 { "translations": {
     "Settings" : "Settings",
     "SMS Relentless" : "SMS Relentless",
     "Enter your credentials and options in the fields from below. As SMS service provider you can use Telnyx, Plivo, Twilio or Flowroute, or all of them:" : "Enter your credentials and options in the fields from below. As SMS service provider you can use Telnyx, Plivo, Twilio or Flowroute, or all of them:",
     "Generate new webhook URL for incoming SMS" : "Generate new webhook URL for incoming SMS",
     "Generate new webhook URL for delivery receipts" : "Generate new webhook URL for delivery receipts",
     "Generate new webhook URL for incoming SMS" : "Generate new webhook URL for incoming SMS",
     "Generate new webhook URL for delivery receipts" : "Generate new webhook URL for delivery receipts",
     "Save" : "Save",
     "New SMS message" : "New SMS message",
     "New SMS message from SMS Relentless" : "New SMS message from SMS Relentless"
 },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"