 * @copyright 2021 Double Bastion LLC <www.doublebastion.com>
 * @author Double Bastion LLC
 * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 3 of the License, or any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
 * License along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


namespace OCA\SMSRelentless\Service;

use OCP\IDBConnection;
use OCP\Security\ICrypto;
use OCP\AppFramework\ApiController;
use OCP\AppFramework\Controller;
use OCP\IRequest;
use OCP\IGroupManager;
use \ReflectionClass;

class SmsrelentlessService {

     private $connection;
     private $crypto;
     private $groupManager;

     public function __construct(IDBConnection $connection, ICrypto $crypto, IGroupManager $groupManager) {

                $this->connection = $connection;
                $this->crypto = $crypto;
                $this->groupManager = $groupManager;

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function insertrecsms($userId, $recmessagearr) {

            $authorDisplayNm = '';
            $internalSender = 0;

            // Search for the associated Display Name in the previous messages sent from the same phone number, in the 'sms_relent_sent' table
            $recmsgfromprc = '%' . $recmessagearr[2];
            $getdspnmst = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `from`, `author_displayname` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent` WHERE `from` LIKE ?');
            $getdspnmstres = $getdspnmst->execute([$recmsgfromprc]);

            $dispnamearr = [];
            while ($dspnmstfetched = $getdspnmstres->fetch()) {
                   $dispnamearr[] = $dspnmstfetched['author_displayname'];

            if ($dispnamearr) {
                $descdspnmarr = array_reverse($dispnamearr);
                $authorDisplayNm = $descdspnmarr[0];
                $internalSender = 1;
            } else { $authorDisplayNm = ''; $internalSender = 0; }

            if (!$authorDisplayNm) {

                // Search for the associated Display Name in the previous messages coming from the same phone number, in the 'sms_relent_received' table
                $getdspnm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `from`, `author_displayname` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received` WHERE `from` = ?');
                $getdspnmres = $getdspnm->execute([$recmessagearr[2]]);

                $dspnmearr = [];
                while ($dspnmfetched = $getdspnmres->fetch()) {
                       if ($dspnmfetched['author_displayname']) {
                           $dspnmearr[] = $dspnmfetched['author_displayname'];

                if ($dspnmearr) {
                    $descdisplaynmarr = array_reverse($dspnmearr);
                    $authorDisplayNm = $descdisplaynmarr[0];
                    $internalSender = 0;
                } else { $authorDisplayNm = ''; $internalSender = 0; }

            // Search for the conversation ID in the 'sms_relent_conv' table
            $convExists = 0;
            $archivedConv = 0;
            $tophnumberarr = explode(": ", $recmessagearr[3]);
            $tophnumber = $tophnumberarr[1];
            $getconvid = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `conversation_id`, `archived`, `last_msg_from`, `last_msg_to` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv` WHERE 
                                                   (`last_msg_from` = ? AND `last_msg_to` = ?) OR (`last_msg_from` = ? AND `last_msg_to` = ?)');
            $getconvres = $getconvid->execute([$recmessagearr[2], $tophnumber, $tophnumber, $recmessagearr[2]]);
            $convfetched = $getconvres->fetch();

            if ($convfetched) {
                $conversationId = $convfetched['conversation_id'];
                $convExists = 1;
                $archivedConv = $convfetched['archived'];
            } else {
                // Create a conversation ID
	        $keypassin = substr(sha1((string) mt_rand()), 0, 32);
	        $keysaltin = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(24);
	        $keyLengthin = 64;
	        $iterationin = 50;
	        $generated_keyin = openssl_pbkdf2($keypassin, $keysaltin, $keyLengthin, $iterationin, 'sha256');
	        $conversationId = bin2hex($generated_keyin);

            // Insert the received message in the 'sms_relent_received' table
            $escapedmessagepre = $recmessagearr[4];
            $escapedmessage = nl2br($escapedmessagepre);

            $sql = $this->connection->prepare('
				INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
					(`user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`, `internal_sender`, `conversation_id`)
				VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
	    $sql->execute([$userId, $recmessagearr[0], $recmessagearr[1], $recmessagearr[2], $recmessagearr[3], $escapedmessage, $authorDisplayNm, $internalSender, $conversationId]);

            // Update or insert data in the 'sms_relent_conv' table
            $archivedornot = 0;
            $lastUnarchived = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
            $lastMsgDate = $lastUnarchived;
            $lastMsgFrom = $recmessagearr[2];
            $lastMsgToArr = explode(": ", $recmessagearr[3]);
            $lastMsgTo = $lastMsgToArr[1];

            if ($convExists == 1) {

                if ($archivedConv == 1) {

	            $sqlupdatecv = $this->connection->prepare('
			        UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv`
			        SET `archived` = ?, `last_unarchived` = ?, `unarchived_by` = ?, `last_msg_date` = ?, `last_msg_from` = ?, `last_msg_to` = ?, `last_message` = ?, 
                                `lastmsgdisplayname` = ?, `lastmsgprovid` = ?
	                        WHERE `conversation_id` = ?');
	            $updatecvRes = $sqlupdatecv->execute([$archivedornot, $lastUnarchived, $authorDisplayNm, $lastMsgDate, $lastMsgFrom, $lastMsgTo, $escapedmessage, $authorDisplayNm, 
                                                          $recmessagearr[0], $conversationId]);

                } else {

	            $sqlupdatecv = $this->connection->prepare('
			        UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv`
			        SET `archived` = ?, `last_msg_date` = ?, `last_msg_from` = ?, `last_msg_to` = ?, `last_message` = ?, `lastmsgdisplayname` = ?, `lastmsgprovid` = ?
	                        WHERE `conversation_id` = ?');
	            $updatecvRes = $sqlupdatecv->execute([$archivedornot, $lastMsgDate, $lastMsgFrom, $lastMsgTo, $escapedmessage, $authorDisplayNm, $recmessagearr[0], $conversationId]);

            } else {

                    $sqlinscv = $this->connection->prepare('
				INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv`
					(`conversation_id`, `archived`, `last_msg_date`, `last_msg_from`, `last_msg_to`, `last_message`, `lastmsgdisplayname`, `lastmsgprovid`)
				VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
	            $sqlinscv->execute([$conversationId, $archivedornot, $lastMsgDate, $lastMsgFrom, $lastMsgTo, $escapedmessage, $authorDisplayNm, $recmessagearr[0]]);

            // Save a 'new message received' indicator in the 'sms_relent_settings' table, for the (admin) user who received the message
            $newMessageRcd = 1;
	    $sqlupdatenm = $this->connection->prepare('
			UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
			SET `new_message_rcd` = ?
	                WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	    $updatenmRes = $sqlupdatenm->execute([$newMessageRcd, $userId]);

            // Save a 'new message received' indicator in the 'sms_relent_settings' table, for the non-admin users with whom the admin receiving the message shared his API keys

            // Get the groups and users that were allowed access to the API keys
            $getgrps = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `tnx_groups_allowed`, `tnx_users_allowed`, `plv_groups_allowed`, `plv_users_allowed`,
                                                  `twl_groups_allowed`, `twl_users_allowed`, `flr_groups_allowed`, `flr_users_allowed` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac`
                                                   WHERE `user_id` = ?');
            $getgrpsres = $getgrps->execute([$userId]);
            $getgrpsusr = $getgrpsres->fetch();

            if ($getgrpsusr) {

                if ($getgrpsusr['tnx_users_allowed']) { $tnxusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['tnx_users_allowed']); } else { $tnxusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['plv_users_allowed']) { $plvusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['plv_users_allowed']); } else { $plvusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['twl_users_allowed']) { $twlusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['twl_users_allowed']); } else { $twlusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['flr_users_allowed']) { $flrusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['flr_users_allowed']); } else { $flrusers = []; }

                $allwdusersarr = array_merge($tnxusers, $plvusers, $twlusers, $flrusers);
                $allwdusersunq = array_filter(array_unique($allwdusersarr));

                if ($getgrpsusr['tnx_groups_allowed']) { $tnxgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['tnx_groups_allowed']); } else { $tnxgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['plv_groups_allowed']) { $plvgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['plv_groups_allowed']); } else { $plvgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['twl_groups_allowed']) { $twlgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['twl_groups_allowed']); } else { $twlgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['flr_groups_allowed']) { $flrgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['flr_groups_allowed']); } else { $flrgroups = []; }

                $allwdgroupsarr = array_merge($tnxgroups, $plvgroups, $twlgroups, $flrgroups);
                $allwdgroupsunq = array_filter(array_unique($allwdgroupsarr));

            } else {
                $allwdusersunq = [];
                $allwdgroupsunq = [];

            // Get the username for each Display Name of the allowed users
            $allwdusersfnl = [];
            foreach ($allwdusersunq as $alwdusrkey => $alwdusrvalue) {

                         $getacdatausrnm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `name` = ? AND `value` = ?');
		         $getacdatausrnmres = $getacdatausrnm->execute(['displayname', $alwdusrvalue]);
		         $acdatausrname = $getacdatausrnmres->fetch();
                         if ($acdatausrname) {
                             $allwdusersfnl[] = $acdatausrname['uid'];

            // Get the users from all the allowed groups
            $allwdusersgrpmlt = [];
            foreach ($allwdgroupsunq as $prgrpkey => $prgrpvalue) {

                     // Get all the users that belong to the current group, if the current group is different from 'admin'
                     if ($prgrpvalue != 'admin') {

                         $getusringroup = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `gid`, `uid` FROM `*PREFIX*group_user` WHERE `gid` = ?');
		         $getusringroupres = $getusringroup->execute([$prgrpvalue]);

		         while ($getusrname = $getusringroupres->fetch()) {
                                $allwdusersgrpmlt[] = $getusrname['uid'];
            $allwdusersgrpfnl = array_unique($allwdusersgrpmlt);
            $allusr = array_merge($allwdusersfnl, $allwdusersgrpfnl);
            $allusruniquest = array_unique($allusr);

            foreach ($allusruniquest as $alwdk => $allwdusr) {
		     $newMsgRcd = 1;
		     $sqlupdatenmsc = $this->connection->prepare('
				UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
				SET `new_message_rcd` = ?
			        WHERE `user_id` = ?');
		     $updatenmResc = $sqlupdatenmsc->execute([$newMsgRcd, $allwdusr]);

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function insertsentsms($userId, $displayname, $sentmessagearr) {

            // Search for the conversation ID in the 'sms_relent_conv' table
            $convExistssc = 0;
            $archivedConvsc = 0;
            $fromphnumberarr = explode(": ", $sentmessagearr[2]);
            $fromphnumber = $fromphnumberarr[1];
            $getconvidsc = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `conversation_id`, `archived`, `last_msg_from`, `last_msg_to` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv` WHERE 
                                                     (`last_msg_from` = ? AND `last_msg_to` = ?) OR (`last_msg_from` = ? AND `last_msg_to` = ?)');
            $getconvressc = $getconvidsc->execute([$fromphnumber, $sentmessagearr[3], $sentmessagearr[3], $fromphnumber]);
            $convfetchedsc = $getconvressc->fetch();

            if ($convfetchedsc) {
                $conversationIdsc = $convfetchedsc['conversation_id'];
                $convExistssc = 1;
                $archivedConvsc = $convfetchedsc['archived'];
            } else {
                // Create a conversation ID
	        $keypassinsc = substr(sha1((string) mt_rand()), 0, 32);
	        $keysaltinsc = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(24);
	        $keyLengthinsc = 64;
	        $iterationinsc = 50;
	        $generated_keyinsc = openssl_pbkdf2($keypassinsc, $keysaltinsc, $keyLengthinsc, $iterationinsc, 'sha256');
	        $conversationIdsc = bin2hex($generated_keyinsc);

            // Insert the sent message in the 'sms_relent_sent' table
            $textwithnl = nl2br($sentmessagearr[8]);
            $sql = $this->connection->prepare('
				INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
					(`user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `network`, `price`, `status`, `deliveryreceipt`, `message`, `author_displayname`, `conversation_id`)
				VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
	    $sql->execute([$userId, $sentmessagearr[0], $sentmessagearr[1], $sentmessagearr[2], $sentmessagearr[3], $sentmessagearr[4], $sentmessagearr[5], $sentmessagearr[6], 
                           $sentmessagearr[7], $textwithnl, $displayname, $conversationIdsc]);

            // Update or insert data in the 'sms_relent_conv' table
            $archivedornotsc = 0;
            $lastUnarchivedsc = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
            $lastMsgDatesc = $lastUnarchivedsc;
            $lastMsgFromArrsc = explode(": ", $sentmessagearr[2]);
            $lastMsgFromsc = $lastMsgFromArrsc[1];
            $lastMsgTosc = $sentmessagearr[3];

            if ($convExistssc == 1) {

                if ($archivedConvsc == 1) {

	            $sqlupdatecvsc = $this->connection->prepare('
			        UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv`
			        SET `archived` = ?, `last_unarchived` = ?, `unarchived_by` = ?, `last_msg_date` = ?, `last_msg_from` = ?, `last_msg_to` = ?, `last_message` = ?, 
                                `lastmsgdisplayname` = ?, `lastmsgprovid` = ?
	                        WHERE `conversation_id` = ?');
	            $updatecvRessc = $sqlupdatecvsc->execute([$archivedornotsc, $lastUnarchivedsc, $displayname, $lastMsgDatesc, $lastMsgFromsc, $lastMsgTosc, $textwithnl, 
                                                              $displayname, $sentmessagearr[0], $conversationIdsc]);

                } else {

	            $sqlupdatecvsc = $this->connection->prepare('
			        UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv`
			        SET `archived` = ?, `last_msg_date` = ?, `last_msg_from` = ?, `last_msg_to` = ?, `last_message` = ?, `lastmsgdisplayname` = ?, `lastmsgprovid` = ?
	                        WHERE `conversation_id` = ?');
	            $updatecvRessc = $sqlupdatecvsc->execute([$archivedornotsc, $lastMsgDatesc, $lastMsgFromsc, $lastMsgTosc, $textwithnl, $displayname, $sentmessagearr[0], 

            } else {

                    $sqlinscvsc = $this->connection->prepare('
				INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv`
					(`conversation_id`, `archived`, `last_msg_date`, `last_msg_from`, `last_msg_to`, `last_message`, `lastmsgdisplayname`, `lastmsgprovid`)
				VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
	            $sqlinscvsc->execute([$conversationIdsc, $archivedornotsc, $lastMsgDatesc, $lastMsgFromsc, $lastMsgTosc, $textwithnl, $displayname, $sentmessagearr[0]]);

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function updatedeliverystatustel($ncuserfortelnyxdel, $messageid, $network, $messageprice, $messagestatus, $deliverystatus) {

	    $sqlupdateds = $this->connection->prepare('
			UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
			SET `price` = ?, `status` = ?, `deliveryreceipt` = ?, `network` = ?
                        WHERE `message_id` = ? AND `user_id` = ? ');
	    $updateRes = $sqlupdateds->execute([$messageprice, $messagestatus, $deliverystatus, $network, $messageid, $ncuserfortelnyxdel]);

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function updatedeliverystatusnex($ncuserforplivodel, $messageid, $networkcode, $messageprice, $mStatus, $deliverystatus) {

	    $sqlupdatedspl = $this->connection->prepare('
			UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
			SET `price` = ?, `deliveryreceipt` = ?, `status` = ?, `network` = ?
                        WHERE `message_id` = ? AND `user_id` = ? ');
	    $updateResdspl = $sqlupdatedspl->execute([$messageprice, $deliverystatus, $mStatus, $networkcode, $messageid, $ncuserforplivodel]);

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function updatedeliverystatustwil($ncuserfortwildel, $messageid, $networkcode, $messageprice, $mStatus, $deliverystatus) {

	    $sqlupdatedstw = $this->connection->prepare('
			UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
			SET `price` = ?, `deliveryreceipt` = ?, `status` = ?, `network` = ?
                        WHERE `message_id` = ? AND `user_id` = ? ');
	    $updateResdstw = $sqlupdatedstw->execute([$messageprice, $deliverystatus, $mStatus, $networkcode, $messageid, $ncuserfortwildel]);

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function updatedeliverystatusflow($ncuserforflowdel, $messageid, $networkcode, $messageprice, $mStatus, $deliverystatus) {

	    $sqlupdatedsfl = $this->connection->prepare('
			UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
			SET `price` = ?, `deliveryreceipt` = ?, `status` = ?, `network` = ?
                        WHERE `message_id` = ? AND `user_id` = ? ');
	    $updateResdsfl = $sqlupdatedsfl->execute([$messageprice, $deliverystatus, $mStatus, $networkcode, $messageid, $ncuserforflowdel]);

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function getreceivedtable($userId) {

        // Get the user's preferences from the settings
        $getgamcheckrc = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `user_id`, `show_all_messages`, `show_display_names`
		       FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` WHERE `user_id` = ?');
        $getgamcheckrcres = $getgamcheckrc->execute([$userId]);
        $getcrgamsrcpref = $getgamcheckrcres->fetch();
        $crgamsrcpref = $getcrgamsrcpref['show_all_messages'];
        $crdnmsrcpref = $getcrgamsrcpref['show_display_names'];

        // Collect the users with whom the current admin is sharing his API keys and whose messages he will be able to see
        if ($crgamsrcpref == 1 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            // Get the groups and users that were allowed access to the API keys
            $getgrps = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `tnx_groups_allowed`, `tnx_users_allowed`, `plv_groups_allowed`, `plv_users_allowed`,
                                                  `twl_groups_allowed`, `twl_users_allowed`, `flr_groups_allowed`, `flr_users_allowed` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac`
                                                   WHERE `user_id` = ?');
            $getgrpsres = $getgrps->execute([$userId]);
            $getgrpsusr = $getgrpsres->fetch();

            if ($getgrpsusr) {

                if ($getgrpsusr['tnx_users_allowed']) { $tnxusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['tnx_users_allowed']); } else { $tnxusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['plv_users_allowed']) { $plvusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['plv_users_allowed']); } else { $plvusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['twl_users_allowed']) { $twlusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['twl_users_allowed']); } else { $twlusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['flr_users_allowed']) { $flrusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['flr_users_allowed']); } else { $flrusers = []; }

                $allwdusersarr = array_merge($tnxusers, $plvusers, $twlusers, $flrusers);
                $allwdusersunq = array_filter(array_unique($allwdusersarr));

                if ($getgrpsusr['tnx_groups_allowed']) { $tnxgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['tnx_groups_allowed']); } else { $tnxgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['plv_groups_allowed']) { $plvgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['plv_groups_allowed']); } else { $plvgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['twl_groups_allowed']) { $twlgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['twl_groups_allowed']); } else { $twlgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['flr_groups_allowed']) { $flrgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['flr_groups_allowed']); } else { $flrgroups = []; }

                $allwdgroupsarr = array_merge($tnxgroups, $plvgroups, $twlgroups, $flrgroups);
                $allwdgroupsunq = array_filter(array_unique($allwdgroupsarr));

            } else {
                $allwdusersunq = [];
                $allwdgroupsunq = [];

            // Get the username for each Display Name of the allowed users
            $allwdusersfnl = [];
            foreach ($allwdusersunq as $alwdusrkey => $alwdusrvalue) {

                         $displName = 'displayname';
                         $getacdatausrnm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `name` = ? AND `value` = ?');
		         $getacdatausrnmres = $getacdatausrnm->execute([$displName, $alwdusrvalue]);
		         $acdatausrname = $getacdatausrnmres->fetch();
                         if ($acdatausrname) {
                             $allwdusersfnl[] = $acdatausrname['uid'];

            // Get the users from all the allowed groups
            $allwdusersgrpmlt = [];
            foreach ($allwdgroupsunq as $prgrpkey => $prgrpvalue) {

                     // Get all the users that belong to the current group, if the current group is different from 'admin'
                     if ($prgrpvalue != 'admin') {
                         $getusringroup = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `gid`, `uid` FROM `*PREFIX*group_user` WHERE `gid` = ?');
		         $getusringroupres = $getusringroup->execute([$prgrpvalue]);

		         while ($getusrname = $getusringroupres->fetch()) {

                                $allwdusersgrpmlt[] = $getusrname['uid'];
            $allwdusersgrpfnl = array_unique($allwdusersgrpmlt);
            $allusr = array_merge($allwdusersfnl, $allwdusersgrpfnl);
            $allusruniquest = array_unique($allusr);

            if ($allusruniquest) {
                array_unshift($allusruniquest, $userId);
                $allusruniquerc = $allusruniquest;
            } else { $allusruniquerc = [$userId]; }

            $procardatarcsec = "'" . implode("','", $allusruniquerc) . "'";


        // If the user is an admin and he wants to see his messages and the messages of all the users with whom he shares his API keys
        if ($crgamsrcpref == 1 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            if ($crdnmsrcpref == 1) {

                $rcresult = $this->connection->executeQuery("
                                   SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`, `internal_sender`
			           FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received` 
                                   WHERE `user_id` IN (" . $procardatarcsec . ")");

            } else {

                $rcresult = $this->connection->executeQuery("
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `internal_sender`
			FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received` 
                        WHERE `user_id` IN (" . $procardatarcsec . ")");

        // If the user is an admin and he wants to see only his messages
        } elseif ($crgamsrcpref == 0 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            if ($crdnmsrcpref == 1) {
	        $getrectable = $this->connection->prepare('
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`, `internal_sender`
			FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received` 
                        WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	        $rcresult = $getrectable->execute([$userId]);
            } else {
	        $getrectable = $this->connection->prepare('
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `internal_sender`
			FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received` 
                        WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	        $rcresult = $getrectable->execute([$userId]);

        // If the user is not an admin 
        } elseif (!$this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

	    // Get the Display Name of the current user
            $dsplyname = 'displayname';
	    $getacdatadn = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `name` = ?');
	    $getacdatadnres = $getacdatadn->execute([$userId, $dsplyname]);
	    $acdatausrdnadm = $getacdatadnres->fetch();
	    $cruserdname = $acdatausrdnadm['value'];

            // Get the groups to which the current user belongs
            $getusrgrp = $this->connection->prepare('
	          SELECT `gid`, `uid`
	          FROM  `*PREFIX*group_user`
                  WHERE `uid` = ?');
            $getusrgrpres = $getusrgrp->execute([$userId]);

            $usergrps = [];
            while ($fetchedgrps = $getusrgrpres->fetch()) {
                   $usergrps[] = $fetchedgrps['gid'];

            // Get the restrictions from the 'sms_relent_restrict' table
            $getrestr = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `phone_number`, `groups`, `users`
		       FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_restrict`');
            $getrestrres = $getrestr->execute();

            $restrdata = [];
            while ($restrfetched = $getrestrres->fetch()) {
                   $restrdata[] = $restrfetched;

            // Get the phone numbers that the user is allowed/not allowed to use
            if ($restrdata) {

                $restrPhoneNmbrs = [];
                $allowedPhoneNmbrs = [];
                foreach ($restrdata as $rskey => $rsvalue) {

                         $chck = 0;
                         $restrgrparr = explode("|", $rsvalue['groups']);
                         foreach ($restrgrparr as $rkey => $rvalue) {
                                  if ($rvalue) {
                                      if (strpos(implode("|", $usergrps), $rvalue) !== false) { $chck++; }
                         if (strpos($rsvalue['users'], $cruserdname) !== false) { $chck++; }

                         if ($chck == 0) {
                             $restrPhoneNmbrs[] = $rsvalue['phone_number'];

		$allowedPhNmbrs = $this->getsmsnumbers($userId);

		foreach ($allowedPhNmbrs as $apnkey => $apnvalue) {
			 $crphnmbr = explode(": ", $apnvalue);
			 if ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Tx') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Telnyx: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Pl') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Plivo: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Tw') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Twilio: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Fl') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Flowroute: ' . $crphnmbr[1];

                $procalwduid = $allowedPhoneNmbrs;
                $procalwduidsec = "'" . implode("','", $procalwduid) . "'";

                if ($crdnmsrcpref == 1) {

                    if ($procalwduidsec != "''") {

                        $rcresult = $this->connection->executeQuery("
			                   SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`, `internal_sender`
			                   FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			                   WHERE `user_id` = '$userId' OR `to` IN (" . $procalwduidsec . ")");

                    } else {

	                $getrectable = $this->connection->prepare('
			    SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`, `internal_sender`
			    FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			    WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	                $rcresult = $getrectable->execute([$userId]);

                } else {

                    if ($procalwduidsec) {

                        $rcresult = $this->connection->executeQuery("
			    SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `internal_sender`
			    FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			    WHERE `user_id` = '$userId' OR `to` IN (" . $procalwduidsec . ")");
                    } else {
	                $getrectable = $this->connection->prepare('
			    SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `internal_sender`
			    FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			    WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	                $rcresult = $getrectable->execute([$userId]);

            } else {

		$allowedPhNmbrs = $this->getsmsnumbers($userId);

		foreach ($allowedPhNmbrs as $apnkey => $apnvalue) {
			 $crphnmbr = explode(": ", $apnvalue);
			 if ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Tx') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Telnyx: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Pl') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Plivo: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Tw') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Twilio: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Fl') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Flowroute: ' . $crphnmbr[1];

                $procalwduid = $allowedPhoneNmbrs;
                $procalwduidsec = "'" . implode("','", $procalwduid) . "'";

                if ($crdnmsrcpref == 1) {

                    if ($procalwduidsec != "''") {

                        $rcresult = $this->connection->executeQuery("
			                   SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`, `internal_sender`
			                   FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			                   WHERE `user_id` = '$userId' OR `to` IN (" . $procalwduidsec . ")");

                    } else {

	                $getrectable = $this->connection->prepare('
			    SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`, `internal_sender`
			    FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			    WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	                $rcresult = $getrectable->execute([$userId]);

                } else {

                    if ($procalwduidsec) {

                        $rcresult = $this->connection->executeQuery("
			    SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `internal_sender`
			    FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			    WHERE `user_id` = '$userId' OR `to` IN (" . $procalwduidsec . ")");
                    } else {
	                $getrectable = $this->connection->prepare('
			    SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `internal_sender`
			    FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			    WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	                $rcresult = $getrectable->execute([$userId]);

