  *  Copyright (C) 2021  Double Bastion LLC
  *  This file is part of Roundpin, which is licensed under the
  *  GNU Affero General Public License Version 3.0. The license terms
  *  are detailed in the "LICENSE.txt" file located in the root directory.
  *  The file content from below is identical with that of the
  *  original file "sdp-interop-sl-1.4.0.js". The copyright
  *  notice for the original content follows:
  *  Copyright @ 2015 Atlassian Pty Ltd
  *  License: Apache License Version 2.0
 (function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.SdpInterop = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
 var grammar = module.exports = {
   v: [{
     name: 'version',
     reg: /^(\d*)$/
   o: [{ //o=- 20518 0 IN IP4
     // NB: sessionId will be a String in most cases because it is huge
     name: 'origin',
     reg: /^(\S*) (\d*) (\d*) (\S*) IP(\d) (\S*)/,
     names: ['username', 'sessionId', 'sessionVersion', 'netType', 'ipVer', 'address'],
     format: '%s %s %d %s IP%d %s'
   // default parsing of these only (though some of these feel outdated)
   s: [{ name: 'name' }],
   i: [{ name: 'description' }],
   u: [{ name: 'uri' }],
   e: [{ name: 'email' }],
   p: [{ name: 'phone' }],
   z: [{ name: 'timezones' }], // TODO: this one can actually be parsed properly..
   r: [{ name: 'repeats' }],   // TODO: this one can also be parsed properly
   //k: [{}], // outdated thing ignored
   t: [{ //t=0 0
     name: 'timing',
     reg: /^(\d*) (\d*)/,
     names: ['start', 'stop'],
     format: '%d %d'
   c: [{ //c=IN IP4
     name: 'connection',
     reg: /^IN IP(\d) (\S*)/,
     names: ['version', 'ip'],
     format: 'IN IP%d %s'
   b: [{ //b=AS:4000
     push: 'bandwidth',
     reg: /^(TIAS|AS|CT|RR|RS):(\d*)/,
     names: ['type', 'limit'],
     format: '%s:%s'
   m: [{ //m=video 51744 RTP/AVP 126 97 98 34 31
     // NB: special - pushes to session
     // TODO: rtp/fmtp should be filtered by the payloads found here?
     reg: /^(\w*) (\d*) ([\w\/]*)(?: (.*))?/,
     names: ['type', 'port', 'protocol', 'payloads'],
     format: '%s %d %s %s'
   a: [
     { //a=rtpmap:110 opus/48000/2
       push: 'rtp',
       reg: /^rtpmap:(\d*) ([\w\-\.]*)(?:\s*\/(\d*)(?:\s*\/(\S*))?)?/,
       names: ['payload', 'codec', 'rate', 'encoding'],
       format: function (o) {
         return (o.encoding) ?
           'rtpmap:%d %s/%s/%s':
           o.rate ?
           'rtpmap:%d %s/%s':
           'rtpmap:%d %s';
     { //a=fmtp:108 profile-level-id=24;object=23;bitrate=64000
       //a=fmtp:111 minptime=10; useinbandfec=1
       push: 'fmtp',
       reg: /^fmtp:(\d*) ([\S| ]*)/,
       names: ['payload', 'config'],
       format: 'fmtp:%d %s'
     { //a=control:streamid=0
       name: 'control',
       reg: /^control:(.*)/,
       format: 'control:%s'
     { //a=rtcp:65179 IN IP4
       name: 'rtcp',
       reg: /^rtcp:(\d*)(?: (\S*) IP(\d) (\S*))?/,
       names: ['port', 'netType', 'ipVer', 'address'],
       format: function (o) {
         return (o.address != null) ?
           'rtcp:%d %s IP%d %s':
     { //a=rtcp-fb:98 trr-int 100
       push: 'rtcpFbTrrInt',
       reg: /^rtcp-fb:(\*|\d*) trr-int (\d*)/,
       names: ['payload', 'value'],
       format: 'rtcp-fb:%d trr-int %d'
     { //a=rtcp-fb:98 nack rpsi
       push: 'rtcpFb',
       reg: /^rtcp-fb:(\*|\d*) ([\w-_]*)(?: ([\w-_]*))?/,
       names: ['payload', 'type', 'subtype'],
       format: function (o) {
         return (o.subtype != null) ?
           'rtcp-fb:%s %s %s':
           'rtcp-fb:%s %s';
     { //a=extmap:2 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset
       //a=extmap:1/recvonly URI-gps-string
       push: 'ext',
       reg: /^extmap:(\d+)(?:\/(\w+))? (\S*)(?: (\S*))?/,
       names: ['value', 'direction', 'uri', 'config'],
       format: function (o) {
         return 'extmap:%d' + (o.direction ? '/%s' : '%v') + ' %s' + (o.config ? ' %s' : '');
     { //a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:PS1uQCVeeCFCanVmcjkpPywjNWhcYD0mXXtxaVBR|2^20|1:32
       push: 'crypto',
       reg: /^crypto:(\d*) ([\w_]*) (\S*)(?: (\S*))?/,
       names: ['id', 'suite', 'config', 'sessionConfig'],
       format: function (o) {
         return (o.sessionConfig != null) ?
           'crypto:%d %s %s %s':
           'crypto:%d %s %s';
     { //a=setup:actpass
       name: 'setup',
       reg: /^setup:(\w*)/,
       format: 'setup:%s'
     { //a=mid:1
       name: 'mid',
       reg: /^mid:([^\s]*)/,
       format: 'mid:%s'
     { //a=msid:0c8b064d-d807-43b4-b434-f92a889d8587 98178685-d409-46e0-8e16-7ef0db0db64a
       name: 'msid',
       reg: /^msid:(.*)/,
       format: 'msid:%s'
     { //a=ptime:20
       name: 'ptime',
       reg: /^ptime:(\d*)/,
       format: 'ptime:%d'
     { //a=maxptime:60
       name: 'maxptime',
       reg: /^maxptime:(\d*)/,
       format: 'maxptime:%d'
     { //a=sendrecv
       name: 'direction',
       reg: /^(sendrecv|recvonly|sendonly|inactive)/
     { //a=ice-lite
       name: 'icelite',
       reg: /^(ice-lite)/
     { //a=ice-ufrag:F7gI
       name: 'iceUfrag',
       reg: /^ice-ufrag:(\S*)/,
       format: 'ice-ufrag:%s'
     { //a=ice-pwd:x9cml/YzichV2+XlhiMu8g
       name: 'icePwd',
       reg: /^ice-pwd:(\S*)/,
       format: 'ice-pwd:%s'
     { //a=fingerprint:SHA-1 00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF:00:11:22:33
       name: 'fingerprint',
       reg: /^fingerprint:(\S*) (\S*)/,
       names: ['type', 'hash'],
       format: 'fingerprint:%s %s'
     { //a=candidate:0 1 UDP 2113667327 54400 typ host
       //a=candidate:1162875081 1 udp 2113937151 60017 typ host generation 0 network-id 3 network-cost 10
       //a=candidate:3289912957 2 udp 1845501695 60017 typ srflx raddr rport 60017 generation 0 network-id 3 network-cost 10
       //a=candidate:229815620 1 tcp 1518280447 60017 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 3 network-cost 10
       //a=candidate:3289912957 2 tcp 1845501695 60017 typ srflx raddr rport 60017 tcptype passive generation 0 network-id 3 network-cost 10
       reg: /^candidate:(\S*) (\d*) (\S*) (\d*) (\S*) (\d*) typ (\S*)(?: raddr (\S*) rport (\d*))?(?: tcptype (\S*))?(?: generation (\d*))?(?: network-id (\d*))?(?: network-cost (\d*))?/,
       names: ['foundation', 'component', 'transport', 'priority', 'ip', 'port', 'type', 'raddr', 'rport', 'tcptype', 'generation', 'network-id', 'network-cost'],
       format: function (o) {
         var str = 'candidate:%s %d %s %d %s %d typ %s';
         str += (o.raddr != null) ? ' raddr %s rport %d' : '%v%v';
         // NB: candidate has three optional chunks, so %void middles one if it's missing
         str += (o.tcptype != null) ? ' tcptype %s' : '%v';
         if (o.generation != null) {
           str += ' generation %d';
         str += (o['network-id'] != null) ? ' network-id %d' : '%v';
         str += (o['network-cost'] != null) ? ' network-cost %d' : '%v';
         return str;
     { //a=end-of-candidates (keep after the candidates line for readability)
       name: 'endOfCandidates',
       reg: /^(end-of-candidates)/
     { //a=remote-candidates:1 54400 2 54401 ...
