OC.L10N.register( "sip_trip_phone", { "Settings" : "Settings", "SIP Trip Phone" : "SIP Trip Phone", "Enter your credentials in the fields from below:" : "Enter your credentials in the fields from below:", "Display Name:" : "Display Name:", "SIP User:" : "SIP User:", "SIP User Password:" : "SIP User Password:", "WSS URL:" : "WSS URL:", "SIP Realm (the IPv4 address of your Asterisk server or the domain from the WSS URL offered by the SIP provider):" : "SIP Realm (the IPv4 address of your Asterisk server or the domain from the WSS URL offered by the SIP provider):", "STUN Server's IPv4 address and port number or domain and port number (optional):" : "STUN Server's IPv4 address and port number or domain and port number (optional):", "Show debug logging in my browser's console:" : "Show debug logging in my browser's console:", "Available phone number(s):" : "Available phone number(s):", "Default phone number for outgoing calls (optional):" : "Default phone number for outgoing calls (optional):", "Save" : "Save" }, "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");