        $recdatatable = [];
        while ($rowfetched = $rcresult->fetch()) {
               $recdatatable[] = $rowfetched;

        $recdatafromdb = $recdatatable;

        if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

              $recdatafdb = ['datarows' => $recdatafromdb, 'showdispnm' => $crdnmsrcpref];
              return $recdatafdb;

        } else {

            if ($restrdata) {

                // Clean the 'not allowed' phone numbers from tags
                $restrPhfin = [];
                foreach ($restrPhoneNmbrs as $phkey => $phvalue) {

                    $restrpharr = explode(": ", $phvalue);
                    $restrPhfin[] = $restrpharr[1];

                // Assemble the array of message rows that excludes the rows for the 'not allowed' phone numbers
                foreach ($recdatafromdb as $mdkey => $mdvalue) {

                    if (str_contains($mdvalue['to'], "+")) {
                        $fromnmbrarr = explode("+", $mdvalue['to']);
                        if (in_array("+" . $fromnmbrarr[1], $restrPhfin)) {
                    } else {
                        $tonmbrarr = explode(": ", $mdvalue['to']);
                        if (count($tonmbrarr) == 2) {
                            $tonmbrtbcmprd = $tonmbrarr[1];
                        } else {
                            $tonmbrtbcmprd = $tonmbrarr[0];
                        if (in_array($tonmbrtbcmprd, $restrPhfin)) {

                $recdatafdbproc = array_values($recdatafromdb);

                $recdataproc = ['datarows' => $recdatafdbproc, 'showdispnm' => $crdnmsrcpref];
                return $recdataproc;

            } else {

                $recdatafdb = ['datarows' => $recdatafromdb, 'showdispnm' => $crdnmsrcpref];
                return $recdatafdb;

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function getreceivedtablefordel($userId) {

        if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            $getrecfordl = $this->connection->prepare('
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`, `internal_sender`
			FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	    $resultdl = $getrecfordl->execute([$userId]);

            $recdatatable = [];
            while ($rowfetched = $resultdl->fetch()) {
                   $recdatatable[] = $rowfetched;

            $recdatafromdb = $recdatatable;

            return $recdatafromdb;

        } else { return "not permitted"; }

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function removeMsgFromConv($msgProvId) {

             // Check if the message that will be deleted is the last message in a conversation
             $chcklstmsg = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `conversation_id`, `last_msg_date`, `last_msg_from`, `last_msg_to`, `last_message`, `lastmsgdisplayname`, 
                                                      `lastmsgprovid` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv` WHERE `lastmsgprovid` = ?');
             $checklstmsgres = $chcklstmsg->execute([$msgProvId]);
             $convlmsgfetched = $checklstmsgres->fetch();

             if ($convlmsgfetched) {

                 $conversationID = $convlmsgfetched['conversation_id'];
                 $lastmsgFrom = $convlmsgfetched['last_msg_from'];
                 $lastmsgFromLike = "%" . $convlmsgfetched['last_msg_from'];
                 $lastmsgTo = $convlmsgfetched['last_msg_to'];
                 $lastmsgToLike = "%" . $convlmsgfetched['last_msg_to'];

                 // Check if the conversation contains other messages (in the 'sms_relent_received' table), apart from the last message that will be deleted
	         $getcnvqr = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received` WHERE 
	                                               (`from` = ? AND `to` LIKE ?) OR (`from` = ? AND `to` LIKE ?)');
	         $getcnvres = $getcnvqr->execute([$lastmsgFrom, $lastmsgToLike, $lastmsgTo, $lastmsgFromLike]);

	         $msgexchrec = [];
	         while ($rwsfetched = $getcnvres->fetch()) {
	                $msgexchrec[] = $rwsfetched;

                 // Check if the conversation contains other messages (in the 'sms_relent_sent' table), apart from the last message that will be deleted
	         $getcnvqrst = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent` WHERE 
	                                                 (`from` LIKE ? AND `to` = ?) OR (`from` LIKE ? AND `to` = ?)');
	         $getcnvstres = $getcnvqrst->execute([$lastmsgFromLike, $lastmsgTo, $lastmsgToLike, $lastmsgFrom]);

	         $msgexchsent = [];
	         while ($rwsfetchedst = $getcnvstres->fetch()) {
	                $msgexchsent[] = $rwsfetchedst;

                 $mergedrecsent = array_merge($msgexchrec, $msgexchsent);

                 // Check if there are at least 2 messages exchanged between the two numbers
                 if (count($mergedrecsent) > 1) {

                     // Order all the messages exchanged between the two numbers
                     usort($mergedrecsent, function($a, $b) { return strtotime($a["date"]) - strtotime($b["date"]); });

                     // Get the last but one message
                     $msgdatares = array_slice($mergedrecsent, -2, 1);
                     $lastbutone = $msgdatares[0];

                     // Replace the message that will be deleted with the last but one message in the same conversation
                     if (str_contains($lastbutone['to'], ": ")) {
                         $lastMsgToarr = explode(": ", $lastbutone['to']);
                         $lastMsgTo = $lastMsgToarr[1];
                     } else { $lastMsgTo = $lastbutone['to']; }

                     if (str_contains($lastbutone['from'], ": ")) {
                         $lastMsgFromarr = explode(": ", $lastbutone['from']);
                         $lastMsgFrom = $lastMsgFromarr[1];
                     } else { $lastMsgFrom = $lastbutone['from']; }

                     $updatecnv = $this->connection->prepare('
		             UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv`
		             SET `last_msg_date` = ?, `last_msg_from` = ?, `last_msg_to` = ?, `last_message` = ?, `lastmsgdisplayname` = ?, `lastmsgprovid` = ?
                             WHERE `conversation_id` = ?');
                     $updatecnvres = $updatecnv->execute([$lastbutone['date'], $lastMsgFrom, $lastMsgTo, $lastbutone['message'], $lastbutone['author_displayname'], 
                                                          $lastbutone['message_id'], $conversationID]);

                 } else {

                     // Since the last message in the conversation is the only message of the conversation and will be deleted, delete the conversation row from the conversations table
		     $convmsgdel = $this->connection->prepare('
				   DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv`
				   WHERE `conversation_id` = ?');
		     $convmsgdelres = $convmsgdel->execute([$conversationID]);

		     // Reindex the conversations table
		     $sqlupdateconv = $this->connection->prepare('
			           SET @resetconv = 0;
				   UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv`
				   SET `id` = @resetconv := @resetconv + 1;
			           ALTER TABLE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv` auto_increment=1;');
		     $updateconvRes = $sqlupdateconv->execute();

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function removerecrows($userId, $userDelDspName, $recmessagedbIDs) {

        if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            /* The user who deletes the messages is an admin */

            foreach ($recmessagedbIDs as $key => $rowtodelrw) {

                     $rowtodelarr = explode("|", $rowtodelrw);
                     $msgDbId = $rowtodelarr[0];
                     $msgProvId = $rowtodelarr[1];

                     // If it's the case, replace the message that will be deleted, in the conversations table, or remove the conversation's row from the conversations table

                     // Delete the message
                     if ($msgProvId != "" && $msgProvId != "n/a") {
		         $rdlquery = $this->connection->prepare('
		                     DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
		                     WHERE `message_id` = ?');
		         $delRes = $rdlquery->execute([$msgProvId]);
                     } else {
		         $rdlquery = $this->connection->prepare('
		                     DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
		                     WHERE `id` = ?');
		         $delRes = $rdlquery->execute([$msgDbId]);

            // Reindex the table of received messages
	    $sqlupdate = $this->connection->prepare('
                      SET @resetrec = 0;
		      UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
		      SET `id` = @resetrec := @resetrec + 1;
                      ALTER TABLE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received` auto_increment=1;');
	    $updateRes = $sqlupdate->execute();

            return "success";

        } else {

            /* The user who deletes the messages is not an admin */

            $permcheck = false;
            $delcheck = 0;
            foreach ($recmessagedbIDs as $key => $rowtodelrw) {

                $rowtodelarr = explode("|", $rowtodelrw);
                $msgDbId = $rowtodelarr[0];
                $msgProvId = $rowtodelarr[1];

                // Get the phone number on which the message was received, and the number's provider 
                $getphprv = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `id`, `to` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received` WHERE `id` = ?');
		$getphprvres = $getphprv->execute([$msgDbId]);
		$phnmbrprov = $getphprvres->fetch();

                if ($phnmbrprov) {
                    $retrphprovraw = $phnmbrprov['to'];
                    $retrphprovarr = explode(": ", $retrphprovraw);
                    $retrprovider = $retrphprovarr[0];
                    $retrphnumber = "%" . $retrphprovarr[1] . "%";

                    // Get the username of the admin who shared the retrieved phone number with the non-admin user
                    $getadm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `available_numbers` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` WHERE `available_numbers` LIKE ?');
		    $getadmres = $getadm->execute([$retrphnumber]);
                    $admunameretr = [];
		    while ($getadmuname = $getadmres->fetch()) {
                           $admunameretr[] = $getadmuname['user_id'];

                    if ($admunameretr) {
                        foreach ($admunameretr as $admkey => $admuname) {

                                 // Check if the retrieved admin allowed the user to delete messages
                                 $userDspNameder = "%" . $userDelDspName . "%";
                                 $usrsgrpsdel = 1;

                                 if ($retrprovider == "Telnyx") {

                                     $checkperm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `tnx_users_allowed`, `tnx_users_del` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `user_id` = ? AND `tnx_users_allowed` LIKE ? AND `tnx_users_del` = ?');
		                     $checkpermres = $checkperm->execute([$admuname, $userDspNameder, $usrsgrpsdel]);
                                     $admallwddel = $checkpermres->fetch();

                                     // If the user has been allowed to delete messages by Display Name, delete the current message
                                     if ($admallwddel) {

                                         // If it's the case, replace the message that will be deleted, in the conversations table, or remove the conversation's row from the conversations table

                                         if ($msgProvId != "" && $msgProvId != "n/a") {
				             $delquery = $this->connection->prepare('
					          DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
					          WHERE `message_id` = ?');
				             $qrdelResult = $delquery->execute([$msgProvId]);
                                             $permcheck = true;
                                         } else {
				             $delquery = $this->connection->prepare('
					          DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
					          WHERE `id` = ?');
				             $qrdelResult = $delquery->execute([$msgDbId]);
                                             $permcheck = true;

                                     } else {
                                         // Check if the user has been allowed to delete messages by group
                                         $checkpermgrp = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `tnx_groups_allowed`, `tnx_groups_del` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `user_id` = ? AND `tnx_groups_del` = ?');
		                         $checkpermgrpres = $checkpermgrp->execute([$admuname, $usrsgrpsdel]);
                                         $admallwddelgrp = $checkpermgrpres->fetch();
                                         if ($admallwddelgrp) {
					     // Get the groups to which the current user belongs
					     $getusrgrp = $this->connection->prepare('
						  SELECT `gid`, `uid`
						  FROM  `*PREFIX*group_user`
						  WHERE `uid` = ?');
					     $getusrgrpres = $getusrgrp->execute([$userId]);

					     $usergrps = [];
					     while ($fetchedgrps = $getusrgrpres->fetch()) {
						    $usergrps[] = $fetchedgrps['gid'];

                                             $groupsallowed = explode("|", $admallwddelgrp['tnx_groups_allowed']);

                                             if ($usergrps && $groupsallowed) {
                                                 $countGrps = array_intersect($usergrps, $groupsallowed);

                                                 // If the user has been allowed to delete messages by group, delete the current message
                                                 if (count($countGrps) > 0) {

                                                     // If it's the case, replace the message that will be deleted, in the conversations table, or remove the conversation's row from the conversations table

		                                     if ($msgProvId != "" && $msgProvId != "n/a") {
						         $delquery = $this->connection->prepare('
							      DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
							      WHERE `message_id` = ?');
						         $qrdelResult = $delquery->execute([$msgProvId]);
                                                         $permcheck = true;
		                                     } else {
						         $delquery = $this->connection->prepare('
							      DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
							      WHERE `id` = ?');
						         $qrdelResult = $delquery->execute([$msgDbId]);
                                                         $permcheck = true;


                                 } elseif ($retrprovider == "Plivo") {

                                     $checkperm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `plv_users_allowed`, `plv_users_del` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `user_id` = ? AND `plv_users_allowed` LIKE ? AND `plv_users_del` = ?');
		                     $checkpermres = $checkperm->execute([$admuname, $userDspNameder, $usrsgrpsdel]);
                                     $admallwddel = $checkpermres->fetch();

                                     // If the user has been allowed to delete messages by Display Name, delete the current message
                                     if ($admallwddel) {

                                         // If it's the case, replace the message that will be deleted, in the conversations table, or remove the conversation's row from the conversations table

                                         if ($msgProvId != "" && $msgProvId != "n/a") {
				             $delquery = $this->connection->prepare('
					          DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
					          WHERE `message_id` = ?');
				             $qrdelResult = $delquery->execute([$msgProvId]);
                                             $permcheck = true;
                                         } else {
				             $delquery = $this->connection->prepare('
					          DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
					          WHERE `id` = ?');
				             $qrdelResult = $delquery->execute([$msgDbId]);
                                             $permcheck = true;
                                     } else {
                                         // Check if the user has been allowed to delete messages by group
                                         $checkpermgrp = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `plv_groups_allowed`, `plv_groups_del` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `user_id` = ? AND `plv_groups_del` = ?');
		                         $checkpermgrpres = $checkpermgrp->execute([$admuname, $usrsgrpsdel]);
                                         $admallwddelgrp = $checkpermgrpres->fetch();
                                         if ($admallwddelgrp) {
					     // Get the groups to which the current user belongs
					     $getusrgrp = $this->connection->prepare('
						  SELECT `gid`, `uid`
						  FROM  `*PREFIX*group_user`
						  WHERE `uid` = ?');
					     $getusrgrpres = $getusrgrp->execute([$userId]);

					     $usergrps = [];
					     while ($fetchedgrps = $getusrgrpres->fetch()) {
						    $usergrps[] = $fetchedgrps['gid'];

                                             $groupsallowed = explode("|", $admallwddelgrp['plv_groups_allowed']);

                                             if ($usergrps && $groupsallowed) {
                                                 $countGrps = array_intersect($usergrps, $groupsallowed);

                                                 // If the user has been allowed to delete messages by group, delete the current message
                                                 if (count($countGrps) > 0) {

                                                     // If it's the case, replace the message that will be deleted, in the conversations table, or remove the conversation's row from the conversations table

				                     if ($msgProvId != "" && $msgProvId != "n/a") {
							 $delquery = $this->connection->prepare('
							      DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
						              WHERE `message_id` = ?');
							 $qrdelResult = $delquery->execute([$msgProvId]);
                                                         $permcheck = true;
				                     } else {
							 $delquery = $this->connection->prepare('
						              DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
							      WHERE `id` = ?');
							 $qrdelResult = $delquery->execute([$msgDbId]);
                                                         $permcheck = true;

                                 } elseif ($retrprovider == "Twilio") {

                                     $checkperm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `twl_users_allowed`, `twl_users_del` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `user_id` = ? AND `twl_users_allowed` LIKE ? AND `twl_users_del` = ?');
		                     $checkpermres = $checkperm->execute([$admuname, $userDspNameder, $usrsgrpsdel]);
                                     $admallwddel = $checkpermres->fetch();

                                     // If the user has been allowed to delete messages by Display Name, delete the current message
                                     if ($admallwddel) {

                                         // If it's the case, replace the message that will be deleted, in the conversations table, or remove the conversation's row from the conversations table

                                         if ($msgProvId != "" && $msgProvId != "n/a") {
				             $delquery = $this->connection->prepare('
					          DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
					          WHERE `message_id` = ?');
				             $qrdelResult = $delquery->execute([$msgProvId]);
                                             $permcheck = true;
                                         } else {
				             $delquery = $this->connection->prepare('
					          DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
					          WHERE `id` = ?');
				             $qrdelResult = $delquery->execute([$msgDbId]);
                                             $permcheck = true;

                                     } else {
                                         // Check if the user has been allowed to delete messages by group
                                         $checkpermgrp = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `twl_groups_allowed`, `twl_groups_del` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `user_id` = ? AND `twl_groups_del` = ?');
		                         $checkpermgrpres = $checkpermgrp->execute([$admuname, $usrsgrpsdel]);
                                         $admallwddelgrp = $checkpermgrpres->fetch();
                                         if ($admallwddelgrp) {
					     // Get the groups to which the current user belongs
					     $getusrgrp = $this->connection->prepare('
						  SELECT `gid`, `uid`
						  FROM  `*PREFIX*group_user`
						  WHERE `uid` = ?');
					     $getusrgrpres = $getusrgrp->execute([$userId]);

					     $usergrps = [];
					     while ($fetchedgrps = $getusrgrpres->fetch()) {
						    $usergrps[] = $fetchedgrps['gid'];

                                             $groupsallowed = explode("|", $admallwddelgrp['twl_groups_allowed']);

                                             if ($usergrps && $groupsallowed) {
                                                 $countGrps = array_intersect($usergrps, $groupsallowed);

                                                 // If the user has been allowed to delete messages by group, delete the current message
                                                 if (count($countGrps) > 0) {

                                                     // If it's the case, replace the message that will be deleted, in the conversations table, or remove the conversation's row from the conversations table

				                     if ($msgProvId != "" && $msgProvId != "n/a") {
							 $delquery = $this->connection->prepare('
							      DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
							      WHERE `message_id` = ?');
							 $qrdelResult = $delquery->execute([$msgProvId]);
                                                         $permcheck = true;
				                     } else {
							 $delquery = $this->connection->prepare('
							      DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
							      WHERE `id` = ?');
							 $qrdelResult = $delquery->execute([$msgDbId]);
                                                         $permcheck = true;


                                 } elseif ($retrprovider == "Flowroute") {

                                     $checkperm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `flr_users_allowed`, `flr_users_del` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `user_id` = ? AND `flr_users_allowed` LIKE ? AND `flr_users_del` = ?');
		                     $checkpermres = $checkperm->execute([$admuname, $userDspNameder, $usrsgrpsdel]);
                                     $admallwddel = $checkpermres->fetch();

                                     // If the user has been allowed to delete messages by Display Name, delete the current message
                                     if ($admallwddel) {

                                         // If it's the case, replace the message that will be deleted, in the conversations table, or remove the conversation's row from the conversations table

                                         if ($msgProvId != "" && $msgProvId != "n/a") {
				             $delquery = $this->connection->prepare('
					          DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
					          WHERE `message_id` = ?');
				             $qrdelResult = $delquery->execute([$msgProvId]);
                                             $permcheck = true;
                                         } else {
				             $delquery = $this->connection->prepare('
					          DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
					          WHERE `id` = ?');
				             $qrdelResult = $delquery->execute([$msgDbId]);
                                             $permcheck = true;
                                     } else {
                                         // Check if the user has been allowed to delete messages by group
                                         $checkpermgrp = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `flr_groups_allowed`, `flr_groups_del` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `user_id` = ? AND `flr_groups_del` = ?');
		                         $checkpermgrpres = $checkpermgrp->execute([$admuname, $usrsgrpsdel]);
                                         $admallwddelgrp = $checkpermgrpres->fetch();
                                         if ($admallwddelgrp) {
					     // Get the groups to which the current user belongs
					     $getusrgrp = $this->connection->prepare('
						  SELECT `gid`, `uid`
						  FROM  `*PREFIX*group_user`
						  WHERE `uid` = ?');
					     $getusrgrpres = $getusrgrp->execute([$userId]);

					     $usergrps = [];
					     while ($fetchedgrps = $getusrgrpres->fetch()) {
						    $usergrps[] = $fetchedgrps['gid'];

                                             $groupsallowed = explode("|", $admallwddelgrp['flr_groups_allowed']);

                                             if ($usergrps && $groupsallowed) {
                                                 $countGrps = array_intersect($usergrps, $groupsallowed);

                                                 // If the user has been allowed to delete messages by group, delete the current message
                                                 if (count($countGrps) > 0) {

                                                     // If it's the case, replace the message that will be deleted, in the conversations table, or remove the conversation's row from the conversations table

				                     if ($msgProvId != "" && $msgProvId != "n/a") {
							 $delquery = $this->connection->prepare('
							      DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
							      WHERE `message_id` = ?');
							 $qrdelResult = $delquery->execute([$msgProvId]);
                                                         $permcheck = true;
				                     } else {
							 $delquery = $this->connection->prepare('
							      DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
							      WHERE `id` = ?');
							 $qrdelResult = $delquery->execute([$msgDbId]);
                                                         $permcheck = true;



            if ($delcheck > 0) {
                // Reindex the table of received messages
	        $sqlupdate = $this->connection->prepare('
                      SET @resetrec = 0;
		      UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
		      SET `id` = @resetrec := @resetrec + 1;
                      ALTER TABLE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received` auto_increment=1;');
	        $updateRes = $sqlupdate->execute();

            if ($permcheck) { return "success"; } else { return "not allowed"; }

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function getsenttable($userId) {

        // Get the user's preferences from the settings
        $getgamcheck = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `user_id`, `show_all_messages`, `show_display_names`
		       FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` WHERE `user_id` = ?');
        $getgamcheckres = $getgamcheck->execute([$userId]);
        $getcrgamspref = $getgamcheckres->fetch();
        $crgamspref = $getcrgamspref['show_all_messages'];
        $crdnamespref = $getcrgamspref['show_display_names'];

        // Collect the users with whom the current admin is sharing his API keys and whose messages he will be able to see
        if ($crgamspref == 1 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            // Get the groups and users that were allowed access to the API keys
            $getgrps = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `tnx_groups_allowed`, `tnx_users_allowed`, `plv_groups_allowed`, `plv_users_allowed`,
                                                  `twl_groups_allowed`, `twl_users_allowed`, `flr_groups_allowed`, `flr_users_allowed` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac`
                                                   WHERE `user_id` = ?');
            $getgrpsres = $getgrps->execute([$userId]);
            $getgrpsusr = $getgrpsres->fetch();

            if ($getgrpsusr) {

                if ($getgrpsusr['tnx_users_allowed']) { $tnxusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['tnx_users_allowed']); } else { $tnxusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['plv_users_allowed']) { $plvusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['plv_users_allowed']); } else { $plvusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['twl_users_allowed']) { $twlusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['twl_users_allowed']); } else { $twlusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['flr_users_allowed']) { $flrusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['flr_users_allowed']); } else { $flrusers = []; }

                $allwdusersarr = array_merge($tnxusers, $plvusers, $twlusers, $flrusers);
                $allwdusersunq = array_filter(array_unique($allwdusersarr));

                if ($getgrpsusr['tnx_groups_allowed']) { $tnxgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['tnx_groups_allowed']); } else { $tnxgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['plv_groups_allowed']) { $plvgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['plv_groups_allowed']); } else { $plvgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['twl_groups_allowed']) { $twlgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['twl_groups_allowed']); } else { $twlgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['flr_groups_allowed']) { $flrgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['flr_groups_allowed']); } else { $flrgroups = []; }

                $allwdgroupsarr = array_merge($tnxgroups, $plvgroups, $twlgroups, $flrgroups);
                $allwdgroupsunq = array_filter(array_unique($allwdgroupsarr));

            } else {
                $allwdusersunq = [];
                $allwdgroupsunq = [];

            // Get the username for each Display Name of the allowed users
            $allwdusersfnl = [];
            foreach ($allwdusersunq as $alwdusrkey => $alwdusrvalue) {

                         $getacdatausrnm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `name` = ? AND `value` = ?');
		         $getacdatausrnmres = $getacdatausrnm->execute(['displayname', $alwdusrvalue]);
		         $acdatausrname = $getacdatausrnmres->fetch();
                         if ($acdatausrname) {
                             $allwdusersfnl[] = $acdatausrname['uid'];

            // Get the users from all the allowed groups
            $allwdusersgrpmlt = [];
            foreach ($allwdgroupsunq as $prgrpkey => $prgrpvalue) {

                     // Get all the users that belong to the current group, if the current group is different from 'admin'
                     if ($prgrpvalue != 'admin') {
                         $getusringroup = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `gid`, `uid` FROM `*PREFIX*group_user` WHERE `gid` = ?');
		         $getusringroupres = $getusringroup->execute([$prgrpvalue]);

		         while ($getusrname = $getusringroupres->fetch()) {

                                $allwdusersgrpmlt[] = $getusrname['uid'];
            $allwdusersgrpfnl = array_unique($allwdusersgrpmlt);
            $allusr = array_merge($allwdusersfnl, $allwdusersgrpfnl);
            $allusruniquest = array_unique($allusr);

            if ($allusruniquest) {
                array_unshift($allusruniquest, $userId);
                $allusrunique = $allusruniquest;
            } else { $allusrunique = [$userId]; }

            $allusruniquesec = "'" . implode("','", $allusrunique) . "'";

        // If the user is an admin and he wants to see his messages and the messages of all the users with whom he shares his API keys
        if ($crgamspref == 1 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            if ($crdnamespref == 1) {

                $resultsent = $this->connection->executeQuery("
                       SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `network`, `price`, `status`, `deliveryreceipt`, `message`, `author_displayname`
		       FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent` 
                       WHERE `user_id` IN (" . $allusruniquesec . ")");
            } else {

                $resultsent = $this->connection->executeQuery("
                       SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `network`, `price`, `status`, `deliveryreceipt`, `message`
		       FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
                       WHERE `user_id` IN (" . $allusruniquesec . ")");

        // If the user is an admin and he wants to see only his messages
        } elseif ($crgamspref == 0 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            if ($crdnamespref == 1) {
                $getsenttbl = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `network`, `price`, `status`, `deliveryreceipt`, `message`, `author_displayname`
		       FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent` 
                       WHERE `user_id` = ?');
                $resultsent = $getsenttbl->execute([$userId]);
            } else {
                $getsenttbl = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `network`, `price`, `status`, `deliveryreceipt`, `message`
		       FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent` 
                       WHERE `user_id` = ?');
                $resultsent = $getsenttbl->execute([$userId]);

        // If the user is not an admin 
        } elseif (!$this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