       name: 'remoteCandidates',
       reg: /^remote-candidates:(.*)/,
       format: 'remote-candidates:%s'
     { //a=ice-options:google-ice
       name: 'iceOptions',
       reg: /^ice-options:(\S*)/,
       format: 'ice-options:%s'
     { //a=ssrc:2566107569 cname:t9YU8M1UxTF8Y1A1
       push: 'ssrcs',
       reg: /^ssrc:(\d*) ([\w_]*)(?::(.*))?/,
       names: ['id', 'attribute', 'value'],
       format: function (o) {
         var str = 'ssrc:%d';
         if (o.attribute != null) {
           str += ' %s';
           if (o.value != null) {
             str += ':%s';
         return str;
     { //a=ssrc-group:FEC 1 2
       //a=ssrc-group:FEC-FR 3004364195 1080772241
       push: 'ssrcGroups',
       // token-char = %x21 / %x23-27 / %x2A-2B / %x2D-2E / %x30-39 / %x41-5A / %x5E-7E
       reg: /^ssrc-group:([\x21\x23\x24\x25\x26\x27\x2A\x2B\x2D\x2E\w]*) (.*)/,
       names: ['semantics', 'ssrcs'],
       format: 'ssrc-group:%s %s'
     { //a=msid-semantic: WMS Jvlam5X3SX1OP6pn20zWogvaKJz5Hjf9OnlV
       name: 'msidSemantic',
       reg: /^msid-semantic:\s?(\w*) (\S*)/,
       names: ['semantic', 'token'],
       format: 'msid-semantic: %s %s' // space after ':' is not accidental
     { //a=group:BUNDLE audio video
       push: 'groups',
       reg: /^group:(\w*) (.*)/,
       names: ['type', 'mids'],
       format: 'group:%s %s'
     { //a=rtcp-mux
       name: 'rtcpMux',
       reg: /^(rtcp-mux)/
     { //a=rtcp-rsize
       name: 'rtcpRsize',
       reg: /^(rtcp-rsize)/
     { //a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024
       name: 'sctpmap',
       reg: /^sctpmap:([\w_\/]*) (\S*)(?: (\S*))?/,
       names: ['sctpmapNumber', 'app', 'maxMessageSize'],
       format: function (o) {
         return (o.maxMessageSize != null) ?
           'sctpmap:%s %s %s' :
           'sctpmap:%s %s';
     { //a=x-google-flag:conference
       name: 'xGoogleFlag',
       reg: /^x-google-flag:([^\s]*)/,
       format: 'x-google-flag:%s'
     { //a=rid:1 send max-width=1280;max-height=720;max-fps=30;depend=0
       push: 'rids',
       reg: /^rid:([\d\w]+) (\w+)(?: ([\S| ]*))?/,
       names: ['id', 'direction', 'params'],
       format: function (o) {
         return (o.params) ? 'rid:%s %s %s' : 'rid:%s %s';
     { //a=imageattr:97 send [x=800,y=640,sar=1.1,q=0.6] [x=480,y=320] recv [x=330,y=250]
       //a=imageattr:* send [x=800,y=640] recv *
       //a=imageattr:100 recv [x=320,y=240]
       push: 'imageattrs',
       reg: new RegExp(
         '^imageattr:(\\d+|\\*)' +
         //send [x=800,y=640,sar=1.1,q=0.6] [x=480,y=320]
         '[\\s\\t]+(send|recv)[\\s\\t]+(\\*|\\[\\S+\\](?:[\\s\\t]+\\[\\S+\\])*)' +
         //recv [x=330,y=250]
       names: ['pt', 'dir1', 'attrs1', 'dir2', 'attrs2'],
       format: function (o) {
         return 'imageattr:%s %s %s' + (o.dir2 ? ' %s %s' : '');
     { //a=simulcast:send 1,2,3;~4,~5 recv 6;~7,~8
       //a=simulcast:recv 1;4,5 send 6;7
       name: 'simulcast',
       reg: new RegExp(
         '^simulcast:' +
         //send 1,2,3;~4,~5
         '(send|recv) ([a-zA-Z0-9\\-_~;,]+)' +
         //space + recv 6;~7,~8
         '(?:\\s?(send|recv) ([a-zA-Z0-9\\-_~;,]+))?' +
       names: ['dir1', 'list1', 'dir2', 'list2'],
       format: function (o) {
         return 'simulcast:%s %s' + (o.dir2 ? ' %s %s' : '');
     { //Old simulcast draft 03 (implemented by Firefox)
       //a=simulcast: recv pt=97;98 send pt=97
       //a=simulcast: send rid=5;6;7 paused=6,7
       name: 'simulcast_03',
       reg: /^simulcast:[\s\t]+([\S+\s\t]+)$/,
       names: ['value'],
       format: 'simulcast: %s'
       name: 'framerate',
       reg: /^framerate:(\d+(?:$|\.\d+))/,
       format: 'framerate:%s'
     { // any a= that we don't understand is kepts verbatim on media.invalid
       push: 'invalid',
       names: ['value']
 // set sensible defaults to avoid polluting the grammar with boring details
 Object.keys(grammar).forEach(function (key) {
   var objs = grammar[key];
   objs.forEach(function (obj) {
     if (!obj.reg) {
       obj.reg = /(.*)/;
     if (!obj.format) {
       obj.format = '%s';
 var parser = require('./parser');
 var writer = require('./writer');
 exports.write = writer;
 exports.parse = parser.parse;
 exports.parseFmtpConfig = parser.parseFmtpConfig;
 exports.parseParams = parser.parseParams;
 exports.parsePayloads = parser.parsePayloads;
 exports.parseRemoteCandidates = parser.parseRemoteCandidates;
 exports.parseImageAttributes = parser.parseImageAttributes;
 exports.parseSimulcastStreamList = parser.parseSimulcastStreamList;
 var toIntIfInt = function (v) {
   return String(Number(v)) === v ? Number(v) : v;
 var attachProperties = function (match, location, names, rawName) {
   if (rawName && !names) {
     location[rawName] = toIntIfInt(match[1]);
   else {
     for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i += 1) {
       if (match[i+1] != null) {
         location[names[i]] = toIntIfInt(match[i+1]);
 var parseReg = function (obj, location, content) {
   var needsBlank = && obj.names;
   if (obj.push && !location[obj.push]) {
     location[obj.push] = [];
   else if (needsBlank && !location[]) {
     location[] = {};
   var keyLocation = obj.push ?
