  *  Copyright (C) 2021  Double Bastion LLC
  *  This file is part of Roundpin, which is licensed under the
  *  GNU Affero General Public License Version 3.0. The license terms
  *  are detailed in the "LICENSE.txt" file located in the root directory.
 $retrievedToken = $_GET['token'];
 if (($retrievedToken != '') && (strlen($retrievedToken) == 55)) {
   define('ACCESSCONST', TRUE);
     // Find the user who has a token identical with the one retrieved from the link that has been clicked
     $registered = 0;
     $enabled = 1;
     $query0 = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT id, username, emailaddress, registered, token, temporarypass, enabled FROM app_users WHERE registered=? AND token=? AND enabled=?");
     $query0->bind_param("isi", $registered, $retrievedToken, $enabled);
     $fetchedrow = $query0->get_result()->fetch_assoc();
     if (!$fetchedrow) {
         exit("Error !");
     } else {
         $userID = $fetchedrow['id'];
         $userName = $fetchedrow['username'];
         $tempPassword = $fetchedrow['temporarypass'];
         $useremail = $fetchedrow['emailaddress'];
         $query1 = $mysqli->query("UPDATE app_users SET registered = '1', token = '', temporarypass = '' WHERE id = '$userID'");
         header("Location: new-email-message.php");
         // Send the new email
         $domaininit = explode(".", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
         $domain = implode(".", $domaininit);
         $reqHost = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
         // Mention the content-type, since it's an HTML email
         $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
         $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8" . "\r\n";
         $headers .= "From: " . "no-reply@" . $domain . "\r\n";
         $subject = "Roundpin account access";
         $message = "Hello, <br><br>
                     You can log in to your Roundpin account using the following credentials:<br><br>
                     username:  <b>".$userName."</b><br>
                     password:  <b>".$tempPassword."</b><br><br>
                     We highly recommend to change the password provided in this email with a new strong password. After you log in to Roundpin, click on the 'Account Settings'
                     wheel, click on 'Configure Account', then click on the 'Change Password' tab; enter your current password and a new password of at least 10 characters,
                     containing at least one letter, one digit and one special character.<br><br>
                     Thank you,<br>
                     Host: '" . $reqHost . "'";
         mail($useremail, $subject, $message, $headers);