	    // Get the Display Name of the current user
            $dsplnme = 'displayname';
	    $getacdatadn = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `name` = ?');
	    $getacdatadnres = $getacdatadn->execute([$userId, $dsplnme]);
	    $acdatausrdnadm = $getacdatadnres->fetch();
	    $cruserdname = $acdatausrdnadm['value'];

            // Get the groups to which the current user belongs
            $getusrgrp = $this->connection->prepare('
	          SELECT `gid`, `uid`
	          FROM  `*PREFIX*group_user`
                  WHERE `uid` = ?');
            $getusrgrpres = $getusrgrp->execute([$userId]);

            $usergrps = [];
            while ($fetchedgrps = $getusrgrpres->fetch()) {
                   $usergrps[] = $fetchedgrps['gid'];

            // Get the restrictions from the 'sms_relent_restrict' table
            $getrestr = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `phone_number`, `groups`, `users`
		       FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_restrict`');
            $getrestrres = $getrestr->execute();

            $restrdata = [];
            while ($restrfetched = $getrestrres->fetch()) {
                   $restrdata[] = $restrfetched;

            // Get the phone numbers that the user is allowed/not allowed to use
            if ($restrdata) {

                $restrPhoneNmbrs = [];
                $allowedPhoneNmbrs = [];
                foreach ($restrdata as $rskey => $rsvalue) {

                         $chck = 0;
                         $restrgrparr = explode("|", $rsvalue['groups']);
                         foreach ($restrgrparr as $rkey => $rvalue) {
                                  if ($rvalue) {
                                      if (strpos(implode("|", $usergrps), $rvalue) !== false) { $chck++; }
                         if (strpos($rsvalue['users'], $cruserdname) !== false) { $chck++; }

                         if ($chck == 0) { 
                             $restrPhoneNmbrs[] = $rsvalue['phone_number']; 

		$allowedPhNmbrs = $this->getsmsnumbers($userId);

		foreach ($allowedPhNmbrs as $apnkey => $apnvalue) {
			 $crphnmbr = explode(": ", $apnvalue);
			 if ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Tx') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Telnyx: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Pl') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Plivo: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Tw') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Twilio: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Fl') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Flowroute: ' . $crphnmbr[1];

                $procalwduid = $allowedPhoneNmbrs;
                $procalwduidsec = "'" . implode("','", $procalwduid) . "'";

                if ($crdnamespref == 1) {
                    if ($procalwduidsec != "''") {

                        $resultsent = $this->connection->executeQuery("
		            SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `network`, `price`, `status`, `deliveryreceipt`, `message`, `author_displayname`
		            FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
			    WHERE `user_id` = '$userId' OR `from` IN (" . $procalwduidsec . ")");
                    } else {
	                $getsenttbl = $this->connection->prepare('
		            SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `network`, `price`, `status`, `deliveryreceipt`, `message`, `author_displayname`
		            FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
			    WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	                $resultsent = $getsenttbl->execute([$userId]);
                } else {
                    if ($procalwduidsec != "''") {

                        $resultsent = $this->connection->executeQuery("
		            SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `network`, `price`, `status`, `deliveryreceipt`, `message`
		            FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
			    WHERE `user_id` = '$userId' OR `from` IN (" . $procalwduidsec . ")");

                    } else {
	                $getsenttbl = $this->connection->prepare('
		            SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `network`, `price`, `status`, `deliveryreceipt`, `message`
		            FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
			    WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	                $resultsent = $getsenttbl->execute([$userId]);

            } else {

                if ($crdnamespref == 1) {
                    $getsenttbl = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `network`, `price`, `status`, `deliveryreceipt`, `message`, `author_displayname`
		       FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
		       WHERE `user_id` = ?');
                    $resultsent = $getsenttbl->execute([$userId]);
                } else {
                    $getsenttbl = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `network`, `price`, `status`, `deliveryreceipt`, `message`
		       FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
		       WHERE `user_id` = ?');
                    $resultsent = $getsenttbl->execute([$userId]);

        $sentdatatable = [];
        while ($rowfetched = $resultsent->fetch()){
               $sentdatatable[] = $rowfetched;

        $sentdatafromdb = $sentdatatable;

        if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            $sentdatafdb = ['datarows' => $sentdatafromdb, 'showdispnm' => $crdnamespref];
            return $sentdatafdb;

        } else {

            if ($restrdata) {

                // Clean the phone numbers from tags
                $restrPhfin = [];
                foreach ($restrPhoneNmbrs as $phkey => $phvalue) {

                    $restrpharr = explode(": ", $phvalue);
                    $restrPhfin[] = $restrpharr[1];

                // Assemble the array of message rows that excludes the rows for the restricted phone numbers
                foreach ($sentdatafromdb as $smdkey => $smdvalue) {

                    if (str_contains($smdvalue['from'], "+")) {
                        $fromnmbrarr = explode("+", $smdvalue['from']);
                        if (in_array("+" . $fromnmbrarr[1], $restrPhfin)) {
                    } else {
                        $frmnmbrarr = explode(": ", $smdvalue['from']);
                        if (count($frmnmbrarr) == 2) {
                            $nmbtbcmprd = $frmnmbrarr[1];
                        } else { 
                            $nmbtbcmprd = $frmnmbrarr[0];

                        if (in_array($nmbtbcmprd, $restrPhfin)) {

                $sentdatadbproc = array_values($sentdatafromdb);

                $sentdatafdb = ['datarows' => $sentdatadbproc, 'showdispnm' => $crdnamespref];
                return $sentdatafdb;

            } else {

                $sentdatafdb = ['datarows' => $sentdatafromdb, 'showdispnm' => $crdnamespref];
                return $sentdatafdb;

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function getsenttablefordel($userId) {

        if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            $getsenttbldel = $this->connection->prepare('
		          SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `message_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `network`, `price`, `status`, `deliveryreceipt`, `message`, `author_displayname`
		          FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
		          WHERE `user_id` = ?');
            $resultsentdl = $getsenttbldel->execute([$userId]);

            $sentdatatable = [];
            while ($rowfetched = $resultsentdl->fetch()){
                   $sentdatatable[] = $rowfetched;

            $sentdatafromdb = $sentdatatable;

            return $sentdatafromdb;

        } else { return "not permitted"; }

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function removesentrows($userId, $userstDelDspName, $sentmessagedbIDs) {

        if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            /* The user who deletes the messages is an admin */

            foreach ($sentmessagedbIDs as $key => $sentrowtodel) {

                     $rowtodelarr = explode("|", $sentrowtodel);
                     $msgDbId = $rowtodelarr[0];
                     $msgProvId = $rowtodelarr[1];

                     // If it's the case, replace the message that will be deleted, in the conversations table, or remove the conversation's row from the conversations table

                     // Delete the message
                     if ($msgProvId != "" && $msgProvId != "n/a") {
		         $smdlquery = $this->connection->prepare('
		               DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
		               WHERE `message_id` = ?');
		         $delsmsgRes = $smdlquery->execute([$msgProvId]);
                     } else {
		         $smdlquery = $this->connection->prepare('
		               DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
		               WHERE `id` = ?');
		         $delsmsgRes = $smdlquery->execute([$msgDbId]);

            // Reindex the table of sent messages
	    $sqlupdatest = $this->connection->prepare('
                      SET @resetsent = 0;
		      UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
		      SET `id` = @resetsent := @resetsent + 1;
                      ALTER TABLE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent` auto_increment=1;');
	    $updatestRes = $sqlupdatest->execute();

            return "success";

        } else {

            /* The user who deletes the messages is not an admin */

            $permcheckst = false;
            $delstcheck = 0;
            foreach ($sentmessagedbIDs as $key => $sentrowtodel) {

                $rowtodelarr = explode("|", $sentrowtodel);
                $msgDbId = $rowtodelarr[0];
                $msgProvId = $rowtodelarr[1];

                // Get the phone number from which the message was sent, and the number's provider 
                $getphprv = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `from` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent` WHERE `id` = ?');
		$getphprvres = $getphprv->execute([$msgDbId]);
		$phnmbrprov = $getphprvres->fetch();

                if ($phnmbrprov) {

                    $retrphprovraw = $phnmbrprov['from'];
                    $retrphprovarr = explode(": ", $retrphprovraw);
                    $retrprovider = $retrphprovarr[0];
                    $retrphnumber = "%" . $retrphprovarr[1] . "%";

                    // Get the username of the admin who shared the retrieved phone number with the non-admin user
                    $getadm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `available_numbers` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` WHERE `available_numbers` LIKE ?');
		    $getadmres = $getadm->execute([$retrphnumber]);
                    $admunameretr = [];
		    while ($getadmuname = $getadmres->fetch()) {
                           $admunameretr[] = $getadmuname['user_id'];

                    if ($admunameretr) {

                            foreach ($admunameretr as $admkey => $admuname) {

                                 // Check if the retrieved admin allowed the user to delete messages
                                 $userDspNameder = "%" . $userstDelDspName . "%";
                                 $usrsgrpsdel = 1;

                                 if ($retrprovider == "Telnyx") {

                                     $checkperm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `tnx_users_allowed`, `tnx_users_del` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `user_id` = ? AND `tnx_users_allowed` LIKE ? AND `tnx_users_del` = ?');
		                     $checkpermres = $checkperm->execute([$admuname, $userDspNameder, $usrsgrpsdel]);
                                     $admallwddel = $checkpermres->fetch();

                                     // If the user has been allowed to delete messages by Display Name, delete the current message
                                     if ($admallwddel) {

                                         // If it's the case, replace the message that will be deleted, in the conversations table, or remove the conversation's row from the conversations table

				         if ($msgProvId != "" && $msgProvId != "n/a") {
					     $smdlquery = $this->connection->prepare('
					           DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
					           WHERE `message_id` = ?');
					     $delsmsgRes = $smdlquery->execute([$msgProvId]);
                                             $permcheckst = true;
				         } else {
					     $smdlquery = $this->connection->prepare('
					           DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
					           WHERE `id` = ?');
					     $delsmsgRes = $smdlquery->execute([$msgDbId]);
                                             $permcheckst = true;
                                     } else {
                                         // Check if the user has been allowed to delete messages by group
                                         $checkpermgrp = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `tnx_groups_allowed`, `tnx_groups_del` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `user_id` = ? AND `tnx_groups_del` = ?');
		                         $checkpermgrpres = $checkpermgrp->execute([$admuname, $usrsgrpsdel]);
                                         $admallwddelgrp = $checkpermgrpres->fetch();
                                         if ($admallwddelgrp) {
					     // Get the groups to which the current user belongs
					     $getusrgrp = $this->connection->prepare('
						  SELECT `gid`, `uid`
						  FROM  `*PREFIX*group_user`
						  WHERE `uid` = ?');
					     $getusrgrpres = $getusrgrp->execute([$userId]);

					     $usergrps = [];
					     while ($fetchedgrps = $getusrgrpres->fetch()) {
						    $usergrps[] = $fetchedgrps['gid'];

                                             $groupsallowed = explode("|", $admallwddelgrp['tnx_groups_allowed']);

                                             if ($usergrps && $groupsallowed) {
                                                 $countGrps = array_intersect($usergrps, $groupsallowed);

                                                 // If the user has been allowed to delete messages by group, delete the current message
                                                 if (count($countGrps) > 0) {

                                                     // If it's the case, replace the message that will be deleted, in the conversations table, or remove the conversation's row from the conversations table

					             if ($msgProvId != "" && $msgProvId != "n/a") {
							 $smdlquery = $this->connection->prepare('
							       DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
							       WHERE `message_id` = ?');
							 $delsmsgRes = $smdlquery->execute([$msgProvId]);
                                                         $permcheckst = true;
					             } else {
							 $smdlquery = $this->connection->prepare('
							       DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
							       WHERE `id` = ?');
							 $delsmsgRes = $smdlquery->execute([$msgDbId]);
                                                         $permcheckst = true;

                                 } elseif ($retrprovider == "Plivo") {

                                     $checkperm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `plv_users_allowed`, `plv_users_del` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `user_id` = ? AND `plv_users_allowed` LIKE ? AND `plv_users_del` = ?');
		                     $checkpermres = $checkperm->execute([$admuname, $userDspNameder, $usrsgrpsdel]);
                                     $admallwddel = $checkpermres->fetch();

                                     // If the user has been allowed to delete messages by Display Name, delete the current message
                                     if ($admallwddel) {

                                         // If it's the case, replace the message that will be deleted, in the conversations table, or remove the conversation's row from the conversations table

				         if ($msgProvId != "" && $msgProvId != "n/a") {
					     $smdlquery = $this->connection->prepare('
					           DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
					           WHERE `message_id` = ?');
					     $delsmsgRes = $smdlquery->execute([$msgProvId]);
                                             $permcheckst = true;
				         } else {
					     $smdlquery = $this->connection->prepare('
					           DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
					           WHERE `id` = ?');
					     $delsmsgRes = $smdlquery->execute([$msgDbId]);
                                             $permcheckst = true;
                                     } else {
                                         // Check if the user has been allowed to delete messages by group
                                         $checkpermgrp = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `plv_groups_allowed`, `plv_groups_del` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `user_id` = ? AND `plv_groups_del` = ?');
		                         $checkpermgrpres = $checkpermgrp->execute([$admuname, $usrsgrpsdel]);
                                         $admallwddelgrp = $checkpermgrpres->fetch();
                                         if ($admallwddelgrp) {
					     // Get the groups to which the current user belongs
					     $getusrgrp = $this->connection->prepare('
						  SELECT `gid`, `uid`
						  FROM  `*PREFIX*group_user`
						  WHERE `uid` = ?');
					     $getusrgrpres = $getusrgrp->execute([$userId]);

					     $usergrps = [];
					     while ($fetchedgrps = $getusrgrpres->fetch()) {
						    $usergrps[] = $fetchedgrps['gid'];

                                             $groupsallowed = explode("|", $admallwddelgrp['plv_groups_allowed']);

                                             if ($usergrps && $groupsallowed) {
                                                 $countGrps = array_intersect($usergrps, $groupsallowed);

                                                 // If the user has been allowed to delete messages by group, delete the current message
                                                 if (count($countGrps) > 0) {

                                                     // If it's the case, replace the message that will be deleted, in the conversations table, or remove the conversation's row from the conversations table

					             if ($msgProvId != "" && $msgProvId != "n/a") {
							 $smdlquery = $this->connection->prepare('
							       DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
							       WHERE `message_id` = ?');
							 $delsmsgRes = $smdlquery->execute([$msgProvId]);
                                                         $permcheckst = true;
					             } else {
							 $smdlquery = $this->connection->prepare('
							       DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
							       WHERE `id` = ?');
							 $delsmsgRes = $smdlquery->execute([$msgDbId]);
                                                         $permcheckst = true;


                                 } elseif ($retrprovider == "Twilio") {

                                     $checkperm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `twl_users_allowed`, `twl_users_del` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `user_id` = ? AND `twl_users_allowed` LIKE ? AND `twl_users_del` = ?');
		                     $checkpermres = $checkperm->execute([$admuname, $userDspNameder, $usrsgrpsdel]);
                                     $admallwddel = $checkpermres->fetch();

                                     // If the user has been allowed to delete messages by Display Name, delete the current message
                                     if ($admallwddel) {

                                         // If it's the case, replace the message that will be deleted, in the conversations table, or remove the conversation's row from the conversations table

				         if ($msgProvId != "" && $msgProvId != "n/a") {
					     $smdlquery = $this->connection->prepare('
					           DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
					           WHERE `message_id` = ?');
					     $delsmsgRes = $smdlquery->execute([$msgProvId]);
                                             $permcheckst = true;
				         } else {
					     $smdlquery = $this->connection->prepare('
					           DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
					           WHERE `id` = ?');
					     $delsmsgRes = $smdlquery->execute([$msgDbId]);
                                             $permcheckst = true;
                                     } else {
                                         // Check if the user has been allowed to delete messages by group
                                         $checkpermgrp = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `twl_groups_allowed`, `twl_groups_del` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `user_id` = ? AND `twl_groups_del` = ?');
		                         $checkpermgrpres = $checkpermgrp->execute([$admuname, $usrsgrpsdel]);
                                         $admallwddelgrp = $checkpermgrpres->fetch();
                                         if ($admallwddelgrp) {
					     // Get the groups to which the current user belongs
					     $getusrgrp = $this->connection->prepare('
						  SELECT `gid`, `uid`
						  FROM  `*PREFIX*group_user`
						  WHERE `uid` = ?');
					     $getusrgrpres = $getusrgrp->execute([$userId]);

					     $usergrps = [];
					     while ($fetchedgrps = $getusrgrpres->fetch()) {
						    $usergrps[] = $fetchedgrps['gid'];

                                             $groupsallowed = explode("|", $admallwddelgrp['twl_groups_allowed']);

                                             if ($usergrps && $groupsallowed) {
                                                 $countGrps = array_intersect($usergrps, $groupsallowed);

                                                 // If the user has been allowed to delete messages by group, delete the current message
                                                 if (count($countGrps) > 0) {

                                                     // If it's the case, replace the message that will be deleted, in the conversations table, or remove the conversation's row from the conversations table

					             if ($msgProvId != "" && $msgProvId != "n/a") {
							 $smdlquery = $this->connection->prepare('
							       DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
							       WHERE `message_id` = ?');
							 $delsmsgRes = $smdlquery->execute([$msgProvId]);
                                                         $permcheckst = true;
					             } else {
							 $smdlquery = $this->connection->prepare('
							       DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
							       WHERE `id` = ?');
							 $delsmsgRes = $smdlquery->execute([$msgDbId]);
                                                         $permcheckst = true;

                                 } elseif ($retrprovider == "Flowroute") {

                                     $checkperm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `flr_users_allowed`, `flr_users_del` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `user_id` = ? AND `flr_users_allowed` LIKE ? AND `flr_users_del` = ?');
		                     $checkpermres = $checkperm->execute([$admuname, $userDspNameder, $usrsgrpsdel]);
                                     $admallwddel = $checkpermres->fetch();

                                     // If the user has been allowed to delete messages by Display Name, delete the current message
                                     if ($admallwddel) {

                                         // If it's the case, replace the message that will be deleted, in the conversations table, or remove the conversation's row from the conversations table

				         if ($msgProvId != "" && $msgProvId != "n/a") {
					     $smdlquery = $this->connection->prepare('
					           DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
					           WHERE `message_id` = ?');
					     $delsmsgRes = $smdlquery->execute([$msgProvId]);
                                             $permcheckst = true;
				         } else {
					     $smdlquery = $this->connection->prepare('
					           DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
					           WHERE `id` = ?');
					     $delsmsgRes = $smdlquery->execute([$msgDbId]);
                                             $permcheckst = true;
                                     } else {
                                         // Check if the user has been allowed to delete messages by group
                                         $checkpermgrp = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `flr_groups_allowed`, `flr_groups_del` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `user_id` = ? AND `flr_groups_del` = ?');
		                         $checkpermgrpres = $checkpermgrp->execute([$admuname, $usrsgrpsdel]);
                                         $admallwddelgrp = $checkpermgrpres->fetch();
                                         if ($admallwddelgrp) {
					     // Get the groups to which the current user belongs
					     $getusrgrp = $this->connection->prepare('
						  SELECT `gid`, `uid`
						  FROM  `*PREFIX*group_user`
						  WHERE `uid` = ?');
					     $getusrgrpres = $getusrgrp->execute([$userId]);

					     $usergrps = [];
					     while ($fetchedgrps = $getusrgrpres->fetch()) {
						    $usergrps[] = $fetchedgrps['gid'];

                                             $groupsallowed = explode("|", $admallwddelgrp['flr_groups_allowed']);

                                             if ($usergrps && $groupsallowed) {
                                                 $countGrps = array_intersect($usergrps, $groupsallowed);

                                                 // If the user has been allowed to delete messages by group, delete the current message
                                                 if (count($countGrps) > 0) {

                                                     // If it's the case, replace the message that will be deleted, in the conversations table, or remove the conversation's row from the conversations table

					             if ($msgProvId != "" && $msgProvId != "n/a") {
							 $smdlquery = $this->connection->prepare('
							       DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
							       WHERE `message_id` = ?');
							 $delsmsgRes = $smdlquery->execute([$msgProvId]);
                                                         $permcheckst = true;
					             } else {
							 $smdlquery = $this->connection->prepare('
							       DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
							       WHERE `id` = ?');
							 $delsmsgRes = $smdlquery->execute([$msgDbId]);
                                                         $permcheckst = true;



            if ($delstcheck > 0) {

                // Reindex the table of sent messages
	        $sqlupdatest = $this->connection->prepare('
                      SET @resetsent = 0;
		      UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
		      SET `id` = @resetsent := @resetsent + 1;
                      ALTER TABLE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent` auto_increment=1;');
	        $updatestRes = $sqlupdatest->execute();

            if ($permcheckst) { return "success"; } else { return "not allowed"; }

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function getconversations($userId) {

        // Get the phone numbers that the current user has access to
        $getnumberscv = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `available_numbers` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	$getcrtusrnocv = $getnumberscv->execute([$userId]);
        $getusrnmbrscv = $getcrtusrnocv->fetch();

        if ($getusrnmbrscv['available_numbers']) {

            $retrievednmbrArr = explode("|", $getusrnmbrscv['available_numbers']);
            $retrievednmbrpr = array_filter($retrievednmbrArr);
            $retrievednmbrsfin = [];

            foreach ($retrievednmbrpr as $convKey => $convValue) {
                     $retrnmbrex = explode(": ", $convValue);
                     $retrievednmbrsfin[] = $retrnmbrex[1]; 
            $retrievednmbrsimp = "'" . implode("','", $retrievednmbrsfin) . "'";

            // Get the conversation data from the 'sms_relent_conv' table
            $getconvdata = $this->connection->executeQuery("SELECT `conversation_id`, `archived`, `last_archived`, `last_unarchived`, `archived_by`, `unarchived_by`, `last_msg_date`, 
                                                           `last_msg_from`, `last_msg_to`, `last_message`, `lastmsgdisplayname`, `flagged`, `flagunflagby`, `flagunflagdate`, `tag`,
                                                           `taguntagby`, `taguntagdate`, `description`, `descriptionby`, `descriptiondate` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv` WHERE 
                                                           `last_msg_from` IN (" . $retrievednmbrsimp . ") OR `last_msg_to` IN (" . $retrievednmbrsimp . ")");

            $convdatafdb = [];
            while ($convdatafetched = $getconvdata->fetch()) {
                   $convdatafdb[] = $convdatafetched;

        } else { $convdatafdb = []; }

        return $convdatafdb;

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function archiveconv($userId, $userDspNameArch, $conversationId) {

        $archivedyn = 1;
        $dateArchived = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        $sqlarchive = $this->connection->prepare('
		        UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv`
		        SET `archived` = ?, `last_archived` = ?, `archived_by` = ?
                        WHERE `conversation_id` = ?');
        $archiveRes = $sqlarchive->execute([$archivedyn, $dateArchived, $userDspNameArch, $conversationId]);
        if ($archiveRes) { return "success"; } else { return "error"; }

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function unarchiveconv($userId, $userDspNameUnarch, $conversationIdUn) {

        $archivedynun = 0;
        $dateUnarchived = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        $sqlarchiveun = $this->connection->prepare('
		        UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv`
		        SET `archived` = ?, `last_unarchived` = ?, `unarchived_by` = ?
                        WHERE `conversation_id` = ?');
        $archiveResun = $sqlarchiveun->execute([$archivedynun, $dateUnarchived, $userDspNameUnarch, $conversationIdUn]);
        if ($archiveResun) { return "success"; } else { return "error"; }

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function saveconvdescription($userId, $userDspNameDesc, $convDescription, $convId) {

            $dateDescSaved = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
	    $updatedesc = $this->connection->prepare('
			UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv`
			SET `description` = ?, `descriptionby` = ?, `descriptiondate` = ?
                        WHERE `conversation_id` = ?');
	    $updatedescres = $updatedesc->execute([$convDescription, $userDspNameDesc, $dateDescSaved, $convId]);

            if ($updatedescres) {
                return $respupdesc = "The conversation description has been saved successfully.";
            } else {
                return $respupdesc = "Error while trying to save the conversation description to the database.";

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function saveconvtag($userId, $userDspNameTag, $convTag, $convId) {

            $dateTagSaved = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
	    $updatetag = $this->connection->prepare('
			UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv`
			SET `tag` = ?, `taguntagby` = ?, `taguntagdate` = ?
                        WHERE `conversation_id` = ?');
	    $updatetagres = $updatetag->execute([$convTag, $userDspNameTag, $dateTagSaved, $convId]);

            if ($updatetagres) {
                return $respuptag = "The conversation tag has been saved successfully.";
            } else {
                return $respuptag = "Error while trying to save the conversation tag to the database.";

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function saveconvflag($userId, $userDspNameFlag, $convFlag, $convId) {

            $dateFlagSaved = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
	    $updateflag = $this->connection->prepare('
			UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv`
			SET `flagged` = ?, `flagunflagby` = ?, `flagunflagdate` = ?
                        WHERE `conversation_id` = ?');
	    $updateflagres = $updateflag->execute([$convFlag, $userDspNameFlag, $dateFlagSaved, $convId]);

            if ($updateflagres) {
                return $respupflag = "success";
            } else {
                return $respupflag = "failure";

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function removeconvmsgs($userId, $conversationId) {

        if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            // Delete all the messages included in the conversation with the given conversation ID, from the 'sms_relent_received' table
            $convmsgdelrec = $this->connection->prepare('
		           DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
		           WHERE `conversation_id` = ?');
            $convmsgdelrecres = $convmsgdelrec->execute([$conversationId]);

	    $sqlupdaterec = $this->connection->prepare('
                           SET @resetrec = 0;
		           UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
		           SET `id` = @resetrec := @resetrec + 1;
                           ALTER TABLE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received` auto_increment=1;');
	    $updaterecRes = $sqlupdaterec->execute();

            // Delete all the messages included in the conversation with the given conversation ID, from the 'sms_relent_sent' table
            $convmsgdelsent = $this->connection->prepare('
		           DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
		           WHERE `conversation_id` = ?');
            $convmsgdelsentres = $convmsgdelsent->execute([$conversationId]);