     {} :  // blank object that will be pushed
     needsBlank ? location[] : location; // otherwise, named location or root
   attachProperties(content.match(obj.reg), keyLocation, obj.names,;
   if (obj.push) {
 var grammar = require('./grammar');
 var validLine = RegExp.prototype.test.bind(/^([a-z])=(.*)/);
 exports.parse = function (sdp) {
   var session = {}
     , media = []
     , location = session; // points at where properties go under (one of the above)
   // parse lines we understand
   sdp.split(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/).filter(validLine).forEach(function (l) {
     var type = l[0];
     var content = l.slice(2);
     if (type === 'm') {
       media.push({rtp: [], fmtp: []});
       location = media[media.length-1]; // point at latest media line
     for (var j = 0; j < (grammar[type] || []).length; j += 1) {
       var obj = grammar[type][j];
       if (obj.reg.test(content)) {
         return parseReg(obj, location, content);
   }); = media; // link it up
   return session;
 var paramReducer = function (acc, expr) {
   var s = expr.split(/=(.+)/, 2);
   if (s.length === 2) {
     acc[s[0]] = toIntIfInt(s[1]);
   return acc;
 exports.parseParams = function (str) {
   return str.split(/\;\s?/).reduce(paramReducer, {});
 // For backward compatibility - alias will be removed in 3.0.0
 exports.parseFmtpConfig = exports.parseParams;
 exports.parsePayloads = function (str) {
   return str.split(' ').map(Number);
 exports.parseRemoteCandidates = function (str) {
   var candidates = [];
   var parts = str.split(' ').map(toIntIfInt);
   for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 3) {
       component: parts[i],
       ip: parts[i + 1],
       port: parts[i + 2]
   return candidates;
 exports.parseImageAttributes = function (str) {
   return str.split(' ').map(function (item) {
     return item.substring(1, item.length-1).split(',').reduce(paramReducer, {});
 exports.parseSimulcastStreamList = function (str) {
   return str.split(';').map(function (stream) {
     return stream.split(',').map(function (format) {
       var scid, paused = false;
       if (format[0] !== '~') {
         scid = toIntIfInt(format);
       } else {
         scid = toIntIfInt(format.substring(1, format.length));
         paused = true;
       return {
         scid: scid,
         paused: paused
 var grammar = require('./grammar');
 // customized util.format - discards excess arguments and can void middle ones
 var formatRegExp = /%[sdv%]/g;
 var format = function (formatStr) {
   var i = 1;
   var args = arguments;
   var len = args.length;
   return formatStr.replace(formatRegExp, function (x) {
     if (i >= len) {
       return x; // missing argument
     var arg = args[i];
     i += 1;
     switch (x) {
     case '%%':
       return '%';
     case '%s':
       return String(arg);
     case '%d':
       return Number(arg);
     case '%v':
       return '';
   // NB: we discard excess arguments - they are typically undefined from makeLine
 var makeLine = function (type, obj, location) {
   var str = obj.format instanceof Function ?
     (obj.format(obj.push ? location : location[])) :
   var args = [type + '=' + str];
   if (obj.names) {
     for (var i = 0; i < obj.names.length; i += 1) {
       var n = obj.names[i];
       if ( {
       else { // for mLine and push attributes
   else {
   return format.apply(null, args);
 // RFC specified order
 // TODO: extend this with all the rest
 var defaultOuterOrder = [
   'v', 'o', 's', 'i',
   'u', 'e', 'p', 'c',
   'b', 't', 'r', 'z', 'a'
 var defaultInnerOrder = ['i', 'c', 'b', 'a'];
 module.exports = function (session, opts) {
   opts = opts || {};
   // ensure certain properties exist
   if (session.version == null) {
     session.version = 0; // 'v=0' must be there (only defined version atm)
   if ( == null) { = ' '; // 's= ' must be there if no meaningful name set
   } (mLine) {
     if (mLine.payloads == null) {
       mLine.payloads = '';
   var outerOrder = opts.outerOrder || defaultOuterOrder;
   var innerOrder = opts.innerOrder || defaultInnerOrder;
   var sdp = [];
   // loop through outerOrder for matching properties on session
   outerOrder.forEach(function (type) {
     grammar[type].forEach(function (obj) {
       if ( in session && session[] != null) {
         sdp.push(makeLine(type, obj, session));
       else if (obj.push in session && session[obj.push] != null) {
         session[obj.push].forEach(function (el) {
           sdp.push(makeLine(type, obj, el));
   // then for each media line, follow the innerOrder (mLine) {
     sdp.push(makeLine('m', grammar.m[0], mLine));
     innerOrder.forEach(function (type) {
       grammar[type].forEach(function (obj) {
         if ( in mLine && mLine[] != null) {
           sdp.push(makeLine(type, obj, mLine));
         else if (obj.push in mLine && mLine[obj.push] != null) {
           mLine[obj.push].forEach(function (el) {
             sdp.push(makeLine(type, obj, el));
   return sdp.join('\r\n') + '\r\n';
 /* Copyright @ 2015 Atlassian Pty Ltd
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 var SdpInterop = module.exports = {
     InteropFF: require('./interop_on_ff'),
     InteropChrome: require('./interop_on_chrome'),
     transform: require('./transform')
 /* Copyright @ 2015 Atlassian Pty Ltd
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 module.exports = function arrayEquals(array) {
     // if the other array is a falsy value, return
     if (!array)
         return false;
     // compare lengths - can save a lot of time
     if (this.length != array.length)
         return false;
     for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
         // Check if we have nested arrays
         if (this[i] instanceof Array && array[i] instanceof Array) {
             // recurse into the nested arrays
             if (!arrayEquals.apply(this[i], [array[i]]))
                 return false;
         } else if (this[i] != array[i]) {
             // Warning - two different object instances will never be equal:
             // {x:20} != {x:20}
             return false;
     return true;
  * Copyright(c) Starleaf Ltd. 2016.
