrl, $flowapiUrlRec, $flowapiUrl, $messagesperpage, $getNotify, $notificationEmail, $getsmsinemail, $showDisplayNames); } public function updateadminsettings($userId, $telapiKey, $telPubKey, $telapiUrlRec, $telapiUrl, $messagingProfileId, $nexapiKey, $nexapiSecret, $nexapiUrlRec, $nexapiUrl, $telSenderName, $nexSenderName, $twilapiKey, $twilapiSecret, $twilapiUrlRec, $twilapiUrl, $twilSenderName, $flowapiKey, $flowapiSecret, $flowapiUrlRec, $flowapiUrl, $showAllMessages) { return $this->service->updateadminsettings($this->userId, $telapiKey, $telPubKey, $telapiUrlRec, $telapiUrl, $messagingProfileId, $nexapiKey, $nexapiSecret, $nexapiUrlRec, $nexapiUrl, $telSenderName, $nexSenderName, $twilapiKey, $twilapiSecret, $twilapiUrlRec, $twilapiUrl, $twilSenderName, $flowapiKey, $flowapiSecret, $flowapiUrlRec, $flowapiUrl, $showAllMessages); } public function updatepersadmnsettings($userId, $messagesperpage, $getNotify, $notificationEmail, $getsmsinemail, $showDisplayNames) { return $this->service->updatepersadmnsettings($this->userId, $messagesperpage, $getNotify, $notificationEmail, $getsmsinemail, $showDisplayNames); } }