	    $sqlupdatesent = $this->connection->prepare('
                           SET @resetsent = 0;
		           UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
		           SET `id` = @resetsent := @resetsent + 1;
                           ALTER TABLE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent` auto_increment=1;');
	    $updatesentRes = $sqlupdatesent->execute();

            // Delete the row with the given conversation ID from the 'sms_relent_conv' table
            $convmsgdel = $this->connection->prepare('
		           DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv`
		           WHERE `conversation_id` = ?');
            $convmsgdelres = $convmsgdel->execute([$conversationId]);

            // Reindex the conversations table
	    $sqlupdateconv = $this->connection->prepare('
                           SET @resetconv = 0;
		           UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv`
		           SET `id` = @resetconv := @resetconv + 1;
                           ALTER TABLE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv` auto_increment=1;');
	    $updateconvRes = $sqlupdateconv->execute();

            return "success";

        } else { return "not allowed"; }

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function getgroupedtable($userId) {

        // Get the user's preferences from the settings
        $getpref = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `user_id`, `show_all_messages`
		       FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` WHERE `user_id` = ?');
        $getprefres = $getpref->execute([$userId]);
        $getprefresdata = $getprefres->fetch();
        $crsampref = $getprefresdata['show_all_messages'];

        // Collect the users with whom the current admin is sharing his API keys and whose messages he will be able to see
        if ($crsampref == 1 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            // Get the groups and users that were allowed access to the API keys
            $getgrps = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `tnx_groups_allowed`, `tnx_users_allowed`, `plv_groups_allowed`, `plv_users_allowed`,
                                                  `twl_groups_allowed`, `twl_users_allowed`, `flr_groups_allowed`, `flr_users_allowed` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac`
                                                   WHERE `user_id` = ?');
            $getgrpsres = $getgrps->execute([$userId]);
            $getgrpsusr = $getgrpsres->fetch();

            if ($getgrpsusr) {

                if ($getgrpsusr['tnx_users_allowed']) { $tnxusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['tnx_users_allowed']); } else { $tnxusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['plv_users_allowed']) { $plvusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['plv_users_allowed']); } else { $plvusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['twl_users_allowed']) { $twlusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['twl_users_allowed']); } else { $twlusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['flr_users_allowed']) { $flrusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['flr_users_allowed']); } else { $flrusers = []; }

                $allwdusersarr = array_merge($tnxusers, $plvusers, $twlusers, $flrusers);
                $allwdusersunq = array_filter(array_unique($allwdusersarr));

                if ($getgrpsusr['tnx_groups_allowed']) { $tnxgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['tnx_groups_allowed']); } else { $tnxgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['plv_groups_allowed']) { $plvgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['plv_groups_allowed']); } else { $plvgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['twl_groups_allowed']) { $twlgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['twl_groups_allowed']); } else { $twlgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['flr_groups_allowed']) { $flrgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['flr_groups_allowed']); } else { $flrgroups = []; }

                $allwdgroupsarr = array_merge($tnxgroups, $plvgroups, $twlgroups, $flrgroups);
                $allwdgroupsunq = array_filter(array_unique($allwdgroupsarr));

            } else {
                $allwdusersunq = [];
                $allwdgroupsunq = [];

            // Get the username for each Display Name of the allowed users
            $allwdusersfnl = [];
            foreach ($allwdusersunq as $alwdusrkey => $alwdusrvalue) {

                         $getacdatausrnm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `name` = ? AND `value` = ?');
		         $getacdatausrnmres = $getacdatausrnm->execute(['displayname', $alwdusrvalue]);
		         $acdatausrname = $getacdatausrnmres->fetch();
                         if ($acdatausrname) {
                             $allwdusersfnl[] = $acdatausrname['uid'];

            // Get the users from all the allowed groups
            $allwdusersgrpmlt = [];
            foreach ($allwdgroupsunq as $prgrpkey => $prgrpvalue) {

                     // Get all the users that belong to the current group, if the current group is different from 'admin'
                     if ($prgrpvalue != 'admin') {
                         $getusringroup = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `gid`, `uid` FROM `*PREFIX*group_user` WHERE `gid` = ?');
		         $getusringroupres = $getusringroup->execute([$prgrpvalue]);

		         while ($getusrname = $getusringroupres->fetch()) {

                                $allwdusersgrpmlt[] = $getusrname['uid'];
            $allwdusersgrpfnl = array_unique($allwdusersgrpmlt);
            $allusr = array_merge($allwdusersfnl, $allwdusersgrpfnl);
            $allusruniquest = array_unique($allusr);

            if ($allusruniquest) {
                array_unshift($allusruniquest, $userId);
                $allusruniquegr = $allusruniquest;
            } else { $allusruniquegr = [$userId]; }

            $allusruniquegrsec = "'" . implode("','", $allusruniquegr) . "'";

        // Get received messages

        // If the user is an admin and he wants to see his messages and the messages of all the users with whom he shares his API keys
        if ($crsampref == 1 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            $getrecmsgsres = $this->connection->executeQuery("
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`
			FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received` WHERE `user_id` IN (" . $allusruniquegrsec . ")");

        // If the user is an admin and he wants to see only his messages
        } elseif ($crsampref == 0 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            $getrecmsgs = $this->connection->prepare('
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`
			FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received` WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	    $getrecmsgsres = $getrecmsgs->execute([$userId]);

        // If the user is not an admin 
        } elseif (!$this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

	    // Get the Display Name of the current user
            $displnme = 'displayname';
	    $getacdatadn = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `name` = ?');
	    $getacdatadnres = $getacdatadn->execute([$userId, $displnme]);
	    $acdatausrdnadm = $getacdatadnres->fetch();
	    $cruserdname = $acdatausrdnadm['value'];

            // Get the groups to which the current user belongs
            $getusrgrp = $this->connection->prepare('
	          SELECT `gid`, `uid`
	          FROM  `*PREFIX*group_user`
                  WHERE `uid` = ?');
            $getusrgrpres = $getusrgrp->execute([$userId]);

            $usergrps = [];
            while ($fetchedgrps = $getusrgrpres->fetch()) {
                   $usergrps[] = $fetchedgrps['gid'];

            // Get the restrictions from the 'sms_relent_restrict' table
            $getrestr = $this->connection->prepare('
		        SELECT `phone_number`, `groups`, `users`
		        FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_restrict`');
            $getrestrres = $getrestr->execute();

            $restrdata = [];
            while ($restrfetched = $getrestrres->fetch()) {
                   $restrdata[] = $restrfetched;

            // Get the phone numbers that the user is allowed/not allowed to use
            if ($restrdata) {

                $restrPhoneNmbrs = [];
                $allowedPhoneNmbrs = [];
                foreach ($restrdata as $rskey => $rsvalue) {

                         $chck = 0;
                         $restrgrparr = explode("|", $rsvalue['groups']);
                         foreach ($restrgrparr as $rkey => $rvalue) {
                                  if ($rvalue) {
                                      if (strpos(implode("|", $usergrps), $rvalue) !== false) { $chck++; }
                         if (strpos($rsvalue['users'], $cruserdname) !== false) { $chck++; }

                         if ($chck == 0) { 
                             $restrPhoneNmbrs[] = $rsvalue['phone_number']; 

		$allowedPhNmbrs = $this->getsmsnumbers($userId);

		foreach ($allowedPhNmbrs as $apnkey => $apnvalue) {
			 $crphnmbr = explode(": ", $apnvalue);
			 if ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Tx') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Telnyx: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Pl') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Plivo: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Tw') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Twilio: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Fl') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Flowroute: ' . $crphnmbr[1];

                $procalwduid = $allowedPhoneNmbrs;
                $procalwduidsec = "'" . implode("','", $procalwduid) . "'";

                if ($procalwduidsec != "''") {

                    $getrecmsgsres = $this->connection->executeQuery("
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`
			FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			WHERE `user_id` = '$userId' OR `to` IN (" . $procalwduidsec . ")");

                } else {
	            $getrectable = $this->connection->prepare('
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`
			FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	            $getrecmsgsres = $getrectable->execute([$userId]);

            } else {

		$allowedPhNmbrs = $this->getsmsnumbers($userId);

		foreach ($allowedPhNmbrs as $apnkey => $apnvalue) {
			 $crphnmbr = explode(": ", $apnvalue);
			 if ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Tx') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Telnyx: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Pl') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Plivo: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Tw') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Twilio: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Fl') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Flowroute: ' . $crphnmbr[1];

                $procalwduid = $allowedPhoneNmbrs;
                $procalwduidsec = "'" . implode("','", $procalwduid) . "'";

                if ($procalwduidsec != "''") {

                    $getrecmsgsres = $this->connection->executeQuery("
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`
			FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			WHERE `user_id` = '$userId' OR `to` IN (" . $procalwduidsec . ")");

                } else {
	            $getrectable = $this->connection->prepare('
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`
			FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	            $getrecmsgsres = $getrectable->execute([$userId]);

        $recmsgs = [];
        while ($rcrowsfetch = $getrecmsgsres->fetch()) {
               $rcrowsfetch['deliveryreceipt'] = '';
               $rcrowsfetch['table'] = 'received';
               $recmsgs[] = $rcrowsfetch;

        // Get sent messages

        // If the user is an admin and he wants to see his messages and the messages of all the users with whom he shares his API keys
        if ($crsampref == 1 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            $getsentmsgsres = $this->connection->executeQuery("
		       SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`,`message`, `author_displayname`, `deliveryreceipt`
		       FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent` 
                       WHERE `user_id` IN (" . $allusruniquegrsec . ")");

        // If the user is an admin and he wants to see only his messages
        } elseif ($crsampref == 0 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            $getsentmsgs = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`,`message`, `author_displayname`, `deliveryreceipt`
		       FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
		       WHERE `user_id` = ?');
            $getsentmsgsres = $getsentmsgs->execute([$userId]);

        // If the user is not an admin 
        } elseif (!$this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            if ($restrdata) {
                if ($procalwduidsec != "''") {

	            $getsentmsgsres = $this->connection->executeQuery("
		        SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`,`message`, `author_displayname`, `deliveryreceipt`
		        FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
			WHERE `user_id` = '$userId' OR `from` IN (" . $procalwduidsec . ")");

                } else {
                    $getsentmsgs = $this->connection->prepare('
		        SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`,`message`, `author_displayname`, `deliveryreceipt`
		        FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
			WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	            $getsentmsgsres = $getsentmsgs->execute([$userId]);

            } else {

                $getsentmsgs = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`,`message`, `author_displayname`, `deliveryreceipt`
		       FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
		       WHERE `user_id` = ?');
                $getsentmsgsres = $getsentmsgs->execute([$userId]);

        $sentmsgs = [];
        while ($rowfetchedsmsg = $getsentmsgsres->fetch()) {
               $rowfetchedsmsg['table'] = 'sent';
               $sentmsgs[] = $rowfetchedsmsg;

        $groupedfromdb = array_merge($recmsgs, $sentmsgs);

        if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            return $groupedfromdb;

        } else {

            if ($restrdata) {

                // Clean the phone numbers from tags
                $restrPhfin = [];
                foreach ($restrPhoneNmbrs as $phkey => $phvalue) {

                    $restrpharr = explode(": ", $phvalue);
                    $restrPhfin[] = $restrpharr[1];

                // Assemble the array of message rows that excludes the rows for the restricted phone numbers
                foreach ($groupedfromdb as $gmdkey => $gmdvalue) {

                         if ($gmdvalue['table'] == 'sent') {

                             if (str_contains($gmdvalue['from'], "+")) {
                                 $fromnmbrarr = explode("+", $gmdvalue['from']);
                                 if (in_array("+" . $fromnmbrarr[1], $restrPhfin)) {
                             } else {
                                 $frmnmbrarr = explode(": ", $gmdvalue['from']);
                                 if (count($frmnmbrarr) == 2) {
                                     $nmbtbcmprd = $frmnmbrarr[1];
                                 } else { 
                                     $nmbtbcmprd = $frmnmbrarr[0];
                                 if (in_array($nmbtbcmprd, $restrPhfin)) {

                         } elseif ($gmdvalue['table'] == 'received') {

                             if (str_contains($gmdvalue['to'], "+")) {
                                 $fromnmbrarr = explode("+", $gmdvalue['to']);
                                 if (in_array("+" . $fromnmbrarr[1], $restrPhfin)) {
                             } else {
                                 $tonmbrarr = explode(": ", $gmdvalue['to']);
                                 if (count($tonmbrarr) == 2) {
                                     $tonmbrtbcmprd = $tonmbrarr[1];
                                 } else {
                                     $tonmbrtbcmprd = $tonmbrarr[0];
                                 if (in_array($tonmbrtbcmprd, $restrPhfin)) {


                $groupedfdbproc = array_values($groupedfromdb);

                return $groupedfdbproc;

            } else { return $groupedfromdb; }

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function getgroupedpernumber($userId, $phoneNumber) {

        $phoneNumberpr = "%" . $phoneNumber;

        // Get the user's preferences from the settings
        $getpref = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `user_id`, `show_all_messages`
		       FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` WHERE `user_id` = ?');
        $getprefres = $getpref->execute([$userId]);
        $getprefresdata = $getprefres->fetch();
        $crsampref = $getprefresdata['show_all_messages'];

        // Collect the users with whom the current admin is sharing his API keys and whose messages he will be able to see
        if ($crsampref == 1 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            // Get the groups and users that were allowed access to the API keys
            $getgrps = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `tnx_groups_allowed`, `tnx_users_allowed`, `plv_groups_allowed`, `plv_users_allowed`,
                                                  `twl_groups_allowed`, `twl_users_allowed`, `flr_groups_allowed`, `flr_users_allowed` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac`
                                                   WHERE `user_id` = ?');
            $getgrpsres = $getgrps->execute([$userId]);
            $getgrpsusr = $getgrpsres->fetch();

            if ($getgrpsusr) {

                if ($getgrpsusr['tnx_users_allowed']) { $tnxusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['tnx_users_allowed']); } else { $tnxusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['plv_users_allowed']) { $plvusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['plv_users_allowed']); } else { $plvusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['twl_users_allowed']) { $twlusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['twl_users_allowed']); } else { $twlusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['flr_users_allowed']) { $flrusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['flr_users_allowed']); } else { $flrusers = []; }

                $allwdusersarr = array_merge($tnxusers, $plvusers, $twlusers, $flrusers);
                $allwdusersunq = array_filter(array_unique($allwdusersarr));

                if ($getgrpsusr['tnx_groups_allowed']) { $tnxgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['tnx_groups_allowed']); } else { $tnxgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['plv_groups_allowed']) { $plvgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['plv_groups_allowed']); } else { $plvgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['twl_groups_allowed']) { $twlgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['twl_groups_allowed']); } else { $twlgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['flr_groups_allowed']) { $flrgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['flr_groups_allowed']); } else { $flrgroups = []; }

                $allwdgroupsarr = array_merge($tnxgroups, $plvgroups, $twlgroups, $flrgroups);
                $allwdgroupsunq = array_filter(array_unique($allwdgroupsarr));

            } else {
                $allwdusersunq = [];
                $allwdgroupsunq = [];

            // Get the username for each Display Name of the allowed users
            $allwdusersfnl = [];
            foreach ($allwdusersunq as $alwdusrkey => $alwdusrvalue) {

                         $getacdatausrnm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `name` = ? AND `value` = ?');
		         $getacdatausrnmres = $getacdatausrnm->execute(['displayname', $alwdusrvalue]);
		         $acdatausrname = $getacdatausrnmres->fetch();
                         if ($acdatausrname) {
                             $allwdusersfnl[] = $acdatausrname['uid'];

            // Get the users from all the allowed groups
            $allwdusersgrpmlt = [];
            foreach ($allwdgroupsunq as $prgrpkey => $prgrpvalue) {

                     // Get all the users that belong to the current group, if the current group is different from 'admin'
                     if ($prgrpvalue != 'admin') {
                         $getusringroup = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `gid`, `uid` FROM `*PREFIX*group_user` WHERE `gid` = ?');
		         $getusringroupres = $getusringroup->execute([$prgrpvalue]);

		         while ($getusrname = $getusringroupres->fetch()) {

                                $allwdusersgrpmlt[] = $getusrname['uid'];
            $allwdusersgrpfnl = array_unique($allwdusersgrpmlt);
            $allusr = array_merge($allwdusersfnl, $allwdusersgrpfnl);
            $allusruniquest = array_unique($allusr);

            if ($allusruniquest) {
                array_unshift($allusruniquest, $userId);
                $allusruniquepn = $allusruniquest;
            } else { $allusruniquepn = [$userId]; }

            $allusruniquepnst = $allusruniquepn;

            $procardatapn = "'" . implode("','", $allusruniquepn) . "'";

            array_unshift($allusruniquepn, $phoneNumber, $phoneNumberpr);
            $allusruniquead = $allusruniquepn;

            array_unshift($allusruniquepnst, $phoneNumberpr, $phoneNumber);
            $allusruniqueadst = $allusruniquepnst;

        // Get received messages

        // If the user is an admin and he wants to see his messages and the messages of all the users with whom he shares his API keys
        if ($crsampref == 1 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

	    $getrecmsgsres = $this->connection->executeQuery("
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`
			FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received` 
                        WHERE (`from` = '$phoneNumber' OR `to` LIKE '$phoneNumberpr') AND `user_id` IN (" . $procardatapn . ")");

        // If the user is an admin and he wants to see only his messages
        } elseif ($crsampref == 0 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            $getrecmsgs = $this->connection->prepare('
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`
			FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received` 
                        WHERE `user_id` = ? AND (`from` = ? OR `to` LIKE ?)');
	    $getrecmsgsres = $getrecmsgs->execute([$userId, $phoneNumber, $phoneNumberpr]);

        // If the user is not an admin 
        } elseif (!$this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

	    // Get the Display Name of the current user
            $dispname = 'displayname';
	    $getacdatadn = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `name` = ?');
	    $getacdatadnres = $getacdatadn->execute([$userId, $dispname]);
	    $acdatausrdnadm = $getacdatadnres->fetch();
	    $cruserdname = $acdatausrdnadm['value'];

            // Get the groups to which the current user belongs
            $getusrgrp = $this->connection->prepare('
	          SELECT `gid`, `uid`
	          FROM  `*PREFIX*group_user`
                  WHERE `uid` = ?');
            $getusrgrpres = $getusrgrp->execute([$userId]);

            $usergrps = [];
            while ($fetchedgrps = $getusrgrpres->fetch()) {
                   $usergrps[] = $fetchedgrps['gid'];

            // Get the restrictions from the 'sms_relent_restrict' table
            $getrestr = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `phone_number`, `groups`, `users`
		       FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_restrict`');
            $getrestrres = $getrestr->execute();

            $restrdata = [];
            while ($restrfetched = $getrestrres->fetch()) {
                   $restrdata[] = $restrfetched;

            // Get the phone numbers that the user is allowed/not allowed to use
            if ($restrdata) {

                $restrPhoneNmbrs = [];
                $allowedPhoneNmbrs = [];
                foreach ($restrdata as $rskey => $rsvalue) {

                         $chck = 0;
                         $restrgrparr = explode("|", $rsvalue['groups']);
                         foreach ($restrgrparr as $rkey => $rvalue) {
                                  if ($rvalue) {
                                      if (strpos(implode("|", $usergrps), $rvalue) !== false) { $chck++; }
                         if (strpos($rsvalue['users'], $cruserdname) !== false) { $chck++; }

                         if ($chck == 0) { 
                             $restrPhoneNmbrs[] = $rsvalue['phone_number']; 

		$allowedPhNmbrs = $this->getsmsnumbers($userId);

		foreach ($allowedPhNmbrs as $apnkey => $apnvalue) {
			 $crphnmbr = explode(": ", $apnvalue);
			 if ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Tx') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Telnyx: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Pl') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Plivo: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Tw') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Twilio: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Fl') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Flowroute: ' . $crphnmbr[1];

                $allowedPhoneNmbrscp = $allowedPhoneNmbrs;

                $procalwdphnmbrs = "'" . implode("','", $allowedPhoneNmbrs) . "'";

                if ($procalwdphnmbrs != "''") {

	            $getrecmsgsres = $this->connection->executeQuery("
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`
			FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			WHERE (`user_id` = '$userId' OR `to` IN (" . $procalwdphnmbrs . ")) AND (`from` = '$phoneNumber' OR `to` LIKE '$phoneNumberpr')");

                } else {
	            $getrecmsgs = $this->connection->prepare('
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`
			FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			WHERE `user_id` = ? AND (`from` = ? OR `to` LIKE ?)');
	            $getrecmsgsres = $getrecmsgs->execute([$userId, $phoneNumber, $phoneNumberpr]);

            } else {

		$allowedPhNmbrs = $this->getsmsnumbers($userId);

		foreach ($allowedPhNmbrs as $apnkey => $apnvalue) {
			 $crphnmbr = explode(": ", $apnvalue);
			 if ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Tx') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Telnyx: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Pl') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Plivo: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Tw') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Twilio: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Fl') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Flowroute: ' . $crphnmbr[1];

                $allowedPhoneNmbrscp = $allowedPhoneNmbrs;

                $procalwdphnmbrs = "'" . implode("','", $allowedPhoneNmbrs) . "'";

                if ($procalwdphnmbrs != "''") {

	            $getrecmsgsres = $this->connection->executeQuery("
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`
			FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			WHERE (`user_id` = '$userId' OR `to` IN (" . $procalwdphnmbrs . ")) AND (`from` = '$phoneNumber' OR `to` LIKE '$phoneNumberpr')");

                } else {
	            $getrecmsgs = $this->connection->prepare('
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`
			FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			WHERE `user_id` = ? AND (`from` = ? OR `to` LIKE ?)');
	            $getrecmsgsres = $getrecmsgs->execute([$userId, $phoneNumber, $phoneNumberpr]);

        $recmsgs = [];
        while ($rcrowsfetch = $getrecmsgsres->fetch()) {
               $rcrowsfetch['deliveryreceipt'] = '';
               $rcrowsfetch['table'] = 'received';
               $recmsgs[] = $rcrowsfetch;

        // Get sent messages

        // If the user is an admin and he wants to see his messages and the messages of all the users with whom he shares his API keys
        if ($crsampref == 1 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            $getsentmsgsres = $this->connection->executeQuery("
		       SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`,`message`, `author_displayname`, `deliveryreceipt`
		       FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent` 
                       WHERE (`from` LIKE '$phoneNumberpr' OR `to` = '$phoneNumber') AND `user_id` IN (" . $procardatapn . ")");

        // If the user is an admin and he wants to see only his messages
        } elseif ($crsampref == 0 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            $getsentmsgs = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`,`message`, `author_displayname`, `deliveryreceipt`
		       FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
		       WHERE `user_id` = ? AND (`from` LIKE ? OR `to` = ?)');
            $getsentmsgsres = $getsentmsgs->execute([$userId, $phoneNumberpr, $phoneNumber]);

        // If the user is not an admin 
        } elseif (!$this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            if ($restrdata) {
                if ($procalwdphnmbrs != "''") {

                    $getsentmsgsres = $this->connection->executeQuery("
		        SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`,`message`, `author_displayname`, `deliveryreceipt`
		        FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
			WHERE (`user_id` = '$userId' OR `from` IN (" . $procalwdphnmbrs . ")) AND (`from` LIKE '$phoneNumberpr' OR `to` = '$phoneNumber')");

                } else {
                    $getsentmsgs = $this->connection->prepare('
		        SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`,`message`, `author_displayname`, `deliveryreceipt`
		        FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
			WHERE `user_id` = ? AND (`from` LIKE ? OR `to` = ?)');
	            $getsentmsgsres = $getsentmsgs->execute([$userId, $phoneNumberpr, $phoneNumber]);

            } else {

                $getsentmsgs = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`,`message`, `author_displayname`, `deliveryreceipt`
		       FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
		       WHERE `user_id` = ? AND (`from` LIKE ? OR `to` = ?)');
                $getsentmsgsres = $getsentmsgs->execute([$userId, $phoneNumberpr, $phoneNumber]);

        $sentmsgs = [];
        while ($rowfetchedsmsg = $getsentmsgsres->fetch()) {
               $rowfetchedsmsg['table'] = 'sent';
               $sentmsgs[] = $rowfetchedsmsg;

        $groupedpernb = array_merge($recmsgs, $sentmsgs);

        if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            return $groupedpernb;

        } else {

            if ($restrdata) {

                // Clean the phone numbers from tags
                $restrPhfin = [];
                foreach ($restrPhoneNmbrs as $phkey => $phvalue) {

                    $restrpharr = explode(": ", $phvalue);
                    $restrPhfin[] = $restrpharr[1];

                // Assemble the array of message rows that excludes the rows for the restricted phone numbers
                foreach ($groupedpernb as $gmdkey => $gmdvalue) {

                         if ($gmdvalue['table'] == 'sent') {

                             if (str_contains($gmdvalue['from'], "+")) {
                                 $fromnmbrarr = explode("+", $gmdvalue['from']);
                                 if (in_array("+" . $fromnmbrarr[1], $restrPhfin)) {
                             } else {
                                 $frmnmbrarr = explode(": ", $gmdvalue['from']);
                                 if (count($frmnmbrarr) == 2) {
                                     $nmbtbcmprd = $frmnmbrarr[1];
                                 } else { 
                                     $nmbtbcmprd = $frmnmbrarr[0];
                                 if (in_array($nmbtbcmprd, $restrPhfin)) {

                         } elseif ($gmdvalue['table'] == 'received') {

                             if (str_contains($gmdvalue['to'], "+")) {
                                 $fromnmbrarr = explode("+", $gmdvalue['to']);
                                 if (in_array("+" . $fromnmbrarr[1], $restrPhfin)) {
                             } else {
                                 $tonmbrarr = explode(": ", $gmdvalue['to']);
                                 if (count($tonmbrarr) == 2) {
                                     $tonmbrtbcmprd = $tonmbrarr[1];
                                 } else {
                                     $tonmbrtbcmprd = $tonmbrarr[0];
                                 if (in_array($tonmbrtbcmprd, $restrPhfin)) {