 "use strict";
 //Small library for plan b interop - Designed to be run on chrome.
 //Assumes you will do the following - convert unified plan received on the wire into plan B
 //before setting the remote description
 //Convert plan b generated by chrome into unified plan prior to sending.
 var Interop = function () {
     var cache = {};
     var copyObj = function (obj) {
         return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
     var toUnifiedPlan = function (desc) {
         var uplan = require('./on_chrome/to-unified-plan')(desc, cache);
         //cache a copy
         cache.local = copyObj(uplan.sdp);
         return uplan;
     var toPlanB = function (desc) {
         //cache the last unified plan we received on the wire
         cache.remote = copyObj(desc.sdp);
         return require('./on_chrome/to-plan-b')(desc, cache);
     var that = {};
     that.toUnifiedPlan = toUnifiedPlan;
     that.toPlanB = toPlanB;
     return that;
 module.exports = Interop;
 /* Copyright @ 2015 Atlassian Pty Ltd
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 /* global RTCSessionDescription */
 /* jshint -W097 */
 "use strict";
 var transform = require('./transform');
 var arrayEquals = require('./array-equals');
 function Interop() {
      * This map holds the most recent Unified Plan offer/answer SDP that was
      * converted to Plan B, with the SDP type ('offer' or 'answer') as keys and
      * the SDP string as values.
      * @type {{}}
     this.cache = {};
 module.exports = Interop;
  * Returns the index of the first m-line with the given media type and with a
  * direction which allows sending, in the last Unified Plan description with
  * type "answer" converted to Plan B. Returns {null} if there is no saved
  * answer, or if none of its m-lines with the given type allow sending.
  * @param type the media type ("audio" or "video").
  * @returns {*}
 Interop.prototype.getFirstSendingIndexFromAnswer = function (type) {
     if (!this.cache.answer) {
         return null;
     var session = transform.parse(this.cache.answer);
     if (session && && Array.isArray( {
         for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
             if ([i].type == type &&
                 (![i].direction /* default to sendrecv */ ||
       [i].direction === 'sendrecv' ||
       [i].direction === 'sendonly')) {
                 return i;
     return null;
  * This method transforms a Unified Plan SDP to an equivalent Plan B SDP. A
  * PeerConnection wrapper transforms the SDP to Plan B before passing it to the
  * application.
  * @param desc
  * @returns {*}
 Interop.prototype.toPlanB = function (desc) {
     var self = this;
     //#region Preliminary input validation.
     if (typeof desc !== 'object' || desc === null ||
         typeof desc.sdp !== 'string') {
         console.warn('An empty description was passed as an argument.');
         return desc;
     // Objectify the SDP for easier manipulation.
     var session = transform.parse(desc.sdp);
     // If the SDP contains no media, there's nothing to transform.
     if (typeof === 'undefined' || !Array.isArray( || === 0) {
         console.warn('The description has no media.');
         return desc;
     // Try some heuristics to "make sure" this is a Unified Plan SDP. Plan B
     // SDP has a video, an audio and a data "channel" at most.
     if ( <= 3 && (m) {
                 return ['video', 'audio', 'data'].indexOf(m.mid) !== -1;
         )) {
         console.warn('This description does not look like Unified Plan.');
         return desc;
     // HACK
     var sdp = desc.sdp;
     var rewrite = false;
     for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
         var uLine =[i];
         uLine.rtp.forEach(function (rtp) {
                 if (rtp.codec === 'NULL') {
                     rewrite = true;
                     var offer = transform.parse(self.cache.offer);
                     rtp.codec =[i].rtp[0].codec;
     if (rewrite) {
         sdp = transform.write(session);
     // Unified Plan SDP is our "precious". Cache it for later use in the Plan B
     // -> Unified Plan transformation.
     this.cache[desc.type] = sdp;
     //#region Convert from Unified Plan to Plan B.
     // We rebuild the array.
     var media =; = [];
     // Associative array that maps channel types to channel objects for fast
     // access to channel objects by their type, e.g. type2bl['audio']->channel
     // obj.
     var type2bl = {};
     // Used to build the group:BUNDLE value after the channels construction
     // loop.
     var types = [];
     // Implode the Unified Plan m-lines/tracks into Plan B channels.
     media.forEach(function (uLine) {
             // rtcp-mux is required in the Plan B SDP.
             if ((typeof uLine.rtcpMux !== 'string' ||
                 uLine.rtcpMux !== 'rtcp-mux') &&
                 uLine.direction !== 'inactive') {
                 throw new Error('Cannot convert to Plan B because m-lines ' +
                     'without the rtcp-mux attribute were found.'
             if (uLine.type === 'application') {
             // If we don't have a channel for this uLine.type, then use this
             // uLine as the channel basis.
             if (typeof type2bl[uLine.type] === 'undefined') {
                 type2bl[uLine.type] = uLine;
             // Add sources to the channel and handle a=msid.
             if (typeof uLine.sources === 'object') {
                 Object.keys(uLine.sources).forEach(function (ssrc) {
                         if (typeof type2bl[uLine.type].sources !== 'object')
                             type2bl[uLine.type].sources = {};
                         // Assign the sources to the channel.
                         type2bl[uLine.type].sources[ssrc] =
                         if (typeof uLine.msid !== 'undefined') {
                             // In Plan B the msid is an SSRC attribute. Also, we don't
                             // care about the obsolete label and mslabel attributes.
                             // Note that it is not guaranteed that the uLine will
                             // have an msid. recvonly channels in particular don't have
                             // one.
                             type2bl[uLine.type].sources[ssrc].msid =
                         // NOTE ssrcs in ssrc groups will share msids, as
                         // draft-uberti-rtcweb-plan-00 mandates.
             // Add ssrc groups to the channel.
             if (typeof uLine.ssrcGroups !== 'undefined' &&
                 Array.isArray(uLine.ssrcGroups)) {
                 // Create the ssrcGroups array, if it's not defined.
                 if (typeof type2bl[uLine.type].ssrcGroups === 'undefined' || !Array.isArray(type2bl[uLine.type].ssrcGroups
                     )) {
                     type2bl[uLine.type].ssrcGroups = [];
                 type2bl[uLine.type].ssrcGroups =
             if (type2bl[uLine.type] === uLine) {
                 // Copy ICE related stuff from the principal media line.
                 uLine.candidates = media[0].candidates;
                 uLine.iceUfrag = media[0].iceUfrag;
                 uLine.icePwd = media[0].icePwd;
                 uLine.fingerprint = media[0].fingerprint;
                 // Plan B mids are in ['audio', 'video', 'data']
                 uLine.mid = uLine.type;
                 // Plan B doesn't support/need the bundle-only attribute.
                 delete uLine.bundleOnly;
                 // In Plan B the msid is an SSRC attribute.
                 delete uLine.msid;
                 // Used to build the group:BUNDLE value after this loop.
                 // Add the channel to the new media array.
