  *  Copyright (C) 2021  Double Bastion LLC
  *  This file is part of Roundpin, which is licensed under the
  *  GNU Affero General Public License Version 3.0. The license terms
  *  are detailed in the "LICENSE.txt" file located in the root directory.
 define('RESTRICTED', TRUE);
 include 'install-signup-check.php';
 if ($installcheck == true) {
  if ($_SESSION['instcompleteaccess'] == "instaccess") {
          $currentdomain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
          $messagetouser = '<h4 style="text-align: center;">Roundpin has been successfully installed !</h4><div style="font-size:17px";>You can use the
                            administrator username and password that you have just set up to login to Roundpin here:
                            <p><a href="https://'.$currentdomain.'/roundpin-login.php" target="_blank"><font style="color: #0082c9">
                            If you want to run the installation process again, edit the <font style="font-family: Courier;
                            font-weight: bold;">install-signup-check.php</font> file and change
                            <br><br><font style="font-family: Courier; font-weight: bold;">$installcheck = false;</font><br>to<br>
                            <font style="font-family: Courier; font-weight: bold;">$installcheck = true;</font><br><br></div>';
          // Change $installcheck from 'true' to 'false'
          $setupflcontent = file('install-signup-check.php');
          foreach ($setupflcontent as $flkey => $flvalue) {
                if (strpos($flvalue, "\$installcheck") !== false) {
                    $replacestr = str_replace("true", "false", $flvalue);
                    $setupflcontent[$flkey] = $replacestr;
          $finalfilecontent = implode("", $setupflcontent);
          file_put_contents('install-signup-check.php', $finalfilecontent);
          $_SESSION['instcompleteaccess'] = "denyinstaccess";
   <title>Roundpin Setup</title>
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/setup.min.css">
   <div id="mainarea">
     <img class="logosetuppage" src="images/login-logo.svg" />
     <h3 style="text-align:center;">Roundpin Setup</h3><br>
     <img class="setupStage" src="images/roundpin-setup-stages-3.svg" />
     <?php echo $messagetouser; ?>