                $groupedpernbprc = array_values($groupedpernb);

                return $groupedpernbprc;

            } else { return $groupedpernb; }

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function getgroupedforreply($userId, $phoneNmbrFrom, $phoneNmbrTo) {

        $phoneNmbrFrompr = "%" . $phoneNmbrFrom;
        $phoneNmbrTopr = "%" . $phoneNmbrTo;

        // Get the user's preferences from the settings
        $getpref = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `user_id`, `show_all_messages`
		       FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` WHERE `user_id` = ?');
        $getprefres = $getpref->execute([$userId]);
        $getprefresdata = $getprefres->fetch();
        $crsampref = $getprefresdata['show_all_messages'];

        // Collect the users with whom the current admin is sharing his API keys and whose messages he will be able to see
        if ($crsampref == 1 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            // Get the groups and users that were allowed access to the API keys
            $getgrps = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `tnx_groups_allowed`, `tnx_users_allowed`, `plv_groups_allowed`, `plv_users_allowed`,
                                                  `twl_groups_allowed`, `twl_users_allowed`, `flr_groups_allowed`, `flr_users_allowed` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac`
                                                   WHERE `user_id` = ?');
            $getgrpsres = $getgrps->execute([$userId]);
            $getgrpsusr = $getgrpsres->fetch();

            if ($getgrpsusr) {

                if ($getgrpsusr['tnx_users_allowed']) { $tnxusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['tnx_users_allowed']); } else { $tnxusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['plv_users_allowed']) { $plvusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['plv_users_allowed']); } else { $plvusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['twl_users_allowed']) { $twlusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['twl_users_allowed']); } else { $twlusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['flr_users_allowed']) { $flrusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['flr_users_allowed']); } else { $flrusers = []; }

                $allwdusersarr = array_merge($tnxusers, $plvusers, $twlusers, $flrusers);
                $allwdusersunq = array_filter(array_unique($allwdusersarr));

                if ($getgrpsusr['tnx_groups_allowed']) { $tnxgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['tnx_groups_allowed']); } else { $tnxgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['plv_groups_allowed']) { $plvgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['plv_groups_allowed']); } else { $plvgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['twl_groups_allowed']) { $twlgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['twl_groups_allowed']); } else { $twlgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['flr_groups_allowed']) { $flrgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['flr_groups_allowed']); } else { $flrgroups = []; }

                $allwdgroupsarr = array_merge($tnxgroups, $plvgroups, $twlgroups, $flrgroups);
                $allwdgroupsunq = array_filter(array_unique($allwdgroupsarr));

            } else {
                $allwdusersunq = [];
                $allwdgroupsunq = [];

            // Get the username for each Display Name of the allowed users
            $allwdusersfnl = [];
            foreach ($allwdusersunq as $alwdusrkey => $alwdusrvalue) {

                         $getacdatausrnm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `name` = ? AND `value` = ?');
		         $getacdatausrnmres = $getacdatausrnm->execute(['displayname', $alwdusrvalue]);
		         $acdatausrname = $getacdatausrnmres->fetch();
                         if ($acdatausrname) {
                             $allwdusersfnl[] = $acdatausrname['uid'];

            // Get the users from all the allowed groups
            $allwdusersgrpmlt = [];
            foreach ($allwdgroupsunq as $prgrpkey => $prgrpvalue) {

                     // Get all the users that belong to the current group, if the current group is different from 'admin'
                     if ($prgrpvalue != 'admin') {
                         $getusringroup = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `gid`, `uid` FROM `*PREFIX*group_user` WHERE `gid` = ?');
		         $getusringroupres = $getusringroup->execute([$prgrpvalue]);

		         while ($getusrname = $getusringroupres->fetch()) {

                                $allwdusersgrpmlt[] = $getusrname['uid'];
            $allwdusersgrpfnl = array_unique($allwdusersgrpmlt);
            $allusr = array_merge($allwdusersfnl, $allwdusersgrpfnl);
            $allusruniquest = array_unique($allusr);

            if ($allusruniquest) {
                array_unshift($allusruniquest, $userId);
                $allusruniquerp = $allusruniquest;
            } else { $allusruniquerp = [$userId]; }

            $allusruniquerpst = $allusruniquerp;

            $procardatarp = "'" . implode("','", $allusruniquerp) . "'";

        // Get received messages

        // If the user is an admin and he wants to see his messages and the messages of all the users with whom he shares his API keys
        if ($crsampref == 1 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            $getrecmsgsres = $this->connection->executeQuery("
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`
			FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received` 
                        WHERE ((`from` = '$phoneNmbrFrom' AND `to` LIKE '$phoneNmbrTopr') OR (`from` = '$phoneNmbrTo' AND `to` LIKE '$phoneNmbrFrompr')) AND 
                        `user_id` IN (" . $procardatarp . ")");

        // If the user is an admin and he wants to see only his messages
        } elseif ($crsampref == 0 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            $getrecmsgs = $this->connection->prepare('
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`
			FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			WHERE `user_id` = ? AND ((`from` = ? AND `to` LIKE ?) OR (`from` = ? AND `to` LIKE ?))');
	    $getrecmsgsres = $getrecmsgs->execute([$userId, $phoneNmbrFrom, $phoneNmbrTopr, $phoneNmbrTo, $phoneNmbrFrompr]);

        // If the user is not an admin 
        } elseif (!$this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

	    // Get the Display Name of the current user
            $dispname = 'displayname';
	    $getacdatadn = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `name` = ?');
	    $getacdatadnres = $getacdatadn->execute([$userId, $dispname]);
	    $acdatausrdnadm = $getacdatadnres->fetch();
	    $cruserdname = $acdatausrdnadm['value'];

            // Get the groups to which the current user belongs
            $getusrgrp = $this->connection->prepare('
	          SELECT `gid`, `uid`
	          FROM  `*PREFIX*group_user`
                  WHERE `uid` = ?');
            $getusrgrpres = $getusrgrp->execute([$userId]);

            $usergrps = [];
            while ($fetchedgrps = $getusrgrpres->fetch()) {
                   $usergrps[] = $fetchedgrps['gid'];

            // Get the restrictions from the 'sms_relent_restrict' table
            $getrestr = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `phone_number`, `groups`, `users`
		       FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_restrict`');
            $getrestrres = $getrestr->execute();

            $restrdata = [];
            while ($restrfetched = $getrestrres->fetch()) {
                   $restrdata[] = $restrfetched;

            // Get the phone numbers that the user is allowed/not allowed to use
            if ($restrdata) {

                $restrPhoneNmbrs = [];
                $allowedPhoneNmbrs = [];
                foreach ($restrdata as $rskey => $rsvalue) {

                         $chck = 0;
                         $restrgrparr = explode("|", $rsvalue['groups']);
                         foreach ($restrgrparr as $rkey => $rvalue) {
                                  if ($rvalue) {
                                      if (strpos(implode("|", $usergrps), $rvalue) !== false) { $chck++; }
                         if (strpos($rsvalue['users'], $cruserdname) !== false) { $chck++; }

                         if ($chck == 0) { 
                             $restrPhoneNmbrs[] = $rsvalue['phone_number']; 

		$allowedPhNmbrs = $this->getsmsnumbers($userId);

		foreach ($allowedPhNmbrs as $apnkey => $apnvalue) {
			 $crphnmbr = explode(": ", $apnvalue);
			 if ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Tx') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Telnyx: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Pl') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Plivo: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Tw') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Twilio: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Fl') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Flowroute: ' . $crphnmbr[1];

                $allowedPhoneNmbrscpr = $allowedPhoneNmbrs;

                $procalwdphnmbrs = "'" . implode("','", $allowedPhoneNmbrs) . "'";

                if ($procalwdphnmbrs != "''") {

                    $getrecmsgsres = $this->connection->executeQuery("
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`
			FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			WHERE (`user_id` = '$userId' OR `to` IN (" . $procalwdphnmbrs . ")) AND ((`from` = '$phoneNmbrFrom' AND `to` LIKE '$phoneNmbrTopr') OR (`from` = '$phoneNmbrTo' 
                                AND `to` LIKE '$phoneNmbrFrompr'))");

                } else {
	            $getrecmsgs = $this->connection->prepare('
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`
			FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			WHERE `user_id` = ? AND ((`from` = ? AND `to` LIKE ?) OR (`from` = ? AND `to` LIKE ?))');
	            $getrecmsgsres = $getrecmsgs->execute([$userId, $phoneNmbrFrom, $phoneNmbrTopr, $phoneNmbrTo, $phoneNmbrFrompr]);

            } else {

		$allowedPhNmbrs = $this->getsmsnumbers($userId);

		foreach ($allowedPhNmbrs as $apnkey => $apnvalue) {
			 $crphnmbr = explode(": ", $apnvalue);
			 if ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Tx') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Telnyx: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Pl') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Plivo: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Tw') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Twilio: ' . $crphnmbr[1];
			 } elseif ($crphnmbr[0] == 'Fl') {
			     $allowedPhoneNmbrs[] = 'Flowroute: ' . $crphnmbr[1];

                $allowedPhoneNmbrscpr = $allowedPhoneNmbrs;

                $procalwdphnmbrs = "'" . implode("','", $allowedPhoneNmbrs) . "'";

                if ($procalwdphnmbrs != "''") {

                    $getrecmsgsres = $this->connection->executeQuery("
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`
			FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			WHERE (`user_id` = '$userId' OR `to` IN (" . $procalwdphnmbrs . ")) AND ((`from` = '$phoneNmbrFrom' AND `to` LIKE '$phoneNmbrTopr') OR (`from` = '$phoneNmbrTo' 
                                AND `to` LIKE '$phoneNmbrFrompr'))");

                } else {
	            $getrecmsgs = $this->connection->prepare('
			SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`, `message`, `author_displayname`
			FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			WHERE `user_id` = ? AND ((`from` = ? AND `to` LIKE ?) OR (`from` = ? AND `to` LIKE ?))');
	            $getrecmsgsres = $getrecmsgs->execute([$userId, $phoneNmbrFrom, $phoneNmbrTopr, $phoneNmbrTo, $phoneNmbrFrompr]);

        $recmsgs = [];
        while ($rcrowsfetch = $getrecmsgsres->fetch()) {
               $rcrowsfetch['deliveryreceipt'] = '';
               $rcrowsfetch['table'] = 'received';
               $recmsgs[] = $rcrowsfetch;

        // Get sent messages

        // If the user is an admin and he wants to see his messages and the messages of all the users with whom he shares his API keys
        if ($crsampref == 1 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            $getsentmsgsres = $this->connection->executeQuery("
		       SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`,`message`, `author_displayname`, `deliveryreceipt`
		       FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent` 
                       WHERE ((`from` LIKE '$phoneNmbrFrompr' AND `to` = '$phoneNmbrTo') OR (`from` LIKE '$phoneNmbrTopr' AND `to` = '$phoneNmbrFrom')) AND `user_id` IN 
                       (" . $procardatarp . ")");

        // If the user is an admin and he wants to see only his messages
        } elseif ($crsampref == 0 && $this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            $getsentmsgs = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`,`message`, `author_displayname`, `deliveryreceipt`
		       FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
		       WHERE `user_id` = ? AND ((`from` LIKE ? AND `to` = ?) OR (`from` LIKE ? AND `to` = ?))');
            $getsentmsgsres = $getsentmsgs->execute([$userId, $phoneNmbrFrompr, $phoneNmbrTo, $phoneNmbrTopr, $phoneNmbrFrom]);

        // If the user is not an admin
        } elseif (!$this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            if ($restrdata) {
                if ($procalwdphnmbrs != "''") {

	            $getsentmsgsres = $this->connection->executeQuery("
		       SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`,`message`, `author_displayname`, `deliveryreceipt`
		       FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
		       WHERE (`user_id` = '$userId' OR `from` IN (" . $procalwdphnmbrs . ")) AND ((`from` LIKE '$phoneNmbrFrompr' AND `to` = '$phoneNmbrTo') OR 
                       (`from` LIKE '$phoneNmbrTopr' AND `to` = '$phoneNmbrFrom'))");

                } else {
                    $getsentmsgs = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`,`message`, `author_displayname`, `deliveryreceipt`
		       FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
		       WHERE `user_id` = ? AND ((`from` LIKE ? AND `to` = ?) OR (`from` LIKE ? AND `to` = ?))');
	            $getsentmsgsres = $getsentmsgs->execute([$userId, $phoneNmbrFrompr, $phoneNmbrTo, $phoneNmbrTopr, $phoneNmbrFrom]);

            } else {

                $getsentmsgs = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `date`, `from`, `to`,`message`, `author_displayname`, `deliveryreceipt`
		       FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_sent`
		       WHERE `user_id` = ? AND ((`from` LIKE ? AND `to` = ?) OR (`from` LIKE ? AND `to` = ?))');
                $getsentmsgsres = $getsentmsgs->execute([$userId, $phoneNmbrFrompr, $phoneNmbrTo, $phoneNmbrTopr, $phoneNmbrFrom]);

        $sentmsgs = [];
        while ($rowfetchedsmsg = $getsentmsgsres->fetch()) {
               $rowfetchedsmsg['table'] = 'sent';
               $sentmsgs[] = $rowfetchedsmsg;

        $groupedpernb = array_merge($recmsgs, $sentmsgs);

        if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            return $groupedpernb;

        } else {

            if ($restrdata) {

                // Clean the phone numbers from tags
                $restrPhfin = [];
                foreach ($restrPhoneNmbrs as $phkey => $phvalue) {

                    $restrpharr = explode(": ", $phvalue);
                    $restrPhfin[] = $restrpharr[1];

                // Assemble the array of message rows that excludes the rows for the restricted phone numbers
                foreach ($groupedpernb as $gmdkey => $gmdvalue) {

                         if ($gmdvalue['table'] == 'sent') {

                             if (str_contains($gmdvalue['from'], "+")) {
                                 $fromnmbrarr = explode("+", $gmdvalue['from']);
                                 if (in_array("+" . $fromnmbrarr[1], $restrPhfin)) {
                             } else {
                                 $frmnmbrarr = explode(": ", $gmdvalue['from']);
                                 if (count($frmnmbrarr) == 2) {
                                     $nmbtbcmprd = $frmnmbrarr[1];
                                 } else { 
                                     $nmbtbcmprd = $frmnmbrarr[0];
                                 if (in_array($nmbtbcmprd, $restrPhfin)) {

                         } elseif ($gmdvalue['table'] == 'received') {

                             if (str_contains($gmdvalue['to'], "+")) {
                                 $fromnmbrarr = explode("+", $gmdvalue['to']);
                                 if (in_array("+" . $fromnmbrarr[1], $restrPhfin)) {
                             } else {
                                 $tonmbrarr = explode(": ", $gmdvalue['to']);
                                 if (count($tonmbrarr) == 2) {
                                     $tonmbrtbcmprd = $tonmbrarr[1];
                                 } else {
                                     $tonmbrtbcmprd = $tonmbrarr[0];
                                 if (in_array($tonmbrtbcmprd, $restrPhfin)) {


                $groupedperconv = array_values($groupedpernb);

                return $groupedperconv;

            } else { return $groupedpernb; }

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function savedisplayname($userId, $authorDisplayname, $from) {

        if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

	    $updatedispnm = $this->connection->prepare('
			UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_received`
			SET `author_displayname` = ?
                        WHERE `from` = ?');
	    $updatedispnmres = $updatedispnm->execute([$authorDisplayname, $from]);

	    $updatedispnmcv = $this->connection->prepare('
			UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_conv`
			SET `lastmsgdisplayname` = ?
                        WHERE `last_msg_from` = ?');
	    $updatedispnmrescv = $updatedispnmcv->execute([$authorDisplayname, $from]);

            if ($updatedispnmres && $updatedispnmrescv) {
                return $respupdname = "The new Display Name has been saved. If on the Settings page, the option 'Add the display name of the message author, before each message' is checked, when you refresh the page you will see the new Display Name before the messages.";
            } else {
                return $respupdname = "Error while trying to save the new Display Name to the database.";

        } else { return $respupdname = "Only admins can save Display Names for phone numbers that are not associated with Nextcloud users."; }

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function getmsgsperpgnewmsgarchnb($userId) {

        $sqlmpp = $this->connection->prepare('
	       SELECT `user_id`, `messagesperpage`, `msg_check_interval`, `archived_conv_nmbr`
               FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
               WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	$result = $sqlmpp->execute([$userId]);
        $mesppdata = $result->fetch();
        if ($mesppdata) {
            $mesperpagedb = ['msgsperpage' => $mesppdata['messagesperpage'], 'newmsgcheck' => $mesppdata['msg_check_interval'], 'archconvnb' => $mesppdata['archived_conv_nmbr'] ];
            return $mesperpagedb;

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function getnewmsgindicator($userId) {

        $sqlnmsg = $this->connection->prepare('
	       SELECT `user_id`, `new_message_rcd` 
               FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
               WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	$resultnmsg = $sqlnmsg->execute([$userId]);
        $nmsgdata = $resultnmsg->fetch();

        if ($nmsgdata) {
            $newmsgdb = $nmsgdata['new_message_rcd'];

            if ($newmsgdb == 1) {
                // Change the 'new message received' indicator to 0 in the 'sms_relent_settings' table, for the current user
                $newMsgRcd = 0;
	        $sqlupdnmsc = $this->connection->prepare('
			UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
			SET `new_message_rcd` = ?
	                WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	        $updatenmRcd = $sqlupdnmsc->execute([$newMsgRcd, $userId]);

            return $newmsgdb;

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function getsettings($userId) {

        $getsettings = $this->connection->prepare('
                    SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `telapi_url_rec`, `telapi_url`, `nexapi_url_rec`, `nexapi_url`, `twilapi_url_rec`, `twilapi_url`, `flowapi_url_rec`, `flowapi_url`, 
                           `messagesperpage`, `get_notify`, `notification_email`, `getsmsinemail`, `show_display_names`, `add_display_names`, `msg_check_interval`, `archived_conv_nmbr`                           
		    FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
		    WHERE `user_id` = ?');
        $resultsettings = $getsettings->execute([$userId]);

        $settingsfromdb = $resultsettings->fetch();


        if ($settingsfromdb) {

            if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) { $adminreguser = 'admin'; } else { $adminreguser = 'reguser'; }
            $settingsfromdb['adminornot'] = $adminreguser;

            return $settingsfromdb;


     public function updatenumberrestrictions($userId, $savedByDsplname, $phoneNumber, $groups, $users) {

        if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            $groupsproc = implode("|", $groups);
            $usersproc = implode("|", $users);

            // Get the restrictions for the current number from the 'sms_relent_restrict' table
            $getrestr = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `saved_by_dsplname`, `phone_number`, `groups`, `users` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_restrict` WHERE
                                                   `phone_number` = ?');
            $getrestrresult = $getrestr->execute([$phoneNumber]);
            $crntrestr = $getrestrresult->fetch();

            if ($getrestrresult && !$crntrestr) {

	        $insertphrestr = $this->connection->prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_restrict` (`user_id`, `saved_by_dsplname`, `phone_number`, `groups`, `users`) VALUES
                                                             (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');
	        if ($insertphrestr->execute([$userId, $savedByDsplname, $phoneNumber, $groupsproc, $usersproc])) { $messagetosend = 'success'; } else { $messagetosend = 'failure'; }  
            } elseif ($getrestrresult && $crntrestr) {

	        $updatephrestr = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_restrict` SET `user_id` = ?, `saved_by_dsplname` = ?, `groups` = ?, `users` = ? WHERE 
                                                            `phone_number` = ?');
	        if ($admupdatephonerestr = $updatephrestr->execute([$userId, $savedByDsplname, $groupsproc, $usersproc, $phoneNumber])) { 
                    $messagetosend = 'success';
                } else { 
                    $messagetosend = 'failure'; 

            return $messagetosend;

     public function updatekeysallowedusers($userId, $groups, $users, $groupsdel, $usersdel, $provider) {

       if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

          $msgtosend = 'success';

          // Get the users that belong to the 'admin' group
          $getadmn = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `gid`, `uid` FROM `*PREFIX*group_user` WHERE `gid` = ?');
          $getadmnres = $getadmn->execute(['admin']);

          $usersadmin = [];
          while ($getadmnusrs = $getadmnres->fetch()) {
                 $usersadmin[] = $getadmnusrs['uid'];
          // Get the API keys and alphanumeric sender IDs for the current admin, from the 'sms_relent_settings' table
          $getadmset = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `telapi_key`, `tel_pub_key`, `messaging_profile_id`, `tel_sender_name`, `nexapi_key`, `nexapi_secret`,
                                                  `nex_sender_name`, `twilapi_key`, `twilapi_secret`, `twil_sender_name`, `flowapi_key`, `flowapi_secret` 
                                                   FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	  $getadmsetres = $getadmset->execute([$userId]);
	  $getcradmdata = $getadmsetres->fetch();
          $telapiKey = $getcradmdata['telapi_key'];
          $telpubKey = $getcradmdata['tel_pub_key'];
          $telmsgprofid = $getcradmdata['messaging_profile_id'];
          $telsendername = $getcradmdata['tel_sender_name'];
          $plivoapikey = $getcradmdata['nexapi_key'];
          $plivoapisecret = $getcradmdata['nexapi_secret'];
          $plivosendernm = $getcradmdata['nex_sender_name'];
          $twilapikey = $getcradmdata['twilapi_key'];
          $twilapisecret = $getcradmdata['twilapi_secret'];
          $twilsendernm = $getcradmdata['twil_sender_name'];
          $flowapikey = $getcradmdata['flowapi_key'];
          $flowapisecret = $getcradmdata['flowapi_secret'];

          if ($getcradmdata) {

            if ($provider == "tnx") {

                $getalwd = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `tnx_groups_allowed`, `tnx_users_allowed` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac`');
                $getalwdres = $getalwd->execute();

                $upchck = 0;
                $seldataarr = [];
                $groupsPerProvider = '';
                $usersPerProvider = '';
                while ($crntrestr = $getalwdres->fetch()) {
                       if ($crntrestr['user_id'] != $userId) {
                           $seldataarr[] = ['userid' => $crntrestr['user_id'], 'groupsallowed' => $crntrestr['tnx_groups_allowed'], 'usersallowed' => $crntrestr['tnx_users_allowed']];
                       } else {
                           $groupsPerProvider = $crntrestr['tnx_groups_allowed'];
                           $usersPerProvider = $crntrestr['tnx_users_allowed'];

            } elseif ($provider == "plv") {

                $getalwd = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `plv_groups_allowed`, `plv_users_allowed` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac`');
                $getalwdres = $getalwd->execute();

                $upchck = 0;
                $seldataarr = [];
                $groupsPerProvider = '';
                $usersPerProvider = '';
                while ($crntrestr = $getalwdres->fetch()) {
                       if ($crntrestr['user_id'] != $userId) {
                           $seldataarr[] = ['userid' => $crntrestr['user_id'], 'groupsallowed' => $crntrestr['plv_groups_allowed'], 'usersallowed' => $crntrestr['plv_users_allowed']];
                       } else {
                           $groupsPerProvider = $crntrestr['plv_groups_allowed'];
                           $usersPerProvider = $crntrestr['plv_users_allowed'];

            } elseif ($provider == "twl") {

                $getalwd = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `twl_groups_allowed`, `twl_users_allowed` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac`');
                $getalwdres = $getalwd->execute();

                $upchck = 0;
                $seldataarr = [];
                $groupsPerProvider = '';
                $usersPerProvider = '';
                while ($crntrestr = $getalwdres->fetch()) {
                       if ($crntrestr['user_id'] != $userId) {
                           $seldataarr[] = ['userid' => $crntrestr['user_id'], 'groupsallowed' => $crntrestr['twl_groups_allowed'], 'usersallowed' => $crntrestr['twl_users_allowed']];
                       } else {
                           $groupsPerProvider = $crntrestr['twl_groups_allowed'];
                           $usersPerProvider = $crntrestr['twl_users_allowed'];

            } elseif ($provider == "flr") {

                $getalwd = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `flr_groups_allowed`, `flr_users_allowed` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac`');
                $getalwdres = $getalwd->execute();

                $upchck = 0;
                $seldataarr = [];
                $groupsPerProvider = '';
                $usersPerProvider = '';
                while ($crntrestr = $getalwdres->fetch()) {
                       if ($crntrestr['user_id'] != $userId) {
                           $seldataarr[] = ['userid' => $crntrestr['user_id'], 'groupsallowed' => $crntrestr['flr_groups_allowed'], 'usersallowed' => $crntrestr['flr_users_allowed']];
                       } else {
                           $groupsPerProvider = $crntrestr['flr_groups_allowed'];
                           $usersPerProvider = $crntrestr['flr_users_allowed'];


            if ($seldataarr) {

                // Check if any of the current users are among the already saved ones (for the same provider)
                $usrchck = 0;
                $usrmsgarr = [];
                foreach ($users as $ukey => $uvalue) {
                         if ($uvalue != '') {
                             for ($j = 0; $j < count($seldataarr); $j++) {
                                  if ($seldataarr[$j]['usersallowed']) {
                                      if (str_contains($seldataarr[$j]['usersallowed'], $uvalue)) {
                                          $usrmsgarr[] = "The admin " . $seldataarr[$j]['userid'] . " has already allowed the user " . $uvalue . " to access his API keys for this provider.";

                // Check if any of the current groups are among the already saved ones (for the same provider)
                $grchck = 0;
                $grmsgarr = [];
                foreach ($groups as $gkey => $gvalue) {
                         if ($gvalue != '') {
                             for ($k = 0; $k < count($seldataarr); $k++) {
                                  if ($seldataarr[$k]['groupsallowed']) {
                                      if (str_contains($seldataarr[$k]['groupsallowed'], $gvalue)) {
                                          $grmsgarr[] = "The admin " . $seldataarr[$k]['userid'] . " has already allowed the group " . $gvalue . " to access his API keys for this provider.";

                if ($usrchck == 0 && $grchck == 0) {

                    // Insert/Update the allowed users in the 'sms_relent_subac' table
                    if ($users) {