     // We regenerate the BUNDLE group with the new mids.
     session.groups.some(function (group) {
             if (group.type === 'BUNDLE') {
                 group.mids = types.join(' ');
                 return true;
     // msid semantic
     session.msidSemantic = {
         semantic: 'WMS',
         token: '*'
     var resStr = transform.write(session);
     return new RTCSessionDescription({
             type: desc.type,
             sdp: resStr
  * This method transforms a Plan B SDP to an equivalent Unified Plan SDP. A
  * PeerConnection wrapper transforms the SDP to Unified Plan before passing it
  * to FF.
  * @param desc
  * @returns {*}
 Interop.prototype.toUnifiedPlan = function (desc) {
     var self = this;
     //#region Preliminary input validation.
     if (typeof desc !== 'object' || desc === null ||
         typeof desc.sdp !== 'string') {
         console.warn('An empty description was passed as an argument.');
         return desc;
     var session = transform.parse(desc.sdp);
     // If the SDP contains no media, there's nothing to transform.
     if (typeof === 'undefined' || !Array.isArray( || === 0) {
         console.warn('The description has no media.');
         return desc;
     // Try some heuristics to "make sure" this is a Plan B SDP. Plan B SDP has
     // a video, an audio and a data "channel" at most.
     if ( > 3 || ! (m) {
                 return ['video', 'audio', 'data'].indexOf(m.mid) !== -1;
         )) {
         console.warn('This description does not look like Plan B.');
         return desc;
     // Make sure this Plan B SDP can be converted to a Unified Plan SDP.
     var mids = []; (m) {
     var hasBundle = false;
     if (typeof session.groups !== 'undefined' &&
         Array.isArray(session.groups)) {
         hasBundle = session.groups.every(function (g) {
                 return g.type !== 'BUNDLE' ||
                     arrayEquals.apply(g.mids.sort(), [mids.sort()]);
     if (!hasBundle) {
         throw new Error("Cannot convert to Unified Plan because m-lines that" +
             " are not bundled were found."
     //#region Convert from Plan B to Unified Plan.
     // Unfortunately, a Plan B offer/answer doesn't have enough information to
     // rebuild an equivalent Unified Plan offer/answer.
     // For example, if this is a local answer (in Unified Plan style) that we
     // convert to Plan B prior to handing it over to the application (the
     // PeerConnection wrapper called us, for instance, after a successful
     // createAnswer), we want to remember the m-line at which we've seen the
     // (local) SSRC. That's because when the application wants to do call the
     // SLD method, forcing us to do the inverse transformation (from Plan B to
     // Unified Plan), we need to know to which m-line to assign the (local)
     // SSRC. We also need to know all the other m-lines that the original
     // answer had and include them in the transformed answer as well.
     // Another example is if this is a remote offer that we convert to Plan B
     // prior to giving it to the application, we want to remember the mid at
     // which we've seen the (remote) SSRC.
     // In the iteration that follows, we use the cached Unified Plan (if it
     // exists) to assign mids to ssrcs.
     var cached;
     if (typeof this.cache[desc.type] !== 'undefined') {
         cached = transform.parse(this.cache[desc.type]);
     var recvonlySsrcs = {
         audio: {},
         video: {}
     // A helper map that sends mids to m-line objects. We use it later to
     // rebuild the Unified Plan style array.
     var mid2ul = {}; (bLine) {
             if ((typeof bLine.rtcpMux !== 'string' ||
                 bLine.rtcpMux !== 'rtcp-mux') &&
                 bLine.direction !== 'inactive') {
                 throw new Error("Cannot convert to Unified Plan because m-lines " +
                     "without the rtcp-mux attribute were found."
             if (bLine.type === 'application') {
                 mid2ul[bLine.mid] = bLine;
             // With rtcp-mux and bundle all the channels should have the same ICE
             // stuff.
             var sources = bLine.sources;
             var ssrcGroups = bLine.ssrcGroups;
             var candidates = bLine.candidates;
             var iceUfrag = bLine.iceUfrag;
             var icePwd = bLine.icePwd;
             var fingerprint = bLine.fingerprint;
             var port = bLine.port;
             // We'll use the "bLine" object as a prototype for each new "mLine"
             // that we create, but first we need to clean it up a bit.
             delete bLine.sources;
             delete bLine.ssrcGroups;
             delete bLine.candidates;
             delete bLine.iceUfrag;
             delete bLine.icePwd;
             delete bLine.fingerprint;
             delete bLine.port;
             delete bLine.mid;
             // inverted ssrc group map
             var ssrc2group = {};
             if (typeof ssrcGroups !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(ssrcGroups)) {
                 ssrcGroups.forEach(function (ssrcGroup) {
                         // TODO(gp) find out how to receive simulcast with FF. For the
                         // time being, hide it.
                         if (ssrcGroup.semantics === 'SIM') {
                         // XXX This might brake if an SSRC is in more than one group
                         // for some reason.
                         if (typeof ssrcGroup.ssrcs !== 'undefined' &&
                             Array.isArray(ssrcGroup.ssrcs)) {
                             ssrcGroup.ssrcs.forEach(function (ssrc) {
                                     if (typeof ssrc2group[ssrc] === 'undefined') {
                                         ssrc2group[ssrc] = [];
             // ssrc to m-line index.
             var ssrc2ml = {};
             if (typeof sources === 'object') {
                 // Explode the Plan B channel sources with one m-line per source.
                 Object.keys(sources).forEach(function (ssrc) {
                         // The (unified) m-line for this SSRC. We either create it from
                         // scratch or, if it's a grouped SSRC, we re-use a related
                         // mline. In other words, if the source is grouped with another
                         // source, put the two together in the same m-line.
                         var uLine;
                         // We assume here that we are the answerer in the O/A, so any
                         // offers which we translate come from the remote side, while
                         // answers are local. So the check below is to make that we
                         // handle receive-only SSRCs in a special way only if they come
                         // from the remote side.
                         if (desc.type === 'offer') {
                             // We want to detect SSRCs which are used by a remote peer
                             // in an m-line with direction=recvonly (i.e. they are
                             // being used for RTCP only).
                             // This information would have gotten lost if the remote
                             // peer used Unified Plan and their local description was
                             // translated to Plan B. So we use the lack of an MSID
                             // attribute to deduce a "receive only" SSRC.
                             if (!sources[ssrc].msid) {
                                 recvonlySsrcs[bLine.type][ssrc] = sources[ssrc];
                                 // Receive-only SSRCs must not create new m-lines. We
                                 // will assign them to an existing m-line later.
                         if (typeof ssrc2group[ssrc] !== 'undefined' &&
                             Array.isArray(ssrc2group[ssrc])) {
                             ssrc2group[ssrc].some(function (ssrcGroup) {
                                     // ssrcGroup.ssrcs *is* an Array, no need to check
                                     // again here.
                                     return ssrcGroup.ssrcs.some(function (related) {
                                             if (typeof ssrc2ml[related] === 'object') {
                                                 uLine = ssrc2ml[related];
                                                 return true;
                         if (typeof uLine === 'object') {
                             // the m-line already exists. Just add the source.