                        $ctusernamearruid = [];
                        $ctusernamearr = [];
                        foreach ($users as $usrKey => $usrValue) {
                             if ($usrValue != '') {
		                 // Get the username for this Display Name
		                 $getacdataunm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `name` = ? AND `value` = ?');
		                 $getacdataunmres = $getacdataunm->execute(['displayname', $usrValue]);
		                 $acdatausrname = $getacdataunmres->fetch();
                                 if ($acdatausrname['uid'] != $userId) {

		                     // Ensure the current user is not an admin
                                     if (!in_array($acdatausrname['uid'], $usersadmin)) {
                                         $ctusernamearruid[] = $acdatausrname['uid'];
                                         $ctusernamearr[] = $usrValue;


                        $usersalwdrs = implode("|", $ctusernamearr);

                        if ($upchck == 0) {

		            if ($provider == "tnx") {

	                        $insertalwd = $this->connection->prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` (`user_id`, `tnx_users_allowed`, `tnx_users_del`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
	                        if ($datalwdres = $insertalwd->execute([$userId, $usersalwdrs, $usersdel])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

		            } elseif ($provider == "plv") {

	                        $insertalwd = $this->connection->prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` (`user_id`, `plv_users_allowed`, `plv_users_del`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
	                        if ($datalwdres = $insertalwd->execute([$userId, $usersalwdrs, $usersdel])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; } 

		            } elseif ($provider == "twl") {

	                        $insertalwd = $this->connection->prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` (`user_id`, `twl_users_allowed`, `twl_users_del`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
	                        if ($datalwdres = $insertalwd->execute([$userId, $usersalwdrs, $usersdel])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; } 

		            } elseif ($provider == "flr") {

	                        $insertalwd = $this->connection->prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` (`user_id`, `flr_users_allowed`, `flr_users_del`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
	                        if ($datalwdres = $insertalwd->execute([$userId, $usersalwdrs, $usersdel])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

                        } else {

		            if ($provider == "tnx") {

	                        $updatealwd = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` SET `tnx_users_allowed` = ?, `tnx_users_del` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	                        if ($datalwdres = $updatealwd->execute([$usersalwdrs, $usersdel, $userId])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

		            } elseif ($provider == "plv") {

	                        $updatealwd = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` SET `plv_users_allowed` = ?, `plv_users_del` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	                        if ($datalwdres = $updatealwd->execute([$usersalwdrs, $usersdel, $userId])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

		            } elseif ($provider == "twl") {

	                        $updatealwd = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` SET `twl_users_allowed` = ?, `twl_users_del` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	                        if ($datalwdres = $updatealwd->execute([$usersalwdrs, $usersdel, $userId])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

		            } elseif ($provider == "flr") {

	                        $updatealwd = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` SET `flr_users_allowed` = ?, `flr_users_del` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	                        if ($datalwdres = $updatealwd->execute([$usersalwdrs, $usersdel, $userId])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }


                    // Insert/Update the allowed groups in the 'sms_relent_subac' table
                    if ($groups) {

                        $allwdgrps = [];
                        foreach ($groups as $groupkey => $groupvalue) {

                                $allwdgrps[] = $groupvalue;

		                $groupsalwdrs = implode("|", $allwdgrps);

		                if ($upchck == 0) {

				    if ($provider == "tnx") {

			                $insertalwd = $this->connection->prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` (`user_id`, `tnx_groups_allowed`, `tnx_groups_del`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
			                if ($datalwdres = $insertalwd->execute([$userId, $groupsalwdrs, $groupsdel])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

				    } elseif ($provider == "plv") {

			                $insertalwd = $this->connection->prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` (`user_id`, `plv_groups_allowed`, `plv_groups_del`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
			                if ($datalwdres = $insertalwd->execute([$userId, $groupsalwdrs, $groupsdel])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

				    } elseif ($provider == "twl") {

			                $insertalwd = $this->connection->prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` (`user_id`, `twl_groups_allowed`, `twl_groups_del`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
			                if ($datalwdres = $insertalwd->execute([$userId, $groupsalwdrs, $groupsdel])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

				    } elseif ($provider == "flr") {

			                $insertalwd = $this->connection->prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` (`user_id`, `flr_groups_allowed`, `flr_groups_del`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
			                if ($datalwdres = $insertalwd->execute([$userId, $groupsalwdrs, $groupsdel])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

		                } else {

				    if ($provider == "tnx") {

			                $updatealwd = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` SET `tnx_groups_allowed` = ?, `tnx_groups_del` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
			                if ($datalwdres = $updatealwd->execute([$groupsalwdrs, $groupsdel, $userId])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

				    } elseif ($provider == "plv") {

			                $updatealwd = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` SET `plv_groups_allowed` = ?, `plv_groups_del` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
			                if ($datalwdres = $updatealwd->execute([$groupsalwdrs, $groupsdel, $userId])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

				    } elseif ($provider == "twl") {

			                $updatealwd = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` SET `twl_groups_allowed` = ?, `twl_groups_del` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
			                if ($datalwdres = $updatealwd->execute([$groupsalwdrs, $groupsdel, $userId])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

				    } elseif ($provider == "flr") {

			                $updatealwd = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` SET `flr_groups_allowed` = ?, `flr_groups_del` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
			                if ($datalwdres = $updatealwd->execute([$groupsalwdrs, $groupsdel, $userId])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }



                } else {

                        if ($grmsgarr) {
                            $grppart = implode(" ", $grmsgarr) . " A group cannot be allowed access to 2 sets of API keys for the same SMS provider.";
                        } else { $grppart = ''; }

                        if ($usrmsgarr) {
                            $usrpart = implode(" ", $usrmsgarr) . " A user cannot be allowed access to 2 sets of API keys for the same SMS provider.";
                        } else { $usrpart = ''; }

                    $msgtosend = $grppart . $usrpart;

            } else {

                if ($upchck == 0) {

                    // Insert/Update the allowed users in the 'sms_relent_subac' table
                    if ($users) {

                        $ctusernamearruid = [];
                        $ctusernamearr = [];
                        foreach ($users as $usrKey => $usrValue) {
                             if ($usrValue != '') {
		                 // Get the username for this Display Name
		                 $getacdataunm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `name` = ? AND `value` = ?');
		                 $getacdataunmres = $getacdataunm->execute(['displayname', $usrValue]);
		                 $acdatausrname = $getacdataunmres->fetch();
                                 if ($acdatausrname['uid'] != $userId) {

		                     // Ensure the current user is not an admin
                                     if (!in_array($acdatausrname['uid'], $usersadmin)) {
                                         $ctusernamearruid[] = $acdatausrname['uid'];
                                         $ctusernamearr[] = $usrValue;


                        $usersalwdrs = implode("|", $ctusernamearr);

		        if ($provider == "tnx") {

	                    $insertalwd = $this->connection->prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` (`user_id`, `tnx_users_allowed`, `tnx_users_del`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
	                    if ($datalwdres = $insertalwd->execute([$userId, $usersalwdrs, $usersdel])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; } 

		        } elseif ($provider == "plv") {

	                    $insertalwd = $this->connection->prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` (`user_id`, `plv_users_allowed`, `plv_users_del`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
	                    if ($datalwdres = $insertalwd->execute([$userId, $usersalwdrs, $usersdel])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

		        } elseif ($provider == "twl") {

	                    $insertalwd = $this->connection->prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` (`user_id`, `twl_users_allowed`, `twl_users_del`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
	                    if ($datalwdres = $insertalwd->execute([$userId, $usersalwdrs, $usersdel])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

		        } elseif ($provider == "flr") {

	                    $insertalwd = $this->connection->prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` (`user_id`, `flr_users_allowed`, `flr_users_del`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
	                    if ($datalwdres = $insertalwd->execute([$userId, $usersalwdrs, $usersdel])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }


                    // Insert/Update the allowed groups in the 'sms_relent_subac' table
                    if ($groups) {

                        $allwdgrps = [];
                        foreach ($groups as $groupkey => $groupvalue) {

                                $allwdgrps[] = $groupvalue;

		                $groupsalwdrs = implode("|", $allwdgrps);

                                if ($upchck == 0) {

				    if ($provider == "tnx") {

			                $insertalwd = $this->connection->prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` (`user_id`, `tnx_groups_allowed`, `tnx_groups_del`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
			                if ($datalwdres = $insertalwd->execute([$userId, $groupsalwdrs, $groupsdel])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; } 

				    } elseif ($provider == "plv") {

			                $insertalwd = $this->connection->prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` (`user_id`, `plv_groups_allowed`, `plv_groups_del`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
			                if ($datalwdres = $insertalwd->execute([$userId, $groupsalwdrs, $groupsdel])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; } 

				    } elseif ($provider == "twl") {

			                $insertalwd = $this->connection->prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` (`user_id`, `twl_groups_allowed`, `twl_groups_del`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
			                if ($datalwdres = $insertalwd->execute([$userId, $groupsalwdrs, $groupsdel])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; } 

				    } elseif ($provider == "flr") {

			                $insertalwd = $this->connection->prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` (`user_id`, `flr_groups_allowed`, `flr_groups_del`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
			                if ($datalwdres = $insertalwd->execute([$userId, $groupsalwdrs, $groupsdel])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; } 

                                } else {

				    if ($provider == "tnx") {

			                $updatealwd = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` SET `tnx_groups_allowed` = ?, `tnx_groups_del` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
			                if ($datalwdres = $updatealwd->execute([$groupsalwdrs, $groupsdel, $userId])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

				    } elseif ($provider == "plv") {

			                $updatealwd = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` SET `plv_groups_allowed` = ?, `plv_groups_del` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
			                if ($datalwdres = $updatealwd->execute([$groupsalwdrs, $groupsdel, $userId])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

				    } elseif ($provider == "twl") {

			                $updatealwd = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` SET `twl_groups_allowed` = ?, `twl_groups_del` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
			                if ($datalwdres = $updatealwd->execute([$groupsalwdrs, $groupsdel, $userId])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

				    } elseif ($provider == "flr") {

			                $updatealwd = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` SET `flr_groups_allowed` = ?, `flr_groups_del` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
			                if ($datalwdres = $updatealwd->execute([$groupsalwdrs, $groupsdel, $userId])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }




                } else {

		    // Update the allowed users in the 'sms_relent_subac' table
                    if ($users) {

                        $ctusernamearruid = [];
                        $ctusernamearr = [];
                        foreach ($users as $usrKey => $usrValue) {
                             if ($usrValue != '') {
		                 // Get the username for this Display Name
		                 $getacdataunm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `name` = ? AND `value` = ?');
		                 $getacdataunmres = $getacdataunm->execute(['displayname', $usrValue]);
		                 $acdatausrname = $getacdataunmres->fetch();
                                 if ($acdatausrname['uid'] != $userId) {

		                     // Ensure the current user is not an admin
                                     if (!in_array($acdatausrname['uid'], $usersadmin)) {
                                         $ctusernamearruid[] = $acdatausrname['uid'];
                                         $ctusernamearr[] = $usrValue;



                        $usersalwdrs = implode("|", $ctusernamearr);

		        if ($provider == "tnx") {

	                    $updatealwd = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` SET `tnx_users_allowed` = ?, `tnx_users_del` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	                    if ($datalwdres = $updatealwd->execute([$usersalwdrs, $usersdel, $userId])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

		        } elseif ($provider == "plv") {

	                    $updatealwd = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` SET `plv_users_allowed` = ?, `plv_users_del` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	                    if ($datalwdres = $updatealwd->execute([$usersalwdrs, $usersdel, $userId])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

		        } elseif ($provider == "twl") {

	                    $updatealwd = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` SET `twl_users_allowed` = ?, `twl_users_del` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	                    if ($datalwdres = $updatealwd->execute([$usersalwdrs, $usersdel, $userId])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

		        } elseif ($provider == "flr") {

	                    $updatealwd = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` SET `flr_users_allowed` = ?, `flr_users_del` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	                    if ($datalwdres = $updatealwd->execute([$usersalwdrs, $usersdel, $userId])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }


		    // Update the allowed groups in the 'sms_relent_subac' table
                    if ($groups) {

                        $allwdgrps = [];
                        foreach ($groups as $groupkey => $groupvalue) {

                                 $allwdgrps[] = $groupvalue;

		                 $groupsalwdrs = implode("|", $allwdgrps);

				 if ($provider == "tnx") {

			             $updatealwd = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` SET `tnx_groups_allowed` = ?, `tnx_groups_del` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
			             if ($datalwdres = $updatealwd->execute([$groupsalwdrs, $groupsdel, $userId])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

				 } elseif ($provider == "plv") {

			             $updatealwd = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` SET `plv_groups_allowed` = ?, `plv_groups_del` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
			             if ($datalwdres = $updatealwd->execute([$groupsalwdrs, $groupsdel, $userId])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

				 } elseif ($provider == "twl") {

			             $updatealwd = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` SET `twl_groups_allowed` = ?, `twl_groups_del` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
			             if ($datalwdres = $updatealwd->execute([$groupsalwdrs, $groupsdel, $userId])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }

				 } elseif ($provider == "flr") {

			             $updatealwd = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` SET `flr_groups_allowed` = ?, `flr_groups_del` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
			             if ($datalwdres = $updatealwd->execute([$groupsalwdrs, $groupsdel, $userId])) { $msgtosend = 'success'; } else { $msgtosend = 'failure'; }





          } else { $msgtosend = "You have to save your credentials first, by clicking the 'Save' button at the bottom of this page, and then share your API keys with other users."; }

          return $msgtosend;

     public function removenumberrestrictions($userId, $phoneNumber) {

        if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

                // Remove the restrictions for the given phone number
		$delrstr = $this->connection->prepare('
		       DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_restrict`
		       WHERE `phone_number` = ?');
                if ($delrstrres = $delrstr->execute([$phoneNumber])) { $delresult = "success"; } else { $delresult = "failure"; }

	        $updateind = $this->connection->prepare('
                       SET @resetrec = 0;
		       UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_restrict`
		       SET `id` = @resetrec := @resetrec + 1;
                       ALTER TABLE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_restrict` auto_increment=1;');
	        $updateindres = $updateind->execute();

                return $delresult;

     * @NoAdminRequired
    public function updateautoreplies($userId, $savedByDsplname, $phoneNumber, $daysOfWeek, $dailyStart, $dailyEnd, $vacationStart, $vacationEnd, $messageText) {

        // Get the auto-reply for the current number from the 'sms_relent_autorply' table
        $getarpl = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `saved_by_dsplname`, `phone_number`, `days_of_week`, `daily_start`, `daily_end`, `vacation_start`,
                                              `vacation_end`, `message_text` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_autorply` WHERE `phone_number` = ?');
        $getarplresult = $getarpl->execute([$phoneNumber]);
        $crntarpl = $getarplresult->fetch();

        if ($getarplresult && !$crntarpl) {

	    $insertpharpl = $this->connection->prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_autorply` (`user_id`, `saved_by_dsplname`, `phone_number`, `days_of_week`, 
                                                       `daily_start`, `daily_end`, `vacation_start`, `vacation_end`, `message_text`) VALUES
                                                        (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');
	    if ($insertpharpl->execute([$userId, $savedByDsplname, $phoneNumber, $daysOfWeek, $dailyStart, $dailyEnd, $vacationStart, $vacationEnd, $messageText])) { 
                $messagetosend = 'success'; 
            } else { 
                $messagetosend = 'failure'; 
        } elseif ($getarplresult && $crntarpl) {

            if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

                $updatepharpl = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_autorply` SET `user_id` = ?, `saved_by_dsplname` = ?, `days_of_week` = ?, `daily_start` = ?,
                                                           `daily_end` = ?, `vacation_start` = ?, `vacation_end` = ?, `message_text` = ?  WHERE `phone_number` = ?');
	        if ($updatephnmbrarpl = $updatepharpl->execute([$userId, $savedByDsplname, $daysOfWeek, $dailyStart, $dailyEnd, $vacationStart, $vacationEnd, $messageText,
                                                                $phoneNumber])) { 
                    $messagetosend = 'success';
                } else { 
                    $messagetosend = 'failure'; 

            } else {

                // Check if the current user is the author of the existing version of the auto-reply
                if ($userId == $crntarpl['user_id']) {

                    $updatepharpl = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_autorply` SET `user_id` = ?, `saved_by_dsplname` = ?, `days_of_week` = ?, `daily_start` = ?,
                                                               `daily_end` = ?, `vacation_start` = ?, `vacation_end` = ?, `message_text` = ?  WHERE `phone_number` = ?');
	            if ($updatephnmbrarpl = $updatepharpl->execute([$userId, $savedByDsplname, $daysOfWeek, $dailyStart, $dailyEnd, $vacationStart, $vacationEnd, $messageText,
                                                                    $phoneNumber])) { 
                        $messagetosend = 'success';
                    } else { 
                        $messagetosend = 'failure'; 

                } else { $messagetosend = 'not allowed'; }

        return $messagetosend;

     * @NoAdminRequired
    public function removeautoreplies($userId, $phoneNumber) {

        if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

                // Remove the auto-reply for the given phone number
		$delarpl = $this->connection->prepare('
		       DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_autorply`
		       WHERE `phone_number` = ?');
                if ($delarplres = $delarpl->execute([$phoneNumber])) { $delarplresult = "success"; } else { $delarplresult = "failure"; }

	        $updateindarpl = $this->connection->prepare('
                       SET @resetarpl = 0;
		       UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_autorply`
		       SET `id` = @resetarpl := @resetarpl + 1;
                       ALTER TABLE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_autorply` auto_increment=1;');
	        $updateindarplres = $updateindarpl->execute();

                return $delarplresult;

        } else {
                // Get the author of the auto-reply for the given phone number
		$getarplusr = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `phone_number` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_autorply` WHERE `phone_number` = ?');
		$getarplusrres = $getarplusr->execute([$phoneNumber]);
		$crntarpldata = $getarplusrres->fetch();
                $crntarpluser = $crntarpldata['user_id'];

                // If the author of the auto-reply is the current user, allow the removal
                if ($crntarpluser == $userId) {

                    // Remove the auto-reply for the given phone number
		    $delarpl = $this->connection->prepare('
		           DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_autorply`
		           WHERE `phone_number` = ?');
                    if ($delarplres = $delarpl->execute([$phoneNumber])) { $delarplresult = "success"; } else { $delarplresult = "failure"; }

	            $updateindarpl = $this->connection->prepare('
                           SET @resetarpl = 0;
		           UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_autorply`
		           SET `id` = @resetarpl := @resetarpl + 1;
                           ALTER TABLE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_autorply` auto_increment=1;');
	            $updateindarplres = $updateindarpl->execute();

                    return $delarplresult;

                } else { 
                    return $delarplresult = 'not allowed';

    public function getadminsettings($userId) {

        if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

	    $getsettings = $this->connection->prepare('
                            SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `telapi_key`, `tel_pub_key`, `telapi_url_rec`, `telapi_url`, `messaging_profile_id`, `nexapi_key`, `nexapi_secret`, `nexapi_url_rec`,
                                   `nexapi_url`, `twilapi_key`, `twilapi_secret`, `twilapi_url_rec`, `twilapi_url`, `flowapi_key`, `flowapi_secret`, `flowapi_url_rec`, `flowapi_url`, 
                                   `tel_sender_name`, `nex_sender_name`, `twil_sender_name`, `flow_sender_name`, `messagesperpage`, `get_notify`, `notification_email`, `getsmsinemail`, 
			    FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
			    WHERE `user_id` = ?');

	    $resultsettings = $getsettings->execute([$userId]);

            $settingsadm = $resultsettings->fetch();


	    if ($settingsadm) {

		    if ($settingsadm['telapi_key'] != '') {

		        // Send a placeholder to the browser, instead of the real API key
		        $settingsadm['telapi_key'] = "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20";
		    if ($settingsadm['tel_pub_key'] != '') {
		        $settingsadm['tel_pub_key'] = "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20";
		    if ($settingsadm['messaging_profile_id'] != '') {
		        $settingsadm['messaging_profile_id'] = "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20";
		    if ($settingsadm['nexapi_key'] != '') {
		        $settingsadm['nexapi_key'] = "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20";
		    if ($settingsadm['nexapi_secret'] != '') {
		        $settingsadm['nexapi_secret'] = "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20";
		    if ($settingsadm['twilapi_key'] != '') {
		        $settingsadm['twilapi_key'] = "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20";
		    if ($settingsadm['twilapi_secret'] != '') {
		        $settingsadm['twilapi_secret'] = "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20";
		    if ($settingsadm['flowapi_key'] != '') {
		        $settingsadm['flowapi_key'] = "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20";
		    if ($settingsadm['flowapi_secret'] != '') {
		        $settingsadm['flowapi_secret'] = "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20";

		    // Get the Display Name of the current admin
		    $getacdatadn = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `name` = ?');
		    $getacdatadnres = $getacdatadn->execute([$userId, 'displayname']);
		    $acdatausrdnadm = $getacdatadnres->fetch();
		    $cruserdname = $acdatausrdnadm['value'];

		    // Get all the restrictions on phone numbers
		    $getrestr = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `saved_by_dsplname`, `phone_number`, `groups`, `users` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_restrict`');
		    $getrestres = $getrestr->execute();

		    $restrictedArr = [];
		    while ($restrfetched = $getrestres->fetch()) {
		           $restrictedArr[] = $restrfetched;

		    if ($restrictedArr) { $restrictedUsers = $restrictedArr; } else { $restrictedUsers = ''; }

		    // Get the name of all the groups
		    $getgroups = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `gid`, `displayname` FROM `*PREFIX*groups`');
		    $getgroupsres = $getgroups->execute();

		    $groupsArr = [];
                    $allgroupswadmarr = [];
		    while ($groupsfetched = $getgroupsres->fetch()) {

		           $groupsArr[] = $groupsfetched['gid'];
                           if ($groupsfetched['gid'] != 'admin') { $allgroupswadmarr[] = $groupsfetched['gid']; }

		    if ($groupsArr) { $allgroups = $groupsArr; } else { $allgroups = ''; }
                    if ($allgroupswadmarr) { $allgroupswadm = $allgroupswadmarr; } else { $allgroupswadm = ''; }

		    // Get the users that belong to the 'admin' group
		    $getadmnsc = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `gid`, `uid` FROM `*PREFIX*group_user` WHERE `gid` = ?');
		    $getadmnscres = $getadmnsc->execute(['admin']);

		    $usersadminsc = [];
		    while ($getadmnusrsc = $getadmnscres->fetch()) {
		           $usersadminsc[] = $getadmnusrsc['uid'];

		    // Get the display name of all the users
		    $getusers = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `name` = ?');
		    $getusersres = $getusers->execute(['displayname']);

		    $usersArr = [];
                    $alluserswadmarr = [];
		    while ($usersfetched = $getusersres->fetch()) {

		           $usersArr[] = $usersfetched['value'];
                           if (!in_array($usersfetched['uid'], $usersadminsc)) { $alluserswadmarr[] = $usersfetched['value']; }

		    if ($usersArr) { $allusers = $usersArr; } else { $allusers = ''; }
                    if ($alluserswadmarr) { $alluserswadm = $alluserswadmarr; } else { $alluserswadm = ''; }

                    // Get the groups and users that are allowed to use the API Keys, for each provider
                    $getalwdall = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `tnx_groups_allowed`, `tnx_users_allowed`, `plv_groups_allowed`, `plv_users_allowed`,
                                                             `twl_groups_allowed`, `twl_users_allowed`, `flr_groups_allowed`, `flr_users_allowed`, `tnx_groups_del`, `tnx_users_del`,
                                                             `plv_groups_del`, `plv_users_del`, `twl_groups_del`, `twl_users_del`, `flr_groups_del`, `flr_users_del` 
                                                              FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `user_id` = ?');
                    $getalwdallres = $getalwdall->execute([$userId]);
                    $crtdtrow = $getalwdallres->fetch();
                    if ($crtdtrow) {
                        $allowedgrps = ['tnx_groups_allowed' => $crtdtrow['tnx_groups_allowed'], 'tnx_users_allowed' => $crtdtrow['tnx_users_allowed'], 
                                        'plv_groups_allowed' => $crtdtrow['plv_groups_allowed'], 'plv_users_allowed' => $crtdtrow['plv_users_allowed'],
                                        'twl_groups_allowed' => $crtdtrow['twl_groups_allowed'], 'twl_users_allowed' => $crtdtrow['twl_users_allowed'],
                                        'flr_groups_allowed' => $crtdtrow['flr_groups_allowed'], 'flr_users_allowed' => $crtdtrow['flr_users_allowed'],
                                        'tnx_groups_del' => $crtdtrow['tnx_groups_del'], 'tnx_users_del' => $crtdtrow['tnx_users_del'],
                                        'plv_groups_del' => $crtdtrow['plv_groups_del'], 'plv_users_del' => $crtdtrow['plv_users_del'],
                                        'twl_groups_del' => $crtdtrow['twl_groups_del'], 'twl_users_del' => $crtdtrow['twl_users_del'],
                                        'flr_groups_del' => $crtdtrow['flr_groups_del'], 'flr_users_del' => $crtdtrow['flr_users_del']];
                    } else { $allowedgrps = []; }

                    $settingsadm['admdisplayname'] = $cruserdname;
                    $settingsadm['restrictions'] = $restrictedUsers;
                    $settingsadm['allgroups'] = $allgroups;
                    $settingsadm['allusers'] = $allusers;
                    $settingsadm['allgroupswadm'] = $allgroupswadm;
                    $settingsadm['alluserswadm'] = $alluserswadm;  
                    $settingsadm['allowedkeysuse'] = $allowedgrps;

		    return $settingsadm;

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function updatesettings($userId, $telapiUrlRec, $telapiUrl, $nexapiUrlRec, $nexapiUrl, $twilapiUrlRec, $twilapiUrl, $flowapiUrlRec, $flowapiUrl, $messagesperpage, 
                                    $getNotify, $notificationEmail, $getsmsinemail, $showDisplayNames, $addDisplayNames, $msgCheckInterval, $archivedConvNmbr) {
        $upsettings = $this->connection->prepare('
                        SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `telapi_key`, `tel_pub_key`, `telapi_url_rec`, `telapi_url`, `messaging_profile_id`, `nexapi_key`, `nexapi_secret`, `nexapi_url_rec`,
                           `nexapi_url`, `twilapi_key`, `twilapi_secret`, `twilapi_url_rec`, `twilapi_url`, `flowapi_key`, `flowapi_secret`, `flowapi_url_rec`, `flowapi_url`, 
                           `tel_sender_name`, `nex_sender_name`, `twil_sender_name`, `flow_sender_name`, `messagesperpage`, `get_notify`, `notification_email`, `getsmsinemail`, 
                           `show_all_messages`, `show_display_names`, `add_display_names`, `available_numbers`, `msg_check_interval`, `new_message_rcd`, `archived_conv_nmbr`
		        FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
		        WHERE `user_id` = ?');

        $resultstng = $upsettings->execute([$userId]);

        $rowup = $resultstng->fetch();


        if ($resultstng && !$rowup) {

	    $sql = $this->connection->prepare('
				INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
					(`user_id`, `telapi_url_rec`, `telapi_url`, `nexapi_url_rec`, `nexapi_url`, `twilapi_url_rec`, `twilapi_url`, `flowapi_url_rec`, `flowapi_url`, 
                                         `messagesperpage`, `get_notify`, `notification_email`, `getsmsinemail`, `show_display_names`, `add_display_names`, `msg_check_interval`, 
				VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
	    $sql->execute([$userId, $telapiUrlRec, $telapiUrl, $nexapiUrlRec, $nexapiUrl, $twilapiUrlRec, $twilapiUrl, $flowapiUrlRec, $flowapiUrl, $messagesperpage, $getNotify, 
                           $notificationEmail, $getsmsinemail, $showDisplayNames, $addDisplayNames, $msgCheckInterval, $archivedConvNmbr]);

        } elseif ($resultstng && $rowup) {

	    $sqlupdatedb = $this->connection->prepare('
			UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
			SET `telapi_url_rec` = ?, `telapi_url` = ?, `nexapi_url_rec` = ?, `nexapi_url` = ?, `twilapi_url_rec` = ?, `twilapi_url` = ?, `flowapi_url_rec` = ?, 
                            `flowapi_url` = ?, `messagesperpage` = ?, `get_notify` = ?, `notification_email` = ?, `getsmsinemail` = ?, `show_display_names` = ?, `add_display_names` = ?,
                            `msg_check_interval` = ?, `archived_conv_nmbr` = ?
	                WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	    $updateRes = $sqlupdatedb->execute([$telapiUrlRec, $telapiUrl, $nexapiUrlRec, $nexapiUrl, $twilapiUrlRec, $twilapiUrl, $flowapiUrlRec, $flowapiUrl, $messagesperpage, 
                                                $getNotify, $notificationEmail, $getsmsinemail, $showDisplayNames, $addDisplayNames, $msgCheckInterval, $archivedConvNmbr, $userId]);


     public function updateadminsettings($userId, $telapiKey, $telPubKey, $telapiUrlRec, $telapiUrl, $messagingProfileId, $nexapiKey, $nexapiSecret, $nexapiUrlRec, $nexapiUrl,
                                         $telSenderName, $nexSenderName, $twilapiKey, $twilapiSecret, $twilapiUrlRec, $twilapiUrl, $twilSenderName, $flowapiKey, $flowapiSecret, 
                                         $flowapiUrlRec, $flowapiUrl, $showAllMessages) {

        if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            $upsettings = $this->connection->prepare('
                        SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `telapi_key`, `tel_pub_key`, `telapi_url_rec`, `telapi_url`, `messaging_profile_id`, `nexapi_key`, `nexapi_secret`, `nexapi_url_rec`,
                           `nexapi_url`, `twilapi_key`, `twilapi_secret`, `twilapi_url_rec`, `twilapi_url`, `flowapi_key`, `flowapi_secret`, `flowapi_url_rec`, `flowapi_url`, 
                           `tel_sender_name`, `nex_sender_name`, `twil_sender_name`, `flow_sender_name`, `messagesperpage`, `get_notify`, `notification_email`, `getsmsinemail`, 
                           `show_all_messages`, `show_display_names`, `add_display_names`
		        FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
		        WHERE `user_id` = ?');

            $resultstng = $upsettings->execute([$userId]);

            $rowup = $resultstng->fetch();


            if ($resultstng && !$rowup) {

	        if ($telapiKey != '') {
	            $telapikeystrenc = $this->crypto->encrypt($telapiKey);             
	        } else { $telapikeystrenc = ''; }

	        if ($telPubKey != '') {
	            $telpubkeystrenc =  $this->crypto->encrypt($telPubKey);             
	        } else { $telpubkeystrenc = ''; }

	        if ($messagingProfileId != '') {
	            $messagingprofenc = $this->crypto->encrypt($messagingProfileId);             
	        } else { $messagingprofenc = ''; }

	        if ($nexapiKey != '') {
	            $nexapikeystrenc = $this->crypto->encrypt($nexapiKey);             
	        } else { $nexapikeystrenc = ''; }

	        if ($nexapiSecret != '') {
	            $nexapisecretstrenc = $this->crypto->encrypt($nexapiSecret);             
	        } else { $nexapisecretstrenc = ''; }

	        if ($twilapiKey != '') {
	            $twilapikeystrenc = $this->crypto->encrypt($twilapiKey);             
	        } else { $twilapikeystrenc = ''; }

	        if ($twilapiSecret != '') {
	            $twilapisecretstrenc = $this->crypto->encrypt($twilapiSecret);             
	        } else { $twilapisecretstrenc = ''; }

	        if ($flowapiKey != '') {
	            $flowapikeystrenc = $this->crypto->encrypt($flowapiKey);             
	        } else { $flowapikeystrenc = ''; }

	        if ($flowapiSecret != '') {
	            $flowapisecretstrenc = $this->crypto->encrypt($flowapiSecret);             
	        } else { $flowapisecretstrenc = ''; }

	        $sql = $this->connection->prepare('
				INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
					(`user_id`, `telapi_key`, `tel_pub_key`, `telapi_url_rec`, `telapi_url`, `messaging_profile_id`, `nexapi_key`, `nexapi_secret`, `nexapi_url_rec`, 
	                                 `nexapi_url`, `tel_sender_name`, `nex_sender_name`, `twilapi_key`, `twilapi_secret`, `twilapi_url_rec`, `twilapi_url`, `twil_sender_name`, 
                                         `flowapi_key`, `flowapi_secret`, `flowapi_url_rec`, `flowapi_url`, `show_all_messages`)
				VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
	        $sql->execute([$userId, $telapikeystrenc, $telpubkeystrenc, $telapiUrlRec, $telapiUrl, $messagingprofenc, $nexapikeystrenc, $nexapisecretstrenc, $nexapiUrlRec, 
                               $nexapiUrl, $telSenderName, $nexSenderName, $twilapikeystrenc, $twilapisecretstrenc, $twilapiUrlRec, $twilapiUrl, $twilSenderName, $flowapikeystrenc, 
                               $flowapisecretstrenc, $flowapiUrlRec, $flowapiUrl, $showAllMessages]);

            } elseif ($resultstng && $rowup) {

	        // Check if the value of the field is the placeholder or an empty string
	        if ($telapiKey != '' && $telapiKey != "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20") {
	            $telapikeystrenc = $this->crypto->encrypt($telapiKey);                
	        } elseif ($telapiKey == "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20") {
	            $telapikeystrenc = $rowup['telapi_key'];
	        } elseif ($telapiKey == '') {
	            $telapikeystrenc = '';

	        if ($telPubKey != '' && $telPubKey != "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20") {
	            $telpubkeystrenc = $this->crypto->encrypt($telPubKey);                
	        } elseif ($telPubKey == "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20") {
	            $telpubkeystrenc = $rowup['tel_pub_key'];
	        } elseif ($telPubKey == '') {
	            $telpubkeystrenc = '';

	        if ($messagingProfileId != '' && $messagingProfileId != "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20") {
	            $messagingprofenc = $this->crypto->encrypt($messagingProfileId);                
	        } elseif ($messagingProfileId == "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20") {
	            $messagingprofenc = $rowup['messaging_profile_id'];
	        } elseif ($messagingProfileId == '') {
	            $messagingprofenc = '';

	        if ($nexapiKey != '' && $nexapiKey != "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20") {
	            $nexapikeystrenc = $this->crypto->encrypt($nexapiKey);                
	        } elseif ($nexapiKey == "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20") {
	            $nexapikeystrenc = $rowup['nexapi_key'];
	        } elseif ($nexapiKey == '') {
	            $nexapikeystrenc = '';

	        if ($twilapiKey != '' && $twilapiKey != "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20") {
	            $twilapikeystrenc = $this->crypto->encrypt($twilapiKey);                
	        } elseif ($twilapiKey == "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20") {
	            $twilapikeystrenc = $rowup['twilapi_key'];
	        } elseif ($twilapiKey == '') {
	            $twilapikeystrenc = '';

	        if ($flowapiKey != '' && $flowapiKey != "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20") {
	            $flowapikeystrenc = $this->crypto->encrypt($flowapiKey);                
	        } elseif ($flowapiKey == "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20") {
	            $flowapikeystrenc = $rowup['flowapi_key'];
	        } elseif ($flowapiKey == '') {
	            $flowapikeystrenc = '';

	        if ($nexapiSecret != '' && $nexapiSecret != "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20") {
	            $nexapisecretstrenc = $this->crypto->encrypt($nexapiSecret);                
	        } elseif ($nexapiSecret == "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20") {
	            $nexapisecretstrenc = $rowup['nexapi_secret'];
	        } elseif ($nexapiSecret == '') {
	            $nexapisecretstrenc = '';

	        if ($twilapiSecret != '' && $twilapiSecret != "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20") {
	            $twilapisecretstrenc = $this->crypto->encrypt($twilapiSecret);                
	        } elseif ($twilapiSecret == "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20") {
	            $twilapisecretstrenc = $rowup['twilapi_secret'];
	        } elseif ($twilapiSecret == '') {
	            $twilapisecretstrenc = '';

	        if ($flowapiSecret != '' && $flowapiSecret != "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20") {
	            $flowapisecretstrenc = $this->crypto->encrypt($flowapiSecret);                
	        } elseif ($flowapiSecret == "%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20") {
	            $flowapisecretstrenc = $rowup['flowapi_secret'];
	        } elseif ($flowapiSecret == '') {
	            $flowapisecretstrenc = '';

	        $sqlupdatedb = $this->connection->prepare('
			UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
			SET `telapi_key` = ?, `tel_pub_key` = ?, `telapi_url_rec` = ?, `telapi_url` = ?, `messaging_profile_id` = ?, `nexapi_key` = ?, `nexapi_secret` = ?,
	                    `nexapi_url_rec` = ?, `nexapi_url` = ?, `tel_sender_name` = ?, `nex_sender_name` = ?, `twilapi_key` = ?, `twilapi_secret` = ?, `twilapi_url_rec` = ?, `twilapi_url` = ?, `twil_sender_name` = ?, `flowapi_key` = ?, 
	                    `flowapi_secret` = ?, `flowapi_url_rec` = ?, `flowapi_url` = ?, `show_all_messages` = ?
	                WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	        $updateRes = $sqlupdatedb->execute([$telapikeystrenc, $telpubkeystrenc, $telapiUrlRec, $telapiUrl, $messagingprofenc, $nexapikeystrenc, $nexapisecretstrenc, 
                                                    $nexapiUrlRec, $nexapiUrl, $telSenderName, $nexSenderName, $twilapikeystrenc, $twilapisecretstrenc, $twilapiUrlRec, $twilapiUrl, 
                                                    $twilSenderName, $flowapikeystrenc, $flowapisecretstrenc, $flowapiUrlRec, $flowapiUrl, $showAllMessages, $userId]);


     public function updatepersadmnsettings($userId, $messagesperpage, $getNotify, $notificationEmail, $getsmsinemail, $showDisplayNames, $addDisplayNames, $msgCheckInterval, 
                                            $archivedConvNmbr) {

        if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            $upsettings = $this->connection->prepare('
                        SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `telapi_key`, `tel_pub_key`, `telapi_url_rec`, `telapi_url`, `messaging_profile_id`, `nexapi_key`, `nexapi_secret`, `nexapi_url_rec`,
                           `nexapi_url`, `twilapi_key`, `twilapi_secret`, `twilapi_url_rec`, `twilapi_url`, `flowapi_key`, `flowapi_secret`, `flowapi_url_rec`, `flowapi_url`, 
                           `tel_sender_name`, `nex_sender_name`, `twil_sender_name`, `flow_sender_name`, `messagesperpage`, `get_notify`, `notification_email`, `getsmsinemail`, 
                           `show_all_messages`, `show_display_names`, `add_display_names`, `available_numbers`, `msg_check_interval`, `new_message_rcd`, `archived_conv_nmbr`
		        FROM  `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
		        WHERE `user_id` = ?');

            $resultstng = $upsettings->execute([$userId]);

            $rowup = $resultstng->fetch();


            if ($resultstng && !$rowup) {

	        $sql = $this->connection->prepare('
				INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` (`user_id`, `messagesperpage`, `get_notify`, `notification_email`, `getsmsinemail`, `show_display_names`,
                                `add_display_names`, `msg_check_interval`, `archived_conv_nmbr`)
				VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');
	        $sql->execute([$userId, $messagesperpage, $getNotify, $notificationEmail, $getsmsinemail, $showDisplayNames, $addDisplayNames, $msgCheckInterval, $archivedConvNmbr]);

            } elseif ($resultstng && $rowup) {

	        $sqlupdatedb = $this->connection->prepare('
			UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
			SET `messagesperpage` = ?, `get_notify` = ?, `notification_email` = ?, `getsmsinemail` = ?, `show_display_names` = ?, `add_display_names` = ?, 
                            `msg_check_interval` = ?, `archived_conv_nmbr` = ?
	                WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	        $updateRes = $sqlupdatedb->execute([$messagesperpage, $getNotify, $notificationEmail, $getsmsinemail, $showDisplayNames, $addDisplayNames, $msgCheckInterval, $archivedConvNmbr, $userId]);

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function getapicredentials($userId, $provider) {

        if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            $sqlcr = $this->connection->prepare('
                  SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `telapi_key`, `tel_pub_key`, `telapi_url_rec`, `telapi_url`, `messaging_profile_id`, `nexapi_key`, `nexapi_secret`, `nexapi_url_rec`, `nexapi_url`,
                         `tel_sender_name`, `nex_sender_name`, `messagesperpage`, `get_notify`, `notification_email`, `getsmsinemail`, `twilapi_key`, `twilapi_secret`, `twilapi_url_rec`, 
                         `twilapi_url`, `twil_sender_name`, `flowapi_key`, `flowapi_secret`, `flowapi_url_rec`, `flowapi_url`, `add_display_names` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
	          WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	    $resultcr = $sqlcr->execute([$userId]);
            $settingsfrdb = $resultcr->fetch();

        } else {

            // If the user is not an admin, get the API keys in a different way, since a non-admin has to use the API keys shared with him by an admin

	    // Get the Display Name of the current user
            $dspname = 'displayname';
	    $getacdatadn = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `name` = ?');
	    $getacdatadnres = $getacdatadn->execute([$userId, $dspname]);
	    $acdatausrdn = $getacdatadnres->fetch();
	    $crtdisplayname = $acdatausrdn['value'];
            $usersAllwdLike = "%" . $crtdisplayname . "%";

            // Get the groups to which the current user belongs
            $getusrgrp = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `gid`, `uid` FROM `*PREFIX*group_user` WHERE `uid` = ?');
            $getusrgrpres = $getusrgrp->execute([$userId]);

            $crtusergrps = [];
            while ($fetchedgrps = $getusrgrpres->fetch()) {
                   $crtusergrps[] = $fetchedgrps['gid'];

            if ($provider == 'telnyx') {

		    // Search the 'sms_relent_subac' table to find the admin who shared his credentials with the current user
		    $getgrps = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `tnx_users_allowed` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `tnx_users_allowed` LIKE ?');
		    $getgrpsres = $getgrps->execute([$usersAllwdLike]);
                    $getadmusr = $getgrpsres->fetch();

                    if ($getadmusr) {
                        $admalwdusr = $getadmusr['user_id'];
		    } else {
		        // Search by group
		        if ($crtusergrps) {
		            $usersbgrp = [];
		            foreach ($crtusergrps as $grkey => $grvalue) {

		                     $grvalueLike = "%" . $grvalue . "%";
				     $getgrpsec = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `tnx_groups_allowed` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `tnx_groups_allowed` LIKE ?');
				     $getgrpsecres = $getgrpsec->execute([$grvalueLike]);
                                     $getadmusrgr = $getgrpsecres->fetch();

                                     if ($getadmusrgr) {
                                         $usersbgrp[] = $getadmusrgr['user_id'];

		            if ($usersbgrp) {
		                $admalwdusr = $usersbgrp[0];
		            } else {
		                $admalwdusr = '';

		    if ($admalwdusr) {
			$sqlcr = $this->connection->prepare('
			      SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `telapi_key`, `tel_pub_key`, `telapi_url_rec`, `telapi_url`, `messaging_profile_id`, `nexapi_key`, `nexapi_secret`, `nexapi_url_rec`, `nexapi_url`,
			             `tel_sender_name`, `nex_sender_name`, `messagesperpage`, `get_notify`, `notification_email`, `getsmsinemail`, `twilapi_key`, `twilapi_secret`, `twilapi_url_rec`, 
			             `twilapi_url`, `twil_sender_name`, `flowapi_key`, `flowapi_secret`, `flowapi_url_rec`, `flowapi_url`, `add_display_names` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
			      WHERE `user_id` = ?');
			$resultcr = $sqlcr->execute([$admalwdusr]);
			$settingsfrdb = $resultcr->fetch();

                        // Get the delivery receipt URL of the non-admin user
			$sqldr = $this->connection->prepare('
			      SELECT `user_id`, `telapi_url` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
			      WHERE `user_id` = ?');
			$sqldrres = $sqldr->execute([$userId]);
			$delrcpt = $sqldrres->fetch();
                        $delrcpturl = $delrcpt['telapi_url'];

                        // Replace the delivery receipt URL of the admin with that of the non-admin
                        $settingsfrdb['telapi_url'] = $delrcpturl;

            } elseif ($provider == 'plivo') {

		    // Search the 'sms_relent_subac' table to find the admin who shared his credentials with the current user
		    $getgrps = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `plv_users_allowed` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `plv_users_allowed` LIKE ?');
		    $getgrpsres = $getgrps->execute([$usersAllwdLike]);
                    $getadmusr = $getgrpsres->fetch();

                    if ($getadmusr) {
                        $admalwdusr = $getadmusr['user_id'];
		    } else {
		        // Search by group
		        if ($crtusergrps) {
		            $usersbgrp = [];
		            foreach ($crtusergrps as $grkey => $grvalue) {

		                     $grvalueLike = "%" . $grvalue . "%";
				     $getgrpsec = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `plv_groups_allowed` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `plv_groups_allowed` LIKE ?');
				     $getgrpsecres = $getgrpsec->execute([$grvalueLike]);
                                     $getadmusrgr = $getgrpsecres->fetch();

                                     if ($getadmusrgr) {
                                         $usersbgrp[] = $getadmusrgr['user_id'];

		            if ($usersbgrp) {
		                $admalwdusr = $usersbgrp[0];
		            } else {
		                $admalwdusr = '';

		    if ($admalwdusr) {
			$sqlcr = $this->connection->prepare('
			      SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `telapi_key`, `tel_pub_key`, `telapi_url_rec`, `telapi_url`, `messaging_profile_id`, `nexapi_key`, `nexapi_secret`, `nexapi_url_rec`, `nexapi_url`,
			             `tel_sender_name`, `nex_sender_name`, `messagesperpage`, `get_notify`, `notification_email`, `getsmsinemail`, `twilapi_key`, `twilapi_secret`, `twilapi_url_rec`, 
			             `twilapi_url`, `twil_sender_name`, `flowapi_key`, `flowapi_secret`, `flowapi_url_rec`, `flowapi_url`, `add_display_names` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
			      WHERE `user_id` = ?');
			$resultcr = $sqlcr->execute([$admalwdusr]);
			$settingsfrdb = $resultcr->fetch();

                        // Get the delivery receipt URL of the non-admin user
			$sqldr = $this->connection->prepare('
			      SELECT `user_id`, `nexapi_url` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
			      WHERE `user_id` = ?');
			$sqldrres = $sqldr->execute([$userId]);
			$delrcpt = $sqldrres->fetch();
                        $delrcpturl = $delrcpt['nexapi_url'];

                        // Replace the delivery receipt URL of the admin with that of the non-admin
                        $settingsfrdb['nexapi_url'] = $delrcpturl;


            } elseif ($provider == 'twilio') {

		    // Search the 'sms_relent_subac' table to find the admin who shared his credentials with the current user
		    $getgrps = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `twl_users_allowed` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `twl_users_allowed` LIKE ?');
		    $getgrpsres = $getgrps->execute([$usersAllwdLike]);
                    $getadmusr = $getgrpsres->fetch();

                    if ($getadmusr) {
                        $admalwdusr = $getadmusr['user_id'];
		    } else {
		        // Search by group
		        if ($crtusergrps) {
		            $usersbgrp = [];
		            foreach ($crtusergrps as $grkey => $grvalue) {

		                     $grvalueLike = "%" . $grvalue . "%";
				     $getgrpsec = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `twl_groups_allowed` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `twl_groups_allowed` LIKE ?');
				     $getgrpsecres = $getgrpsec->execute([$grvalueLike]);
                                     $getadmusrgr = $getgrpsecres->fetch();

                                     if ($getadmusrgr) {
                                         $usersbgrp[] = $getadmusrgr['user_id'];

		            if ($usersbgrp) {
		                $admalwdusr = $usersbgrp[0];
		            } else {
		                $admalwdusr = '';

		    if ($admalwdusr) {
			$sqlcr = $this->connection->prepare('
			      SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `telapi_key`, `tel_pub_key`, `telapi_url_rec`, `telapi_url`, `messaging_profile_id`, `nexapi_key`, `nexapi_secret`, `nexapi_url_rec`, `nexapi_url`,
			             `tel_sender_name`, `nex_sender_name`, `messagesperpage`, `get_notify`, `notification_email`, `getsmsinemail`, `twilapi_key`, `twilapi_secret`, `twilapi_url_rec`, 
			             `twilapi_url`, `twil_sender_name`, `flowapi_key`, `flowapi_secret`, `flowapi_url_rec`, `flowapi_url`, `add_display_names` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
			      WHERE `user_id` = ?');
			$resultcr = $sqlcr->execute([$admalwdusr]);
			$settingsfrdb = $resultcr->fetch();

                        // Get the delivery receipt URL of the non-admin user
			$sqldr = $this->connection->prepare('
			      SELECT `user_id`, `twilapi_url` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
			      WHERE `user_id` = ?');
			$sqldrres = $sqldr->execute([$userId]);
			$delrcpt = $sqldrres->fetch();
                        $delrcpturl = $delrcpt['twilapi_url'];

                        // Replace the delivery receipt URL of the admin with that of the non-admin
                        $settingsfrdb['twilapi_url'] = $delrcpturl;

            } elseif ($provider == 'flowroute') {

		    // Search the 'sms_relent_subac' table to find the admin who shared his credentials with the current user
		    $getgrps = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `flr_users_allowed` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `flr_users_allowed` LIKE ?');
		    $getgrpsres = $getgrps->execute([$usersAllwdLike]);
                    $getadmusr = $getgrpsres->fetch();

                    if ($getadmusr) {
                        $admalwdusr = $getadmusr['user_id'];
		    } else {
		        // Search by group
		        if ($crtusergrps) {
		            $usersbgrp = [];
		            foreach ($crtusergrps as $grkey => $grvalue) {

		                     $grvalueLike = "%" . $grvalue . "%";
				     $getgrpsec = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `flr_groups_allowed` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac` WHERE `flr_groups_allowed` LIKE ?');
				     $getgrpsecres = $getgrpsec->execute([$grvalueLike]);
                                     $getadmusrgr = $getgrpsecres->fetch();

                                     if ($getadmusrgr) {
		                         $usersbgrp[] = $getadmusrgr['user_id'];

		            if ($usersbgrp) {
		                $admalwdusr = $usersbgrp[0];
		            } else {
		                $admalwdusr = '';

		    if ($admalwdusr) {
			$sqlcr = $this->connection->prepare('
			      SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `telapi_key`, `tel_pub_key`, `telapi_url_rec`, `telapi_url`, `messaging_profile_id`, `nexapi_key`, `nexapi_secret`, `nexapi_url_rec`, `nexapi_url`,
			             `tel_sender_name`, `nex_sender_name`, `messagesperpage`, `get_notify`, `notification_email`, `getsmsinemail`, `twilapi_key`, `twilapi_secret`, `twilapi_url_rec`, 
			             `twilapi_url`, `twil_sender_name`, `flowapi_key`, `flowapi_secret`, `flowapi_url_rec`, `flowapi_url`, `add_display_names` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
			      WHERE `user_id` = ?');
			$resultcr = $sqlcr->execute([$admalwdusr]);
			$settingsfrdb = $resultcr->fetch();

                        // Get the delivery receipt URL of the non-admin user
			$sqldr = $this->connection->prepare('
			      SELECT `user_id`, `flowapi_url` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings`
			      WHERE `user_id` = ?');
			$sqldrres = $sqldr->execute([$userId]);
			$delrcpt = $sqldrres->fetch();
                        $delrcpturl = $delrcpt['flowapi_url'];