                             uLine.sources[ssrc] = sources[ssrc];
                             delete sources[ssrc].msid;
                         } else {
                             // Use the "bLine" as a prototype for the "uLine".
                             uLine = Object.create(bLine);
                             ssrc2ml[ssrc] = uLine;
                             if (typeof sources[ssrc].msid !== 'undefined') {
                                 // Assign the msid of the source to the m-line. Note
                                 // that it is not guaranteed that the source will have
                                 // msid. In particular "recvonly" sources don't have an
                                 // msid. Note that "recvonly" is a term only defined
                                 // for m-lines.
                                 uLine.msid = sources[ssrc].msid;
                                 uLine.direction = 'sendrecv';
                                 delete sources[ssrc].msid;
                             // We assign one SSRC per media line.
                             uLine.sources = {};
                             uLine.sources[ssrc] = sources[ssrc];
                             uLine.ssrcGroups = ssrc2group[ssrc];
                             // Use the cached Unified Plan SDP (if it exists) to assign
                             // SSRCs to mids.
                             if (typeof cached !== 'undefined' &&
                                 typeof !== 'undefined' &&
                                 Array.isArray( {
                        (m) {
                                         if (typeof m.sources === 'object') {
                                             Object.keys(m.sources).forEach(function (s) {
                                                     if (s === ssrc) {
                                                         uLine.mid = m.mid;
                             if (typeof uLine.mid === 'undefined') {
                                 // If this is an SSRC that we see for the first time
                                 // assign it a new mid. This is typically the case when
                                 // this method is called to transform a remote
                                 // description for the first time or when there is a
                                 // new SSRC in the remote description because a new
                                 // peer has joined the conference. Local SSRCs should
                                 // have already been added to the map in the toPlanB
                                 // method.
                                 // Because FF generates answers in Unified Plan style,
                                 // we MUST already have a cached answer with all the
                                 // local SSRCs mapped to some m-line/mid.
                                 if (desc.type === 'answer') {
                                     throw new Error("An unmapped SSRC was found.");
                                 uLine.mid = [bLine.type, '-', ssrc].join('');
                             // Include the candidates in the 1st media line.
                             uLine.candidates = candidates;
                             uLine.iceUfrag = iceUfrag;
                             uLine.icePwd = icePwd;
                             uLine.fingerprint = fingerprint;
                             uLine.port = port;
                             mid2ul[uLine.mid] = uLine;
     // Rebuild the media array in the right order and add the missing mLines
     // (missing from the Plan B SDP). = [];
     mids = []; // reuse
     if (desc.type === 'answer') {
         // The media lines in the answer must match the media lines in the
         // offer. The order is important too. Here we assume that Firefox is
         // the answerer, so we merely have to use the reconstructed (unified)
         // answer to update the cached (unified) answer accordingly.
         // In the general case, one would have to use the cached (unified)
         // offer to find the m-lines that are missing from the reconstructed
         // answer, potentially grabbing them from the cached (unified) answer.
         // One has to be careful with this approach because inactive m-lines do
         // not always have an mid, making it tricky (impossible?) to find where
         // exactly and which m-lines are missing from the reconstructed answer.
         for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
             var uLine =[i];
             if (typeof mid2ul[uLine.mid] === 'undefined') {
                 // The mid isn't in the reconstructed (unified) answer.
                 // This is either a (unified) m-line containing a remote
                 // track only, or a (unified) m-line containing a remote
                 // track and a local track that has been removed.
                 // In either case, it MUST exist in the cached
                 // (unified) answer.
                 // In case this is a removed local track, clean-up
                 // the (unified) m-line and make sure it's 'recvonly' or
                 // 'inactive'.
                 delete uLine.msid;
                 delete uLine.sources;
                 delete uLine.ssrcGroups;
                 if (!uLine.direction
                     || uLine.direction === 'sendrecv')
                     uLine.direction = 'recvonly';
                 else if (uLine.direction === 'sendonly')
                     uLine.direction = 'inactive';
             } else {
                 // This is an (unified) m-line/channel that contains a local
                 // track (sendrecv or sendonly channel) or it's a unified
                 // recvonly m-line/channel. In either case, since we're
                 // going from PlanB -> Unified Plan this m-line MUST
                 // exist in the cached answer.
             if (typeof uLine.mid === 'string') {
                 // inactive lines don't/may not have an mid.
     } else {
         // SDP offer/answer (and the JSEP spec) forbids removing an m-section
         // under any circumstances. If we are no longer interested in sending a
         // track, we just remove the msid and ssrc attributes and set it to
         // either a=recvonly (as the reofferer, we must use recvonly if the
         // other side was previously sending on the m-section, but we can also
         // leave the possibility open if it wasn't previously in use), or
         // a=inactive.
         if (typeof cached !== 'undefined' &&
             typeof !== 'undefined' &&
             Array.isArray( {
    (uLine) {
                     if (typeof mid2ul[uLine.mid] !== 'undefined') {
                     } else {
                         delete uLine.msid;
                         delete uLine.sources;
                         delete uLine.ssrcGroups;
                         if (!uLine.direction
                             || uLine.direction === 'sendrecv')
                             uLine.direction = 'recvonly';
                         if (!uLine.direction
                             || uLine.direction === 'sendonly')
                             uLine.direction = 'inactive';
         // Add all the remaining (new) m-lines of the transformed SDP.
         Object.keys(mid2ul).forEach(function (mid) {
                 if (mids.indexOf(mid) === -1) {
                     if (mid2ul[mid].direction === 'recvonly') {
                         // This is a remote recvonly channel. Add its SSRC to the
                         // appropriate sendrecv or sendonly channel.
                         // TODO(gp) what if we don't have sendrecv/sendonly
                         // channel?
                (uLine) {
                                 if ((uLine.direction === 'sendrecv' ||
                                     uLine.direction === 'sendonly') &&
                                     uLine.type === mid2ul[mid].type) {
                                     // mid2ul[mid] shouldn't have any ssrc-groups
                                         function (ssrc) {
                                             uLine.sources[ssrc] =
                                     return true;
                     } else {
     // After we have constructed the Plan Unified m-lines we can figure out
     // where (in which m-line) to place the 'recvonly SSRCs'.
     // Note: we assume here that we are the answerer in the O/A, so any offers
     // which we translate come from the remote side, while answers are local
     // (and so our last local description is cached as an 'answer').
     ["audio", "video"].forEach(function (type) {
             if (!session || ! || !Array.isArray(
             var idx = null;
             if (Object.keys(recvonlySsrcs[type]).length > 0) {
                 idx = self.getFirstSendingIndexFromAnswer(type);
                 if (idx === null) {
                     // If this is the first offer we receive, we don't have a
                     // cached answer. Assume that we will be sending media using
                     // the first m-line for each media type.
                     for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
                         if ([i].type === type) {
                             idx = i;
             if (idx && > idx) {
                 var mLine =[idx];
                 Object.keys(recvonlySsrcs[type]).forEach(function (ssrc) {
                         if (mLine.sources && mLine.sources[ssrc]) {
                             console.warn("Replacing an existing SSRC.");
                         if (!mLine.sources) {
                             mLine.sources = {};
                         mLine.sources[ssrc] = recvonlySsrcs[type][ssrc];
     // We regenerate the BUNDLE group (since we regenerated the mids)
     session.groups.some(function (group) {
             if (group.type === 'BUNDLE') {
                 group.mids = mids.join(' ');
                 return true;
     // msid semantic
     session.msidSemantic = {
         semantic: 'WMS',
         token: '*'
     var resStr = transform.write(session);
     // Cache the transformed SDP (Unified Plan) for later re-use in this
     // function.
     this.cache[desc.type] = resStr;
     return new RTCSessionDescription({
             type: desc.type,
             sdp: resStr
  * Copyright(c) Starleaf Ltd. 2016.
 "use strict";
 var transform = require('../transform');
 module.exports = function (desc, cache) {
     if (typeof desc !== 'object' || desc === null ||
         typeof desc.sdp !== 'string') {
         console.warn('An empty description was passed as an argument.');
         return desc;
     // Objectify the SDP for easier manipulation.
     var session = transform.parse(desc.sdp);
     // If the SDP contains no media, there's nothing to transform.
     if (typeof === 'undefined' || !Array.isArray( || === 0) {
         console.warn('The description has no media.');
         return desc;
     // Try some heuristics to "make sure" this is a Unified Plan SDP. Plan B
     // SDP has a video, an audio and a data "channel" at most.
     if ( <= 3 && (m) {
             return ['video', 'audio', 'data'].indexOf(m.mid) !== -1;
         })) {
         console.warn('This description does not look like Unified Plan.');
         return desc;
     // HACK
     var rewrite = false;
     for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
         var uLine =[i];
         uLine.rtp.forEach(function (rtp) {
             if (rtp.codec === 'NULL') {
                 rewrite = true;
                 var offer = transform.parse(cache.local);
                 rtp.codec =[i].rtp[0].codec;
     if (rewrite) {
         desc.sdp = transform.write(session);
     // Unified Plan SDP is our "precious". Cache it for later use in the Plan B
     // -> Unified Plan transformation.
     //#region Convert from Unified Plan to Plan B.
     // We rebuild the array.
     var media =; = [];
     // Associative array that maps channel types to channel objects for fast
     // access to channel objects by their type, e.g. type2bl['audio']->channel
     // obj.
     var type2bl = {};
     // Used to build the group:BUNDLE value after the channels construction
     // loop.
     var types = [];
     // Implode the Unified Plan m-lines/tracks into Plan B channels.
     media.forEach(function (uLine, index) {
         // If we don't have a channel for this uLine.type, then use this
         // uLine as the channel basis.
         if (typeof type2bl[uLine.type] === 'undefined') {
             type2bl[uLine.type] = uLine;
         if (uLine.port === 0) {
             if (index > 1 && uLine.type !== 'data') { //it's a secondary video stream - drop without further ado
             else {
                 delete uLine.mid;
                 uLine.mid = uLine.type;
         if (uLine.type === 'application') {
         // Add sources to the channel and handle a=msid.
         if (typeof uLine.sources === 'object') {
             Object.keys(uLine.sources).forEach(function (ssrc) {
                 if (typeof type2bl[uLine.type].sources !== 'object')
                     type2bl[uLine.type].sources = {};
                 // Assign the sources to the channel.
                 type2bl[uLine.type].sources[ssrc] =
                 if (typeof uLine.msid !== 'undefined') {
                     // In Plan B the msid is an SSRC attribute. Also, we don't
                     // care about the obsolete label and mslabel attributes.
                     // Note that it is not guaranteed that the uLine will
                     // have an msid. recvonly channels in particular don't have
                     // one.
                     type2bl[uLine.type].sources[ssrc].msid =
                 // NOTE ssrcs in ssrc groups will share msids, as
                 // draft-uberti-rtcweb-plan-00 mandates.
         // Add ssrc groups to the channel.
         if (typeof uLine.ssrcGroups !== 'undefined' &&
             Array.isArray(uLine.ssrcGroups)) {
             // Create the ssrcGroups array, if it's not defined.
             if (typeof type2bl[uLine.type].ssrcGroups === 'undefined' || !Array.isArray(
                     type2bl[uLine.type].ssrcGroups)) {
                 type2bl[uLine.type].ssrcGroups = [];
             type2bl[uLine.type].ssrcGroups =
         if (type2bl[uLine.type] === uLine) {
             // Copy ICE related stuff from the principal media line.
             uLine.candidates = media[0].candidates;
             uLine.iceUfrag = media[0].iceUfrag;
             uLine.icePwd = media[0].icePwd;
             uLine.fingerprint = media[0].fingerprint;
             // Plan B mids are in ['audio', 'video', 'data']
             uLine.mid = uLine.type;
             // Plan B doesn't support/need the bundle-only attribute.
             delete uLine.bundleOnly;
             // In Plan B the msid is an SSRC attribute.
             delete uLine.msid;
             // Used to build the group:BUNDLE value after this loop.
             // Add the channel to the new media array.
     // We regenerate the BUNDLE group with the new mids.
     session.groups.some(function (group) {
         if (group.type === 'BUNDLE') {
             group.mids = types.join(' ');
             return true;
     // msid semantic
     session.msidSemantic = {
         semantic: 'WMS',
         token: '*'
     var resStr = transform.write(session);
     return new window.RTCSessionDescription({
         type: desc.type,
         sdp: resStr
  * Copyright(c) Starleaf Ltd. 2016.
 "use strict";
 var transform = require('../transform');
 var arrayEquals = require('../array-equals');
 var copyObj = function (obj) {
     return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
 module.exports = function (desc, cache) {
     if (typeof desc !== 'object' || desc === null ||
         typeof desc.sdp !== 'string') {
         console.warn('An empty description was passed as an argument.');
         return desc;
     var session = transform.parse(desc.sdp);
     // If the SDP contains no media, there's nothing to transform.
     if (typeof === 'undefined' || !Array.isArray( || === 0) {
         console.warn('The description has no media.');
         return desc;
     // Try some heuristics to "make sure" this is a Plan B SDP. Plan B SDP has
     // a video, an audio and a data "channel" at most.
     if ( > 3 || ! (m) {
                 return ['video', 'audio', 'data'].indexOf(m.mid) !== -1;
         )) {
         console.warn('This description does not look like Plan B.');
         return desc;
     // Make sure this Plan B SDP can be converted to a Unified Plan SDP.
     var bmids = []; (m) {
             if(m.port !== 0) { //ignore disabled streams, these can be removed from the bundle
     var hasBundle = false;
     if (typeof session.groups !== 'undefined' &&
         Array.isArray(session.groups)) {
         hasBundle = session.groups.every(function (g) {
                 return g.type !== 'BUNDLE' ||
                     arrayEquals.apply(g.mids.sort(), [bmids.sort()]);
     if (!hasBundle) {
         throw new Error("Cannot convert to Unified Plan because m-lines that" +
             " are not bundled were found."