                        // Replace the delivery receipt URL of the admin with that of the non-admin
                        $settingsfrdb['flowapi_url'] = $delrcpturl;


        if ($settingsfrdb['telapi_key']) {
            $telapikeystrdec = $this->crypto->decrypt($settingsfrdb['telapi_key']); 
        } else { $telapikeystrdec = ''; }

        if ($settingsfrdb['tel_pub_key']) {
            $telpubkeystrdec = $this->crypto->decrypt($settingsfrdb['tel_pub_key']); 
        } else { $telpubkeystrdec = ''; }

        if ($settingsfrdb['messaging_profile_id']) {
            $messagingprofid = $this->crypto->decrypt($settingsfrdb['messaging_profile_id']); 
        } else { $messagingprofid = ''; }

        if ($settingsfrdb['nexapi_key']) {
            $nexapikeystr = $this->crypto->decrypt($settingsfrdb['nexapi_key']); 
        } else { $nexapikeystr = ''; }

        if ($settingsfrdb['nexapi_secret']) { 
            $nexapisecretstr = $this->crypto->decrypt($settingsfrdb['nexapi_secret']); 
        } else { $nexapisecretstr = ''; }

        if ($settingsfrdb['twilapi_key']) { 
            $twilapikeystr = $this->crypto->decrypt($settingsfrdb['twilapi_key']); 
        } else { $twilapikeystr = ''; }

        if ($settingsfrdb['twilapi_secret']) { 
            $twilapisecretstr = $this->crypto->decrypt($settingsfrdb['twilapi_secret']); 
        } else { $twilapisecretstr = ''; }

        if ($settingsfrdb['flowapi_key']) { 
            $flowapikeystr = $this->crypto->decrypt($settingsfrdb['flowapi_key']); 
        } else { $flowapikeystr = ''; }

        if ($settingsfrdb['flowapi_secret']) { 
            $flowapisecretstr = $this->crypto->decrypt($settingsfrdb['flowapi_secret']); 
        } else { $flowapisecretstr = ''; }

        $telapiurlrec = $settingsfrdb['telapi_url_rec'];
        $telapiurlstr = $settingsfrdb['telapi_url'];
        $nexapiurlrecsms = $settingsfrdb['nexapi_url_rec'];
        $nexapiurldelrcpt = $settingsfrdb['nexapi_url'];
        $twilapiurlrecsms = $settingsfrdb['twilapi_url_rec'];
        $twilapiurldelrcpt = $settingsfrdb['twilapi_url'];
        $flowapiurlrecsms = $settingsfrdb['flowapi_url_rec'];
        $flowapiurldelrcpt = $settingsfrdb['flowapi_url'];
        $gettelsendername = $settingsfrdb['tel_sender_name'];
        $getnexsendername = $settingsfrdb['nex_sender_name'];
        $gettwilsendername = $settingsfrdb['twil_sender_name'];
        $getmessagesperpage = $settingsfrdb['messagesperpage'];
        $getnotification = $settingsfrdb['get_notify'];
        $notifyemail = $settingsfrdb['notification_email'];
        $includesmsinemail = $settingsfrdb['getsmsinemail'];
        $includeDisplNames = $settingsfrdb['add_display_names'];

        return [$telapikeystrdec, $telpubkeystrdec, $telapiurlrec, $telapiurlstr, $messagingprofid, $nexapikeystr, $nexapisecretstr, $nexapiurlrecsms, $nexapiurldelrcpt,
                $gettelsendername, $getnexsendername, $getmessagesperpage, $getnotification, $notifyemail, $includesmsinemail, $twilapikeystr, $twilapisecretstr, $twilapiurlrecsms, 
                $twilapiurldelrcpt, $gettwilsendername, $flowapikeystr, $flowapisecretstr, $flowapiurlrecsms, $flowapiurldelrcpt, $includeDisplNames];

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function getuserbytelrecwhurl($recsmswebhookurl) {

        $sqlrec = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `telapi_url_rec` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` WHERE `telapi_url_rec` = ?');
	$result = $sqlrec->execute([$recsmswebhookurl]);
        $datafromdb = $result->fetch();
        $ncusertelrec = $datafromdb['user_id'];

        return $ncusertelrec;

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function getuserbyteldelrwhurl($delsmswebhookurl) {

        $sqldel = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `telapi_url` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` WHERE `telapi_url` = ?');
	$ressqldel = $sqldel->execute([$delsmswebhookurl]);
        $datafromdbdel = $ressqldel->fetch();
        $ncuserteldel = $datafromdbdel['user_id'];

        return $ncuserteldel;

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function getuserbyplivorecwhurl($plivorecurl) {

        $sqlrecpl = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `nexapi_url_rec` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` WHERE `nexapi_url_rec` = ?');
	$plresrecsql = $sqlrecpl->execute([$plivorecurl]);
        $pldatafromdb = $plresrecsql->fetch();
        $ncuserplrec = $pldatafromdb['user_id'];

        return $ncuserplrec;

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function getuserbyplivodelrwhurl($plivodrurl) {

        $sqldrpl = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `nexapi_url` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` WHERE `nexapi_url` = ?');
	$ressqldelrec = $sqldrpl->execute([$plivodrurl]);
        $datafromdbdr = $ressqldelrec->fetch();
        $ncuserplivodel = $datafromdbdr['user_id'];

        return $ncuserplivodel;

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function getuserbytwilrecwhurl($twilrecurl) {

        $sqlrectw = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `twilapi_url_rec` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` WHERE `twilapi_url_rec` = ?');
	$twresrecsql = $sqlrectw->execute([$twilrecurl]);
        $twdatafromdb = $twresrecsql->fetch();
        $ncusertwrec = $twdatafromdb['user_id'];

        return $ncusertwrec;

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function getuserbytwildelrwhurl($twildrurl) {

        $sqldrtw = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `twilapi_url` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` WHERE `twilapi_url` = ?');
	$ressqldelrectw = $sqldrtw->execute([$twildrurl]);
        $datafromdbdrtw = $ressqldelrectw->fetch();
        $ncusertwildel = $datafromdbdrtw['user_id'];

        return $ncusertwildel;

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function getuserbyflowrecwhurl($flowrecurl) {

        $sqlrecfl = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `flowapi_url_rec` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` WHERE `flowapi_url_rec` = ?');
	$flresrecsql = $sqlrecfl->execute([$flowrecurl]);
        $fldatafromdb = $flresrecsql->fetch();
        $ncuserflrec = $fldatafromdb['user_id'];

        return $ncuserflrec;

      * @NoAdminRequired
     public function getuserbyflowdelrwhurl($flowdrurl) {

        $sqldrfl = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `flowapi_url` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` WHERE `flowapi_url` = ?');
	$ressqldelrecfl = $sqldrfl->execute([$flowdrurl]);
        $datafromdbdrfl = $ressqldelrecfl->fetch();
        $ncuserflowdel = $datafromdbdrfl['user_id'];

        return $ncuserflowdel;

     * @NoAdminRequired
    public function object_to_array($obj) {
        if (is_object($obj)) $obj = (array)$this->dismount($obj);
        if (is_array($obj)) {
           $new = array();
           foreach($obj as $key => $val) {
               $new[$key] = $this->object_to_array($val);
        else $new = $obj;
        return $new;

     * @NoAdminRequired
    public function dismount($object) {
        $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass(get_class($object));
        $array = array();
        foreach ($reflectionClass->getProperties() as $property) {
           $array[$property->getName()] = $property->getValue($object);
        return $array;

     * @NoAdminRequired
    public function getallowedusers($userId) {

        // Collect the users with whom the current admin is sharing his API keys and whose messages he will be able to see
        if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            // Get the groups and users that were allowed access to the API keys
            $getgrps = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `tnx_groups_allowed`, `tnx_users_allowed`, `plv_groups_allowed`, `plv_users_allowed`,
                                                  `twl_groups_allowed`, `twl_users_allowed`, `flr_groups_allowed`, `flr_users_allowed` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_subac`
                                                   WHERE `user_id` = ?');
            $getgrpsres = $getgrps->execute([$userId]);
            $getgrpsusr = $getgrpsres->fetch();

            if ($getgrpsusr) {

                if ($getgrpsusr['tnx_users_allowed']) { $tnxusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['tnx_users_allowed']); } else { $tnxusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['plv_users_allowed']) { $plvusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['plv_users_allowed']); } else { $plvusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['twl_users_allowed']) { $twlusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['twl_users_allowed']); } else { $twlusers = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['flr_users_allowed']) { $flrusers = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['flr_users_allowed']); } else { $flrusers = []; }

                $allwdusersarr = array_merge($tnxusers, $plvusers, $twlusers, $flrusers);
                $allwdusersunq = array_filter(array_unique($allwdusersarr));

                if ($getgrpsusr['tnx_groups_allowed']) { $tnxgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['tnx_groups_allowed']); } else { $tnxgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['plv_groups_allowed']) { $plvgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['plv_groups_allowed']); } else { $plvgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['twl_groups_allowed']) { $twlgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['twl_groups_allowed']); } else { $twlgroups = []; }
                if ($getgrpsusr['flr_groups_allowed']) { $flrgroups = explode("|", $getgrpsusr['flr_groups_allowed']); } else { $flrgroups = []; }

                $allwdgroupsarr = array_merge($tnxgroups, $plvgroups, $twlgroups, $flrgroups);
                $allwdgroupsunq = array_filter(array_unique($allwdgroupsarr));

            } else {
                $allwdusersunq = [];
                $allwdgroupsunq = [];

            // Get the username for each Display Name of the allowed users
            $allwdusersfnl = [];
            foreach ($allwdusersunq as $alwdusrkey => $alwdusrvalue) {

                         $getacdatausrnm = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `name` = ? AND `value` = ?');
		         $getacdatausrnmres = $getacdatausrnm->execute(['displayname', $alwdusrvalue]);
		         $acdatausrname = $getacdatausrnmres->fetch();
                         if ($acdatausrname) {
                             $allwdusersfnl[] = $acdatausrname['uid'];

            // Get the users from all the allowed groups
            $allwdusersgrpmlt = [];
            foreach ($allwdgroupsunq as $prgrpkey => $prgrpvalue) {

                     // Get all the users that belong to the current group, if the current group is different from 'admin'
                     if ($prgrpvalue != 'admin') {
                         $getusringroup = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `gid`, `uid` FROM `*PREFIX*group_user` WHERE `gid` = ?');
		         $getusringroupres = $getusringroup->execute([$prgrpvalue]);

		         while ($getusrname = $getusringroupres->fetch()) {

                                $allwdusersgrpmlt[] = $getusrname['uid'];
            $allwdusersgrpfnl = array_unique($allwdusersgrpmlt);
            $allusr = array_merge($allwdusersfnl, $allwdusersgrpfnl);
            $allusruniquest = array_unique($allusr);

            if ($allusruniquest) {
                array_unshift($allusruniquest, $userId);
                $allusruniquerc = $allusruniquest;
            } else { $allusruniquerc = [$userId]; }

            return $allusruniquerc;

        } else { return [$userId]; }

     * @NoAdminRequired
    public function getsmsnumbers($userId) {

        // Check if there are any saved phone numbers for the current user
        $getnumbers = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `available_numbers` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` WHERE `user_id` = ?');
	$getcrtusrno = $getnumbers->execute([$userId]);
        $getusrnmbrs = $getcrtusrno->fetch();

        if ($getusrnmbrs['available_numbers']) {

            $retrievednmbrs = $getusrnmbrs['available_numbers'];
            $getnmbrsarr = explode("|", $retrievednmbrs);
            $numbersforuser = array_filter($getnmbrsarr);
            return $numbersforuser;

        // Get the available phone numbers for the current user from the SMS providers
        } else {

            // Get Telnyx phone numbers
            $smsapicredtx = $this->getapicredentials($userId, 'telnyx');

            $telnyxkey = $smsapicredtx[0];
            $telsendernameinit = $smsapicredtx[9];

            if ($telsendernameinit) {
                $telsendername = "Tx: " . $telsendernameinit;
                $telsenderarr = [0 => $telsendername];
            } else { $telsenderarr = []; }

            if ($telnyxkey != '') {

               $telnumbers = \Telnyx\MessagingPhoneNumber::All();

               $telnumbersarr = $this->object_to_array($telnumbers);
               $telnmbrs = [];

               foreach ($telnumbersarr['_originalValues'] as $nmbkey => $nmbvalue) {
                   if (is_int($nmbkey)) {
                       foreach ($nmbvalue as $nkey => $nvalue) {
                           if ($nkey == 'phone_number' && $nvalue) {
                               $telnmbrs[] = "Tx: " . $nvalue;

            } else { $telnmbrs = []; }

            // Get Plivo phone numbers
            $smsapicredpl = $this->getapicredentials($userId, 'plivo');

            $nexapikey = $smsapicredpl[5];
            $nexapisecret = $smsapicredpl[6];
            $nexsendernameinit = $smsapicredpl[10];

            if ($nexsendernameinit) {
                $nexsendername = "Pl: " . $nexsendernameinit;
                $nexsenderarr = [0 => $nexsendername];
            } else { $nexsenderarr = []; }

            if ($nexapikey != '' && $nexapisecret != '') {

               $getacdata = "https://".$nexapikey.":".$nexapisecret."@api.plivo.com/v1/Account/".$nexapikey."/Number/";
               $acdata = file_get_contents($getacdata);
               $datainit = json_decode($acdata, true);

               $findata = $this->object_to_array($datainit);

               $nexcurrentnmbrs = [];

               foreach ($findata['objects'] as $smskey => $smsvalue) {
                       if (is_array($smsvalue)) {
                             foreach ($smsvalue as $smskey2 => $smsvalue2) {
                                   if ($smskey2 == 'number' && $smsvalue2) {
                                       $nexcurrentnmbrs[] = "Pl: +" . $smsvalue2;

            } else { $nexcurrentnmbrs = []; }

            // Get Twilio phone numbers
            $smsapicredtw = $this->getapicredentials($userId, 'twilio');

            $twilapikey = $smsapicredtw[15];
            $twilapisecret = $smsapicredtw[16];
            $twilsendernameinit = $smsapicredtw[19];

            if ($twilsendernameinit) {
                $twilsendername = "Tw: " . $twilsendernameinit;
                $twilsenderarr = [0 => $twilsendername];
            } else { $twilsenderarr = []; }

            if ($twilapikey != '' && $twilapisecret != '') {

                $twilnumbers = json_decode(file_get_contents("https://".$twilapikey.":".$twilapisecret."@api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/".$twilapikey."/IncomingPhoneNumbers.json"), true);
                $twilactivenmbrs = $twilnumbers['incoming_phone_numbers'];

                $twilcurrentnmbrs = [];
                foreach ($twilactivenmbrs as $twnbkey => $twnbvalue) {
                     if (is_array($twnbvalue)) {
                         foreach ($twnbvalue as $twfkey => $twfvalue) {
                              if ($twfkey == 'phone_number' && $twfvalue) {
                                  $twilcurrentnmbrs[] = "Tw: " . $twfvalue;

            } else { $twilcurrentnmbrs = []; }

            // Get Flowroute phone numbers
            $smsapicredfl = $this->getapicredentials($userId, 'flowroute');

            $flowapikey = $smsapicredfl[20];
            $flowapisecret = $smsapicredfl[21];

            if ($flowapikey != '' && $flowapisecret != '') {

                $flnbrsresult = json_decode(file_get_contents("https://".$flowapikey.":".$flowapisecret."@api.flowroute.com/v2/numbers"));
                $flnbrsarr = $flnbrsresult->data;
                $flowcurrentnmbrs = [];
                foreach ($flnbrsarr as $flkey => $flitem) {
                         if ($flitem->id) {
                             $flowcurrentnmbrs[] = "Fl: +" . $flitem->id;

            } else { $flowcurrentnmbrs = []; }

            $currentnmbrs = array_merge($telnmbrs, $nexcurrentnmbrs, $twilcurrentnmbrs, $flowcurrentnmbrs, $telsenderarr, $nexsenderarr, $twilsenderarr);

            if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

                // Save the available phone numbers for the current user
                $availablenmbrs = implode("|", $currentnmbrs);
                $savephno = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` SET `available_numbers` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
                $upusrphnmbrs = $savephno->execute([$availablenmbrs, $userId]);

                return $currentnmbrs;

            } else {

                // Get the restrictions from the 'sms_relent_restrict' table
                $getrestr = $this->connection->prepare('
		            SELECT `phone_number`, `groups`, `users` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_restrict`');
                $getrestrres = $getrestr->execute();

                $restrdata = [];
                while ($restrfetched = $getrestrres->fetch()) {
                       $restrdata[] = $restrfetched;

                if ($restrdata) {

                    // Get the groups to which the current user belongs
                    $getusrgrp = $this->connection->prepare('
		                 SELECT `gid`, `uid` FROM `*PREFIX*group_user` WHERE `uid` = ?');
                    $getusrgrpres = $getusrgrp->execute([$userId]);

                    $usergrps = [];
                    while ($fetchedgrps = $getusrgrpres->fetch()) {
                           $usergrps[] = $fetchedgrps['gid'];
                    $ctusergroups = implode("|", $usergrps);

		    // Get the Display Name of the current user
                    $dsplnm = 'displayname';
		    $getacdatadn = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `name` = ?');
		    $getacdatadnres = $getacdatadn->execute([$userId, $dsplnm]);
		    $acdatausrdnadm = $getacdatadnres->fetch();
		    $cruserdname = $acdatausrdnadm['value'];

                    // Get the phone numbers that are not allowed for the current user
                    $restrPhoneNb = [];
                    foreach ($restrdata as $rskey => $rsvalue) {

                        $chck = 0;
                        if ($rsvalue['groups']) {
                            $restrgrparr = explode("|", $rsvalue['groups']);

                            foreach ($restrgrparr as $grkey => $grvalue) {
                                     if (str_contains($ctusergroups, $grvalue)) { $chck++; }

                        if ($rsvalue['users']) {
                            $usrnmstr = $rsvalue['users'];
                            if (str_contains($usrnmstr, $cruserdname)) { $chck++; }

                        if ($chck == 0) { $restrPhoneNb[] = $rsvalue['phone_number']; }

                    $restrPhoneNmbrs = array_unique($restrPhoneNb);

                    // Assemble the array of phone numbers that the current user is allowed to use
                    for ($k = 0; $k < count($currentnmbrs); $k++) {

                        if (in_array($currentnmbrs[$k], $restrPhoneNmbrs)) {

                    $currentnmbrsrstr = array_values($currentnmbrs);

                    // Save the available phone numbers for the current user
                    $availablenmbrs = implode("|", $currentnmbrsrstr);
                    $savephno = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` SET `available_numbers` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
                    $upusrphnmbrs = $savephno->execute([$availablenmbrs, $userId]);

                    return $currentnmbrsrstr;

                } else {

                    // Save the available phone numbers for the current user
                    $availablenmbrs = implode("|", $currentnmbrs);
                    $savephno = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` SET `available_numbers` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
                    $upusrphnmbrs = $savephno->execute([$availablenmbrs, $userId]);

                    return $currentnmbrs; 

     * @NoAdminRequired
    public function refreshavailablenumbers($userId) {

        // Get Telnyx phone numbers
        $smsapicredtx = $this->getapicredentials($userId, 'telnyx');

        $telnyxkey = $smsapicredtx[0];
        $telsendernameinit = $smsapicredtx[9];

        if ($telsendernameinit) {
            $telsendername = "Tx: " . $telsendernameinit;
            $telsenderarr = [0 => $telsendername];
        } else { $telsenderarr = []; }

        if ($telnyxkey != '') {

           $telnumbers = \Telnyx\MessagingPhoneNumber::All();

           $telnumbersarr = $this->object_to_array($telnumbers);
           $telnmbrs = [];

           foreach ($telnumbersarr['_originalValues'] as $nmbkey => $nmbvalue) {
              if (is_int($nmbkey)) {
                 foreach ($nmbvalue as $nkey => $nvalue) {
                    if ($nkey == 'phone_number' && $nvalue) {
                       $telnmbrs[] = "Tx: " . $nvalue;

        } else { $telnmbrs = []; }

        // Get Plivo phone numbers
        $smsapicredpl = $this->getapicredentials($userId, 'plivo');

        $nexapikey = $smsapicredpl[5];
        $nexapisecret = $smsapicredpl[6];
        $nexsendernameinit = $smsapicredpl[10];

        if ($nexsendernameinit) {
            $nexsendername = "Pl: " . $nexsendernameinit;
            $nexsenderarr = [0 => $nexsendername];
        } else { $nexsenderarr = []; }

        if ($nexapikey != '' && $nexapisecret != '') {

           $getacdata = "https://".$nexapikey.":".$nexapisecret."@api.plivo.com/v1/Account/".$nexapikey."/Number/";
           $acdata = file_get_contents($getacdata);
           $datainit = json_decode($acdata, true);

           $findata = $this->object_to_array($datainit);

           $nexcurrentnmbrs = [];

           foreach ($findata['objects'] as $smskey => $smsvalue) {
                   if (is_array($smsvalue)) {
                         foreach ($smsvalue as $smskey2 => $smsvalue2) {
                               if ($smskey2 == 'number' && $smsvalue2) {
                                   $nexcurrentnmbrs[] = "Pl: +" . $smsvalue2;

        } else { $nexcurrentnmbrs = []; }

        // Get Twilio phone numbers
        $smsapicredtw = $this->getapicredentials($userId, 'twilio');

        $twilapikey = $smsapicredtw[15];
        $twilapisecret = $smsapicredtw[16];
        $twilsendernameinit = $smsapicredtw[19];

        if ($twilsendernameinit) {
            $twilsendername = "Tw: " . $twilsendernameinit;
            $twilsenderarr = [0 => $twilsendername];
        } else { $twilsenderarr = []; }

        if ($twilapikey != '' && $twilapisecret != '') {

            $twilnumbers = json_decode(file_get_contents("https://".$twilapikey.":".$twilapisecret."@api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/".$twilapikey."/IncomingPhoneNumbers.json"), true);
            $twilactivenmbrs = $twilnumbers['incoming_phone_numbers'];

            $twilcurrentnmbrs = [];
            foreach ($twilactivenmbrs as $twnbkey => $twnbvalue) {
                 if (is_array($twnbvalue)) {
                     foreach ($twnbvalue as $twfkey => $twfvalue) {
                          if ($twfkey == 'phone_number' && $twfvalue) {
                              $twilcurrentnmbrs[] = "Tw: " . $twfvalue;

        } else { $twilcurrentnmbrs = []; }

        // Get Flowroute phone numbers
        $smsapicredfl = $this->getapicredentials($userId, 'flowroute');

        $flowapikey = $smsapicredfl[20];
        $flowapisecret = $smsapicredfl[21];

        if ($flowapikey != '' && $flowapisecret != '') {

            $flnbrsresult = json_decode(file_get_contents("https://".$flowapikey.":".$flowapisecret."@api.flowroute.com/v2/numbers"));
            $flnbrsarr = $flnbrsresult->data;
            $flowcurrentnmbrs = [];
            foreach ($flnbrsarr as $flkey => $flitem) {
                     if ($flitem->id) {
                         $flowcurrentnmbrs[] = "Fl: +" . $flitem->id;

        } else { $flowcurrentnmbrs = []; }

        $currentnmbrs = array_merge($telnmbrs, $nexcurrentnmbrs, $twilcurrentnmbrs, $flowcurrentnmbrs, $telsenderarr, $nexsenderarr, $twilsenderarr);

        if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($userId)) {

            // Save the available phone numbers for the current user
            $availablenmbrs = implode("|", $currentnmbrs);
            $savephno = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` SET `available_numbers` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
            $upusrphnmbrs = $savephno->execute([$availablenmbrs, $userId]);

            return $currentnmbrs;

        } else {

            // Get the restrictions from the 'sms_relent_restrict' table
            $getrestr = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `phone_number`, `groups`, `users` FROM `*PREFIX*sms_relent_restrict`');
            $getrestrres = $getrestr->execute();

            $restrdata = [];
            while ($restrfetched = $getrestrres->fetch()) {
                   $restrdata[] = $restrfetched;

            if ($restrdata) {

                // Get the groups to which the current user belongs
                $getusrgrp = $this->connection->prepare('
		       SELECT `gid`, `uid` FROM `*PREFIX*group_user` WHERE `uid` = ?');
                $getusrgrpres = $getusrgrp->execute([$userId]);

                $usergrps = [];
                while ($fetchedgrps = $getusrgrpres->fetch()) {
                       $usergrps[] = $fetchedgrps['gid'];
                $ctusergroups = implode("|", $usergrps);

		// Get the Display Name of the current user
                $dispname = 'displayname';
		$getacdatadn = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `uid`, `name`, `value` FROM `*PREFIX*accounts_data` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `name` = ?');
		$getacdatadnres = $getacdatadn->execute([$userId, $dispname]);
		$acdatausrdnadm = $getacdatadnres->fetch();
		$cruserdname = $acdatausrdnadm['value'];

                // Get the phone numbers that are not allowed for the current user
                $restrPhoneNb = [];
                foreach ($restrdata as $rskey => $rsvalue) {

                        $chck = 0;
                        if ($rsvalue['groups']) {
                            $restrgrparr = explode("|", $rsvalue['groups']);

                            foreach ($restrgrparr as $grkey => $grvalue) {
                                     if (str_contains($ctusergroups, $grvalue)) { $chck++; }

                        if ($rsvalue['users']) {
                            $usrnmstr = $rsvalue['users'];
                            if (str_contains($usrnmstr, $cruserdname)) { $chck++; }

                        if ($chck == 0) { $restrPhoneNb[] = $rsvalue['phone_number']; }

                $restrPhoneNmbrs = array_unique($restrPhoneNb);

                // Assemble the array of phone numbers that the current user is allowed to use
                for ($k = 0; $k < count($currentnmbrs); $k++) {

                    if (in_array($currentnmbrs[$k], $restrPhoneNmbrs)) {

                $currentnmbrsrstr = array_values($currentnmbrs);

                // Save the available phone numbers for the current user
                $availablenmbrs = implode("|", $currentnmbrsrstr);
                $savephno = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` SET `available_numbers` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
                $upusrphnmbrs = $savephno->execute([$availablenmbrs, $userId]);

                return $currentnmbrsrstr;

            } else {

                // Save the available phone numbers for the current user
                $availablenmbrs = implode("|", $currentnmbrs);
                $savephno = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*sms_relent_settings` SET `available_numbers` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
                $upusrphnmbrs = $savephno->execute([$availablenmbrs, $userId]);

                return $currentnmbrs; 