     var localRef = null;
     if (typeof cache.local !== 'undefined')
         localRef = transform.parse(cache.local);
     var remoteRef = null;
     if (typeof cache.remote !== 'undefined')
         remoteRef = transform.parse(cache.remote);
     var mLines = []; (bLine, index, lines) {
         var uLine;
         var ssrc;
         /*if ((typeof bLine.rtcpMux !== 'string' ||
             bLine.rtcpMux !== 'rtcp-mux') &&
             bLine.direction !== 'inactive') {
             throw new Error("Cannot convert to Unified Plan because m-lines " +
                 "without the rtcp-mux attribute were found.");
         if(bLine.port === 0) {
             // change the mid to the last used mid for this media type, for consistency
             if(localRef !== null && > index) {
                 bLine.mid =[index].mid;
         // if we're offering to recv-only on chrome, we won't have any ssrcs at all
         if (!bLine.sources) {
             uLine = copyObj(bLine);
             uLine.sources = {};
             uLine.mid = uLine.type + "-" + 1;
         var sources = bLine.sources || null;
         if (!sources) {
             throw new Error("can't convert to unified plan - each m-line must have an ssrc");
         var ssrcGroups = bLine.ssrcGroups || [];
         bLine.rtcp.port = bLine.port;
         var sourcesKeys = Object.keys(sources);
         if (sourcesKeys.length === 0) {
         else if (sourcesKeys.length == 1) {
             ssrc = sourcesKeys[0];
             uLine = copyObj(bLine);
             uLine.mid = uLine.type + "-" + ssrc;
         else {
             //we might need to split this line
             delete bLine.sources;
             delete bLine.ssrcGroups;
             ssrcGroups.forEach(function (ssrcGroup) {
                 //update in use ssrcs so we don't accidentally override it
                 var primary = ssrcGroup.ssrcs[0];
                 //use the first ssrc as the main ssrc for this m-line;
                 var copyLine = copyObj(bLine);
                 copyLine.sources = {};
                 copyLine.sources[primary] = sources[primary];
                 copyLine.mid = copyLine.type + "-" + primary;
     if (desc.type === 'offer') {
         if (localRef) {
             // you can never remove media streams from SDP.
             while (mLines.length < {
                 var copyline =[mLines.length];
                 copyline.port = 0;
     else {
         //if we're answering, if the browser accepted the transformed plan b we passed it,
         //then we're implicitly accepting every stream.
         //Check all the offers mlines - if we're missing one, we need to add it to our unified plan in recvOnly.
         //in this case the far end will need to dynamically determine our real SSRC for the RTCP stream,
         //as chrome won't tell us!
         if (remoteRef === undefined) {
             throw Error("remote cache required to generate answer?");
         }, index) {
             if(index < mLines.length) {
                 // the line is already present in the plan-b, so will be handled correctly by the browser;
             if(remoteline.mid === undefined) {
                 console.warn("remote sdp has undefined mid attribute");
             if(remoteline.port === 0) {
                 var disabledline = {};
                 disabledline.port = 0;
                 disabledline.type = remoteline.type;
                 disabledline.protocol = remoteline.protocol;
                 disabledline.payloads = remoteline.payloads;
                 disabledline.mid = remoteline.mid;
                 if(!session.connection) {
                     if(mLines[0].connection) {
                         disabledline.connection = copyObj(mLines[0].connection);
                     } else {
                         throw Error("missing connection attribute from sdp");
                 } else {
                     disabledline.connection = copyObj(session.connection);
                 disabledline.connection.ip = "";
                 console.log("added disabled m line to the media");
             else {
                 for(var i = 0; i < mLines.length; i ++) {
                     var typeref = mLines[i];
                     //check if we have any lines of the same type in the current answer to
                     // build this new line from.
                     if(typeref.type === remoteline.type) {
                         var linecopy = copyObj(typeref);
                         linecopy.mid = remoteline.mid;
                         linecopy.direction = "recvonly";
     } = mLines;
     var mids = []; (mLine) {
     session.groups.some(function (group) {
             if (group.type === 'BUNDLE') {
                 group.mids = mids.join(' ');
                 return true;
     // msid semantic
     session.msidSemantic = {
         semantic: 'WMS',
         token: '*'
     var resStr = transform.write(session);
     return new window.RTCSessionDescription({
             type: desc.type,
             sdp: resStr
 /* Copyright @ 2015 Atlassian Pty Ltd
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 var transform = require('sdp-transform');
 exports.write = function(session, opts) {
   if (typeof session !== 'undefined' &&
       typeof !== 'undefined' &&
       Array.isArray( { (mLine) {
       // expand sources to ssrcs
       if (typeof mLine.sources !== 'undefined' &&
         Object.keys(mLine.sources).length !== 0) {
           mLine.ssrcs = [];
           Object.keys(mLine.sources).forEach(function (ssrc) {
             var source = mLine.sources[ssrc];
             Object.keys(source).forEach(function (attribute) {
                 id: ssrc,
                 attribute: attribute,
                 value: source[attribute]
           delete mLine.sources;
       // join ssrcs in ssrc groups
       if (typeof mLine.ssrcGroups !== 'undefined' &&
         Array.isArray(mLine.ssrcGroups)) {
           mLine.ssrcGroups.forEach(function (ssrcGroup) {
             if (typeof ssrcGroup.ssrcs !== 'undefined' &&
                 Array.isArray(ssrcGroup.ssrcs)) {
               ssrcGroup.ssrcs = ssrcGroup.ssrcs.join(' ');
   // join group mids
   if (typeof session !== 'undefined' &&
       typeof session.groups !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(session.groups)) {
     session.groups.forEach(function (g) {
       if (typeof g.mids !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(g.mids)) {
         g.mids = g.mids.join(' ');
   return transform.write(session, opts);
 exports.parse = function(sdp) {
   var session = transform.parse(sdp);
   if (typeof session !== 'undefined' && typeof !== 'undefined' &&
       Array.isArray( { (mLine) {
       // group sources attributes by ssrc
       if (typeof mLine.ssrcs !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(mLine.ssrcs)) {
         mLine.sources = {};
         mLine.ssrcs.forEach(function (ssrc) {
           if (!mLine.sources[])
           mLine.sources[] = {};
         mLine.sources[][ssrc.attribute] = ssrc.value;
         delete mLine.ssrcs;
       // split ssrcs in ssrc groups
       if (typeof mLine.ssrcGroups !== 'undefined' &&
         Array.isArray(mLine.ssrcGroups)) {
           mLine.ssrcGroups.forEach(function (ssrcGroup) {
             if (typeof ssrcGroup.ssrcs === 'string') {
               ssrcGroup.ssrcs = ssrcGroup.ssrcs.split(' ');
   // split group mids
   if (typeof session !== 'undefined' &&
       typeof session.groups !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(session.groups)) {
     session.groups.forEach(function (g) {
       if (typeof g.mids === 'string') {
         g.mids = g.mids.split(' ');
   return session;